Now that we're all seeing the president is clearly a liar, I'm starting to see a pattern with his supporters

Now that we're all seeing the president is clearly a liar, I'm starting to see a pattern with his supporters.

It seems a significant portion of Trump's constituency has NPD. Is it in poor taste of the left or "snowflakes" to make fun of people who clearly have a mental disability?

NPD is a recognized condition in the DSM-V and I think this is actually along the lines of calling a mentally handicapped person retarded.

This could make you, as a snowflake making fun of a person with NPD, liable for violating the ADA or Americans with Disabilities act.

Don't turn into the right and succumb to name calling, let's be better than that people.

Let the facts that are coming out speak for themselves.

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Still your president, snowflake.

It's one thing to accuse someone of having a disorder. It's another when you point at everyone you don't like, and erroneously declare them dysfunctional.

I don't think the majority of his followers have NPD.

One problem with your argument

Trump is the only honest president
He hasYet to lie at all

LOL Oh boy.

>Now that we're all seeing the president is clearly a liar
Prove it bitch ass. You are suffering from cognitive dissonance

OP here.

You should reread my statement. It says, "a significant portion".

Not sure how you got "everyone I don't like" from that, but ok.

Actually it's sad because my good friend is suffering from this and we can't have real conversation anymore.

He'll watch some fake news, talk about it like Ben Shapiro for 3 hours and when it comes out that what he is saying (read parroting from fake news) is fake he just turns into a clown or goes into denial.

It's like watching a bunch of children, the truth.

3 years of your seething and screeching down, 5 to go.

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All wrong
It's dems that are mentally ill

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The 3 D's


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I say again: It's one thing to accuse someone of having a disorder. It's another when you point at everyone you don't like, and erroneously declare them dysfunctional. Everyone you don't like would be that very same significant portion. Your very first sentence makes it clear that you don't like liars who are clearly lying, aka someone with NPD, aka POTUS. You're starting to see a pattern with his supporters, and you're saying we're all seeing that the president is clearly a liar.

Childlike behavior does not equal NPD. Anecdotes rarely serve as sufficient evidence to make claims as strong as the one you've made. And I have to say that, for all of my time under the current administration, I haven't seen a pattern with his supporters that suggest NPD.

Be honest. A significant portion of 3 million isn't 2000 people. If 2.5 million people were just like Trump, don't you think things would be much worse? I haven't seen that yet.

You are fucking insane
This is your side
Own this / defend this then some debate is possible

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That describes every human being I've ever know

We need to abolish presidential term limits by 2024 or country is fucked

Don't forget the dems did this

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Trump 2024

OP is a faggot

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With that being said, what do you think the ratio of Trump supporters with NPD vs the left with NPD is?

The dems have yet to apologize for kaperniick promoting hate for our troops

stop being a nigger

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also describe almost every President ....
Clinton? Obama?
You need to be NPD to want that job

I'd argue that there's probably a roughly similar distribution across the board. However, I have to imagine that it's easier for someone with NPD to thrive in the "right" environment.

We're talking about decimals of difference here, though. Partisanship of any kind is a hotbed for certain personalities.

well the article doesn't say "indoctrinating your children at a gay festival is the Canadian way". It says kids are able to see what's going on and move along.

Like regular people do.

That was a b8 post. Trump fans legitimately suffer from some derangement

forgot the reply to this

I wonder about the psychology of the type of person who makes these threads.

Thank you for aborting your children

our impeached president lolol

>What's that? Shillary's under investigation?

Don't worry

They all eventually suicide

Death rates for liberal suicide is 35 percent and rising

By election day it will be 50 percent. Just not being reported on by media

This is your brain on dogma.

The type that supports this

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Both sides argument is "no, u"

Plz die in fire. All of you

Clinton's murdered and pimp out kids. Are you saying all of those people where murderous pedophiles?

We done sir!!!!

>don't turn into the right
Fuck you Trump had last minute campaigns in 2016 to promote himself in the states where the higherups were voted by the left. Since USA is a monarchy and not a democracy (there's no direct representative of the citizens because popular votes don't mean anything) the left voted Trump to get free shit. There's a big subgroup of humans who vote people to get free stuff and their vote matters if it's part of the higherups.

Left wing politics promote equality between races including the zionists. Right wing politics promote conservatism and it's ran by white jews and white puppets, that are also zionists. There is no left vs right. Both sides are ran by the same people. It's just different coating.

Your welcome. Michael Moore needs the gas chamber

So does Warren

I suspect you're "right" about that!

Donald Trump has not lied ONCE since his inauguration. Has he misspoken? Yes. Has he been wrong? Sure. But lied? No. Prove me wrong.

And re-elected.

You can Reeeeeee the night of Nov 3rd you emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard

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>acts like Obama wasn't a narcissist

I sure do hope you're trolling. If not, you're stupid.

A woman will never be president

Really the only honest president ever in the history of this country

Should've never given them the right to vote user

Basically this article is encouraging the assination of Bernie if he gets nomination

>the mayo clinic
>still getting medical information from condiment hospital

If Patti Smith ran for president, I'd vote for her.

>this is bait
>you're retarded
>you're a faggot
And yet nobody gives a proper response because there's no counter argument. Is this how people in denial cope with the truth?

>the left voted Trump to get free shit
>white jews
>white puppets

>there's no counter argument
There's also no argument. Just a lot of conspiratorial ranting.

Trumps rally on the right

Obama on left

Media is always lying and will burn

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>source: dude trust me

She had a song
In her second book she admits it was her favorite

Rock and Roll nigger

You beautiful rasist
Thank you for hating niggers

Hating blacks isn't easy user

>Orange man bad

it hurts my feewies if bad Orange Man had a lot of people at his inauguration.

Attached: !crywithtrump.jpg (768x768, 89K)

It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.

He has always been a liar and a waste of human flesh. You tRumptards that got in office need to sterilized or euthanized for NOT realizing he was a lying piece of shit

>autistic screeching

3 years of your seething down, 5 to go you pathetic loser.

It's just fun to poke the ribs of those who slide into Cred Forums and try to insert political garbage day in and day out.

75% of his statements are PROVEN lies. It' just tRumptards like you the don't realize what a fucking liar he is

>hating niggers
Well, that's wrong.

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What kind of faggot votes for Bernie?

They are not actually human. It's pretty easy

This a lie. It's either that or you don't know the definition of the word "lie".

Term limits are gone in 2021
Trump already said he will be 16 year president

Nigger hate thread
Why didn't you say so

Figures, stormfags have to try and ruin what it meant to be punk again.

Self hating white defends a different species

Average I. Q. Is 62...same as adult chimpanzee

Not open to debate

This is the real number

Won't admit Patti Smith was a racist
Fucking hilarious

He's been lying for years, he lied about how many floors his building has.

Quit revising history.

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>t. Fell for the divide-and-conquer narrative being pushed by the elites
You're the reason we're gonna live a real-life1984 soon

Attached: Kill Yourself.gif (412x206, 522K)

This is why everyone in the United States is praying for the death of

Ruth Bator ginsberg

denies opportunity to prove it.
colossal level of faggotry by shareblue

I saw her play four times
Smarten up
Storm fags listen to hardcore not her

Then why are these toadies trying to ape something into their movement?

Just kids

She's racist as hell
Nigger drug dealer killed her friend

Make sense, brain stem.

Because their side needs to burn
Pick a side
Choose wisely

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Read her books
Not one sentence from rolling Stone interview. Her damage control

>conspiratorial ranting
Because everything in this world is at face value right? There's no hidden agendas in this world. People are angels by default right?
Lets advise all countries including USA to move their embassy to Israel so it can be recognized as a country. Lets support Israel using USA's funds. Remember that yahoo email you probably got for a lawsuit against the company? I hope you're from the USA or Israel in order to get some compensation for the case. Also enjoy your yearly new years nazi documentary on various channels. Don't forget the holocaust despite legal cases actively working to question if there's any details that are exaggerated.

I bet none of you know about the Torah, the temples on the Holy Land, or Judaism in general. All you guys know about is Christianity and Islam with crusades and terrorists.

Do you think this is real?

>Pick a side
I'm not interested.

That's probably because the thing is a memoir. "Read her books", you say. It's almost the same as saying, "go do your research", or, "go Google it".

Do me a favor, if you will. Go cite your proof. Don't point at an aimless sea and say, "go find my argument for me".

>Remember that yahoo email you probably got for a lawsuit against the company
>I hope you're from the USA or Israel in order to get some compensation for the case
>Also enjoy your yearly new years nazi documentary on various channels
What is this, 2003?
>I bet none of you know about the Torah
But none of this is conspiracy.

Stop ranting.

And will be for five more years. I can’t wait to see the liberal tears flow on election night when the election starts going down the drain. MFW

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What does this mean?

It would be one thing if you said you still support him regardless of his character. Instead you name call while espousing his honesty. That points to you having a poor grip on reality. I will pray for you

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While I disapprove of alot of what the left loves so much. I can not in good conscience agree with you sir. People like you have hijacked the Republican party and turned it into a joke. McCain is rolling over in his grave right now because of poor delusional people like you. The bus is here for you Justin.

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No Epstien pimped of those kids to Clinton and Trump. Don't forget who introduced Trump to his child bride. Lol for cognitive dissonance.

>I'm starting to see a pattern with his supporters
> SIGNIFICANT portion of Trump's constituency has NPD
>Significant means =1.
>a. Having or expressing a meaning: Are the markings on the stone significant?
b. Having or expressing a covert or nonverbal meaning; suggestive: a significant glance.
2. Having or likely to have a major effect; important: a significant change in the tax laws.
3. Fairly large in amount or quantity: significant casualties; no significant opposition.
4. Statistics Of or relating to observations or occurrences that are too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicate a systematic relationship.
slav jewish HORTLERB SUPORTER the you proceed to say on your second post-------
>Not sure how you got "everyone I don't like" from that, but ok
STop lying you hipocritical double standard fuck

You seriously believe Trump has never liked once since becoming President? As a life long Republican I am horrified at how you people dig in and shove your heads so deep in the sand. Everyone lies, EVERYONE. Unfortunately our president lies much more then the average person. His run of the mill supporters are worse then the pro-tranz Communist scum buckets that are taking over the democratic party. Amarican politics is a cesspool of delusional wack jobs now. All of you people are ruining this country.

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TL;DR, Trump 2020.

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Mc Caine
Fucking Christ

Thank you brain cancer
If he is your hero
Please kill yourself

Gas yourself jew

wtf fag you HORTLERB


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