AA thread

AA thread

I've been drinking myself to death for the last 5 years pretty much drinking hardcore everyday am to pm pretty much lost everything in my life that meant something at one point fiance left year ago family doesn't care about me no more friends are sick of my shit .... So I started showing signs of early kidney damage and liver failure I wonder how long I have
I don't recommend this method for anyone that's trying to commit suicide

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I loled at this.

Let's all raise our glass to the OP.

Cheers fuvkers

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Sober guy here. You can live a better life. AA meetings are generally pretty fun. If you've been to some that aren't, find some good ones.

It's too late for me bud

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First of all fuck the trolls.
I have early signs of liver damage as well. The meetings didn't really help since I've seen shit no other person should and suffer from trauma.
I don't like to take risks anymore and I'm most likely not getting on a donor list because I'm a pos just like you who lost all their friends, a potential fiance and quite possibly my family soon.
Roughly half a year sober due to a close call and then I relapsed. Try to stay strong Cred Forumsro.

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Nah, not really. It's never too late. I'm not going to be a cheerleader or beg you to go. When you run out of options, give it a try. Just don't kill yourself. There's no coming back from that.

So how much? I'm almost at the 2 liter level. The thing I hate is not remembering. I write. Sometimes I re read what I write when deep in my cups. It's not me exactly. It's someone else.

Someone else is using us when we imagine ourselves free. I imagine you know the aftereffects of the "change". One minute you're "you" and the next "things" have happened and you're trying to put it all together while the you "you know" wasn't really in the room when everything went down.

Something has you, has me, and if you have any balls at all, if you want to live (sorry, my little joke I know that got a spark), you'll fight back. Fight back. Heard that before? (Again, sorry).

The key is finding what you need to chase. You are from a species that needs to hunt, to chase something, so this world built by "Serve me" sociopaths isn't built for you.

Find what you need to chase to be free. Otherwise let the sad employee world suck you into oblivion.

The answer will shake you hard. But if you have the guts to go for it the numbness you now need will seem like the worst waste of time.

Listen to me if you want to live.

OP are you still here? Can you talk to me please? I want to help

How do you get the money to drink

I'm here hold on lol

So what are you doing that you know to be wrong? Please be specific.

Sounds like OP gave up. I'm a alcoholic as well
To be honest better you than me. Im sober now. Its nice not to be vomiting everyday and shaking without booze. I can actually eat full meals now, I go work out. shit is way better. If you do actually give up, so be it thats your choice op. But your goin to die a painful fucking death and ya have fun with that dog.

Thanks mate we have a lot in common

Well that's true I'll think about it

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I've been at the 2-liter level for the last 2 years

You're completely right the answer will fuck you up sometime facing the world sober day after day is mind-numbing just thinking about it makes me want to end it all and alcohol has been that little Band-Aid I guess that makes things a little more tolerable

I have a 9 to 5 job and also the other side hustles and for a alcoholic junkie and pretty good at saving money
I always have liquor and beer in my house

I no longer have the will for anything anymore my life is pretty much just alcohol I don't even care about pussy anymore or video games nothing makes me happy I've always felt like this I just wish I died faster

If you want to stop doing something just stop, you don’t need a program. You just need will power. But everyone here is a fag, including myself.

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Good for you Nigger
I wouldn't let it get to that level pain and suffering

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Yeah it's not that easy
Of course everyone here is a fagg
I've been here since the Glory days

Have you considered smoking weed instead? It helped me get off the sauce without all of that annoying sobriety shit. Better buzz and no hangover. You might change your perspective on life.

Whatever, i stopped a poly drug habit by just deciding to stop. It’s that easy, you let yourself believe it’s not. And chose to live that life. Have fun being a nigger forever

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I'm a huge fan of cannabis but
I just don't live in a state where it's legal
I'm not trying to pay twenty bucks a gram for some mid-grade

Your parents probably send you to rehab or something nigger I have no illusions what's my relationship with alcohol I know exactly what I'm doing it's my battle with depression that's got me

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Well, I've learned a bit. Ending it isn't ending. You have to watch. Everything.
Don't make that mistake. Everything you touch is affected by you. You feel everything once you're not "here" anymore.
Living is about taking responsibility for what you are doing and how it affects people, The numbness is an illusion that serves something else.
Don't die because you can't make the effort. When you die that way you find out how many people really loved you and how you hurt them by being selfish. That lasts forever.

Very powerful words I truly do appreciate it I guess I got some thinking to do

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Does anyone else want to share their story