Nobody can answer this

Nobody can answer this

It's beyond most of you

Because most of you are niggers

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cultural marxism

I have what you are looking for

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hate crime =/= crime

One is to punish criminal behavior. The other is to punish bigoted behavior.

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The history behind that word is generally pretty hateful where as a "crime" is a blanket term used for a multitude of different actions that society deems to be illegal.

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Because calling someone a nigger is meant to degrade them. Committing s crime is not about degrading , but is about lack of impulse control.

Degrading somebody is only a lack of impulse control, robbing somebody is a crime. Checkmate.

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This is a logical fallacy. I think alot of the crimes that black people commit are considered hateful.

Crime degrades society you dumb jew

Niggers degrade wherever they are

your mom loves phallus

Nigger with money

Acts like niggers with no money

Is this funny or what

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Attached: Neanderthal Suplex.webm (270x480, 1.08M)

>Beyond most of you
>Makes assumptions of peoples race with no evidence to support it
Ok brainlet

>Best comedy
>Thinks it's real
White supremacy is a mental disorder

No evidence for 13-50?

>Crime degrades society
>Doesn't bring up white crime

omg brah that so deep


>none of this is real it's all in your mind goyim
This is the best you can come up with? Fucking pathetic as usual.

Wow it's like we've been over this already and you're just kvetching

That was a very high IQ post user. Allow me to answer your question the way you neanderthals usually send messages.

Attached: Racist Whitoids in 10 more years kek.webm (480x320, 1.08M)

No evidence that the anons you called niggers are black. Seeing as you failed to grasp that point you further proved your stupidity.

Most crimes are done by white people. More victims of crime have it done at the hands of a white man. Try to justify it using per capita but the excuse is white people commit the most overall crime.

You are so bad at this. I give your new buzzword 3 weeks before you phase it out.

Nobody listens to nor believes you faggots.

Seems like I've struck a nerve.

Attached: Endgame for all neaderthals.webm (270x480, 1.29M)

>u mad

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I can’t tell if you’re 10 years old or just really fucking retarded. Although in either situation you are most definitely a nigger

>>>view gets obscured at most critical moment
Lurk moar. Contribute quality.

That awkward moment when you want a whole generation of parents to raise their kids the way your stay at home mom did while also moving up economically. Meanwhile, your life is you sitting on your lonely white hermit incel ass squandering what you were given, barely keeping yourself alive. You know it's true.

Thanks for the (you)'s normalnigger

I already did Seeing a "high IQ" neanderthal blow his brains out is as quality as it gets.

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OP is a nigger

You are a caricature. Nobody takes anything you say seriously.

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>Nobody takes anything you say seriously.
You really shouldn't I'm just highlighting neandernig culture just as pol does with the darkies.

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