My roommate is dressing as a woman, wants to be called she, and I just found a hairy leg razor in my bathroom...

My roommate is dressing as a woman, wants to be called she, and I just found a hairy leg razor in my bathroom. What the fuck do I do?

He doesn't pass even slightly, btw

Attached: nope.gif (843x613, 569K)

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If it's your place, look for another roommate . If it's his find another place to live .

Burn the house down and leave.

Attached: 171336.jpg (210x295, 17K)

40% chance they leave on their own. Consider it your own 3/5 compromise


Maybe dont be ignorant and embrace her? faggot

hello faggot

first the first, say to him/her to keep higiene over all things, clean your razors and throw them when finish using them, then second; does it bothers you that much to be around a trans dude? then ask him to leave or you leave, but don't make a problem out of this, he's your friend try to adapt for him/her, and if he gets surgery you can touch her big tiddies and ask for a bj later.

first the first, say to him/her to keep higiene over all things, clean your razors and throw them when finish using them, then second; does it bothers you that much to be around a trans dude? then ask him to leave or you leave, but don't make a problem out of this, he's your friend try to adapt for him/her, and if he gets surgery you can touch her big tiddies and ask for a bj later. peace

Basically this.

he's at a much higher risk of suicide now, just wait a while OP, nature will take care of it.

Let the thing be, but don't take any attention whoring shit like having to give it special treatment.

Make him do all the cooking and cleaning.

this thread is useless without pics of the roomate

Attached: 1456003125732.jpg (422x750, 92K)

I'd fuck him.

Attached: fat bastard2.jpg (380x380, 17K)

Treat him with the same level of respect that you did before but refuse to acknowledge his so called change. He was a man before, he's still a man.

Just got here. Funniest shit I've seen all day.
Take this mans advice and make sure your roommate is inside and sleeping first.

Attached: 08457358.jpg (500x332, 21K)

>tfw people who get hugboxed look like this

Attached: le.png (432x513, 83K)

Accept her for who she is. Show some kindness and human decency for once, you neckbeard.
play that track

>tfw 80% of people who think they pass look like this

Attached: lol.png (489x637, 129K)

Kill it with fire, or nuke it from orbit.

Force them into a life as a sex slave


not your choice. Why would u be rude to him

rape is the only solution

*50% as of recently

The kind thing to do is be supportive about their identity and sense of self. If they have habits that bother you tell them.