What the fuck is this it wont go away its been months. Is there a bug in my foot?

What the fuck is this it wont go away its been months. Is there a bug in my foot?

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Foot cancer. It looks advanced. Rip

Planters wart

Plantar wart
Its ok, i dug mine out with a kitchen knife and nail clippers. Hurts so good.

Like everyone has said, it is a planter's wart. It has a very deep root so either freeze it off or deal with having repetitively remove the growth of which you will have to "dig deep" every time till it stops growing. Though pick it off a bunch of times may spread it.

Planters wart. Go to a dermatologist, don’t dig it out with a knife like a retard.

>go see a specialist dont be a retard
Um user im not sure you have any fucking clue what constitutes being a retard
Why the fuck would he spend thousands going to a specialist when he could just dig it out at home himself?

Go to a dermatologist if you can. Otherwise, you can use a match. Light the match, blow it out, then apply the match head to the surface.

Mine went away after I scribbled over it with a permanent marker a few times. I was like 10

tip, if it was a bug like the bot fly maggot one way to get it out would be to slap some tape over the hole, that way it can't breathe

ya plantars wart. mine was painful as fuck and super deep. doc froze it three times with no effect. then they gave me these little pads that killed the skin in the area and after a few days i sanitized some tweezers and nail clippers and cut my way to sweet relief. i think it looked like a little yellowish pebble if i remember correctly. personally I'd just ask for the pads right off the bat. had an two months of agony for no reason in my case.

plantars wart. my gf had them and I will tell you how she got rid of them even though you won't believe me, so just look online after you read this.

she would by eggplants, slice them into a piece large enough to cover the spot on her foot. then she'd like tape them to the foot where the wart was and wear a sock so it wouldn't slip off in the night. then each morning you could see a little brown spot where the eggplant sucked out some of the wart. she kept doing this each night until it was sucked out of the foot completely. no doctors. no cutting your foot open. check it out I'm not making it up.

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salicylic acid. cover with duct tape. leave for a few days. dig out with knife.

Plantar warts, like everyone else said. You can buy a pumice stone to debride the callus and then apply 40% salicylic acid pads. If that doesn’t do it you can go to your local podiatry they can use stronger acids like tca or mca or they’ll use liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart.

soak in warm/hot water for at least 30 min. If something is in there, bug or splinter it will start moving....do you live in a area where there's bot flys?

this worked for me

A landmine would also remove this, quite efficiently.

Ive had mine for over 15 years. Have fun with remowing it

Im op. When I was sick with a horrible fever as a child my moms old lady friend cut up potatoes and put them in my socks to try and rid the fever. Ended up alnost dying from that shit kek Im not saying what you said won't work but it just reminded me of that. Thank you guys

I miss zunechan. Her cunt was perfect

Cut around it with a knife after letting it grow out a little bit then grab it and pull the whole thing out with the root. It will hurt like a bitch but it worked for me and has never returned.

>Americans health care at its finest.
Because it's free here and specialist doesn't hurt because they have tools, experience and knowledge to deal with it properly. Those things never go away anyway. It's a form of hpv and you're always infected with it.

Maybe if I had a bunch of beer or something to help the pain I'll give it a whack. Can't I just dig into the hole with tweezers and yank it out if I try hard enough?

can i buy your gf's socks

Planters warts are a form of hpv whhaat? I call bullshit

knife it

BUT it might be some form of cancer and cutting it would spread the cancer through out your body.

No. Buy some Dr. Scholl's wart remover. Use it for a week or two and it'll chew the skin around the wart adequately enough where you can use a knife/nail clippers to remove the skin and the wart. It will fucking hurt bad but for some reason its good


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this worked for me

It's a planters wart

Someone post it.
>for the advancement of muh sciences.

>Its ok, i dug mine out

Not true, if you dig far enough you can remove it. Just follow a blueish vessel and remove as much of it as you can. Real blood vessels are red, so the blue ones are the cancer spreading.

cute feet post more

I have a couple of those on one of my feets, I've never worried about it

I googled it. Not half bad tbf.

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>soak a small cotton pad in apple vinegar and cover with duct tape. Let the wart soak with vinegar for a couple of days until it gets black and you can scrub it off. Change the pad daily. It will hurt after a while but you will kill the wart. Thank me later.

Its a button. Press to accelerate

It’s a vagina. Change your gender identity immediately.

If you cant get rid of it why would you go to the doctor? By the way, salicylic acid for 3 days and then digging it out costs $10 and is pain free, but what the fuck do i know right? Also way to go champ, cant stop thinking about America no matter what you do huh? Better go reinforce your bias with dipshit memes you stupid fuck.

Had those (plantar warts) for a long time tried a lot of acid/freezing and they kept coming back. Then I tried putting Dandelion sap on it and it went away quick and painless. Something about that kills other roots to make the Dandelion intrude and works on warts. Haven't seen them in years.

Parasitic wasp, you need to pierce it with a glowing hot sewing needle and wiggle to get all the eggs before they hatch.

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its a wart, keep cutting it away. A doc might freeze it aswell. If you dont want/cant go to a doctor freeze it yourself with dry ice.

I am acctually talking from expirience lol, dont worry its treated easily like I said above.

Go to a beauty clinic and get them to zap it with a hair removing epilight laser. You may need to do it two or three times, but it will end up turning black and then doing up and falling off. Works with warts and verucas.

keep asking a bunch of tards on an animu trap board for medical advice

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i once had a "4" (cuatro) number on my foot

also. you can contaminate other people and yourself.
being that its onder your foot you must wear something on your foot if you use showers at the gym or somewhere public, crocs or waterproof flip flops. its the flakes that contamitate. so if you try to cut it away, dont step in the skin flakes. i had 10 warts on the front part of my thumb once.
doctor freezing works wonders.

You have a foot wart you absolute mongoloid.

shit i have one of those since I was a kid. I've probably picked at it and ripped it off thousands of times by now. Good to know what it's called, thanks dud

>10 warts on my thumb

Oh god it must have looked like sweetcorn! *Urp* I'm gonna be sick.

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cute feet

planters wart is planted

Use Compound W gell if you're in 'murica, I had them really bad once but it cleared it all up.

>Compound W

Is that from the same product line as preparation H and agent orange?

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>a fucking WART

Why are lards like this?