When Trump loses, will maga cultists heavens gate themselves?

When Trump loses, will maga cultists heavens gate themselves?

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Not at a higher rate than the socjus cult did when he won but there will be a lot of reeeeeing.

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>heavens gate
Well more like hell fire, but the concept seems right.
Nobody can wholeheartly support trump and think that he's still a good christian.

Triggered magahat

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Heavens gate was a ufo cult

possibly, but would you really feel good about that?

Whose tump gonna loose to?

The habitual liar?

The guy who cant stop sniffing kids with demntia?

The 75 year old socialist who just had a heart attack?

Actually yes, yes I would.

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why's that?

Well not op, but tbh I would never go as far as getting my hands dirty, but I'd always favour a dead trump supporter over one thats still able to vote.

Lol, Bernie is a full blown dedicated communist.
His people who run the campaign are gulag deniers and are hoping for "re-education" of conservatives
This will not end well but thanks Jews

>Whose tump gonna loose to?
>The habitual liar?
>The guy who cant stop sniffing kids with demntia?
Don't be silly how should trump loose to himself that makes no sense.

>"re-education" of conservatives
Well tbf it would really help to educate conservertives, if they would be at least able to understand simple cause end effect america wouldn't have to suffer under trump right now.

they are still human beings though, do you really think them jonestowning themselves would end the problems that we face as a country/world?

most conservatives just need 'education' first
believing Fux News propaganda that this centre-left moderate politician is some kind of extreme far-left ideologue lol

wouldn't hurt

No that won't magically fix all the problems. Your fucked up school system, or the equally fucked up voting system where actual votes done matter, won't be healed by this.
But it would fix some problemes in your country: Selfishness would be almost eradicated. No more threads of starting a civil war. No more cimate change denyers. The average intelligence would spike drastically. In the long run this could led to really important things. Like banning the teaching of creationism as a historical fact, fuck there are even senators in your country that belive that shit.

While I agree with most of your sentiment, it seems a bit off. No matter which way you try to do a democracy, through parliamentarians, republics or direct democracy, it's going to be fucked. While it is in a selfish trend at the moment, getting rid of a group on one side won't solve the problem, we need to learn to compromise again. Creationism isn't taught as historical fact in public schools, and schools that teach it as fact shouldn't receive governmental funding, there is freedom of religion here, but they should not be legislating off of it. Anyways, I would say that the brainlets are just as important to maintain a balance to the intellectual steps we are taking now a days.

He even admits to bring a communist. He only runs as a Dem for cover because the communist party can get no traction.

We would be more likely to go this way.

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you're wrong

>Let's Snort Brietbart Headlines: The Post!

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The Democrats that are ruining against him are so far left or inept theirs 0 chance of anyone beating Trump. Tulsi could beat him but the dems have black listed her.

>"re-education" of conservatives
Implying conservatives are educated in the first place. (Sucking enough dicks for you your high school diploma or attending some shitty bible university doesn't count.)

Be liberal, see Hitlery lose to a random business guy, riot for 2 days then call conservatives unstable. Man liberalism is a fucking clown show.

>Tulsi could beat him
lol. Tulsi might as well be a republican.

LOL good luck you lefty beta pussies...... none of your lame candidates have a chance. Get ready to riot again this november you pussy little communists..... where are you going to threaten to move THIS time?? Canada? Morocco? The moon?

>thinking german technological advances were at all impressive in any area but rocketry
>inb4 PaNzEr BeSt TaNk BeCaUsE iT dE mOsT cOmPlIcAtEd

It was retarded when the german high command thought it and it is retarded now. If you build super complicated equipment, but have no way to replace broken parts in the field or extract that equipment for factory repairs, congratulations because you've just made a very expensive armored music box that weighs too much to transport the moment a gaggle of 20 T-34s encircles it and locks two rounds into its rear armor.

drink the goddamn kool aid rite now!
why wait

Idk if you read the president's defense brief for his removal trial today, but it's not very good. I also don't know if you heard that Mitch McConnell is so desperate to sweep this aside without even finishing the trial that he is holding onto a resolution he calls a "break glass measure" in case it turns out Donald Trump can't keep his shit together long enough for Mitch to rig the trial to the end. It's okay to cope, but if your coping mechanism is to just pretend reality has no bounds on you, might I recommend a running jump from a highway overpass into oncoming traffic?

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Loses to who exactly? Maybe you haven’t been following current events but the other candidates are complete garbage. They have no platform and they all lie way more than Donald.

Only if yous guys do the same when he wins

Yeah, just like all the marxists left the country like they said they would.

Fox & Friends doesn't tell them anything about the impeachment so they can pretend it's not happening

This guy gets it

No, because Trump isn't going to lose. Basically the Democrats have no viable candidates and their only policy is Orange Man Bad. He's the sitting President and despite the fact he is an asshole and an arrogant prick, business is good and so is the stock market. People vote selfish and will follow him because muh less takes etc. Also the Dems seem to have taken a pro War status, which is fucking insane. Trump could be easily defeated by a moderate candidate which campaigned on policies, yet there seems to be this extreme left, everyone is a racist element, that dems have embraced. Unless the Dems stop smashing their own faces into a brick wall they will never win. Personally I think Trump is a bag of shit, but the Dems have gone to far left to kick his flabby ass.

000, the absolute worth of your post.
You're a sick sad stain.
Fuck you.
Fuck you and your Drag Queen Story Time, your Hyperbolic Moralism, your Hollyweird Pedo Rings, your shifted goalposts of Social Welfare Program Spending, your decline into Communism, your Academic Corruption, your Anti-White Racism, your Tyranny of Low Expectations, and your point by point shilling on behalf of the JIDF
Goddamn you're a piece of shit.
The only thing that saves you is that too many on The Right believe in Sky Daddy. If they were an Atheist Faction, and this whole world means only what you make of it? I'd want to make you part of the mass grave of your failed ideology.

Of course he's not a good Christian, he is a Zionist.

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That which is introduced without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.
Fuck off.

They will just spend another 4 Years #Resisting
If you want in on the money? Write a book about the current political climate. Pick an issue. Write something to spread your views. I see those books come up on book piracy weekly.

Mama Tulsi flips parties and runs in 2024 with a tweaked agenda. Then the first female president can be a Republican.

Most of us don't give a flying fuck what happens in Washington. It has zero impact on day to day life for the average person. I say that as a minority. It's your community, your local govt, and yourself that determine that.

We were all civilized while Obama was ruining the country so you do the math.

It’s happening and Pelosi fucked you guys until at least 2024

only pedos I see getting caught are Trump's guys

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there's plenty of evidence and it will hopefully all be shown at the trial if the Senate play by the rules

Same old song and dance.

Boring and fake.

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deny deny deny
it's the whole republican argument at this point in time as there is no rational counterpoint or explanation for the corrupt actions of Trump and his associates

There is a mountain of evidence. If you read the brief filed by the house impeachment managers, the brief itself is 46 pages long with an attach 60 page document containing only facts related to the trial, all of which are evidence. They submitted it this way because Senate leadership already told them they won't get a fair trial before they even swore in as jurors.

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Just like how fair the house trial was huh?

The election's been rigged. He can't lose.

Since your gay thread has been up all morning, I will respond, who even fucking talks like that? Back to subject Probably not more than trannies trying to kill themselves every fucking year since it's became popular lately

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Russia again? Fuck that's just old and tired at this point.

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What was unfair about it? They even used the exact rules laid down by Republicans in preparation for immediately impeaching Hillary Clinton if she won.
Can't complain about the rules if you fuckin wrote them

nah, just still true

The Deep State always wins, they only let elections lose during insignificant years, to make it seem more realistic

Shut the fuk up you cornball ass nigger

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Now the Democrats are acting like niggars in the Senate not knowing how to proceed with the rules that are set and agreed on..

Youre a bigger faggot than him LOL

so you do agree that the House trial was fair then? or are you just moving goalposts faster than I can answer? Tell me these rules that Democrats are not following.

Cred Forums should just have Cred Forums threads to keep this shit contained

bigger faggot than trump? not sure that's possible man

Nice project Veritas meme cuckold

the psy-ops like spreading their divisive operations on Cred Forums - expect more of it as November nears, and a big spike once the Democrat candidate is announced

so this is what they look like
what a disappointment, I'd secretly hoped trumpanzees wouldn't all look like retards at trump's rallies

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some of them, I assume, are good people (lol)
but nah, mainly like this

And I'm not the guy you responding to, if you have a nice building full of incompetent monkeysd that act like monkey and waste taxpayer money, time, and patience on useless pursuits of paranoia, why even worry about them? so I don't care what happens to the house, someone needs to jizz on Pelosi's head don't they need to fix a local potholes and shit, local news is more interesting than these repetitive butthurt idiots that can't get a real job in real life

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>Yes its's the Russians again...yes this time we have proof...yes goy it is them honest.

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Trump supporters might be blind to how kiked he is, but globohomo Dem supporters are a special tier of retard.

You fucking idiot I'm talking about the guy you responded to, not trump wtf? you left Democrats are so fucking Clues idiots you never know what's going on around you, it's like a bunch of fucking Ducks ducking at each other to know what's going on...

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I love being white. But also I love not being this kind of white. Southern whites are fucking wastes of air. Tell me with a straight face you want these tards to pass on their Cro-Magnon genes.

Free Israel, you degenerate nigger

Rather them than niggers and spics

Your dubs seem to indicate that you sound like a samefag or are one...


Fuck Israel, you insidious oven dodger

You fucking newfag, Cred Forums is relative to real life, so whatever randomly is going on is what is going to be talked about right?

True. But once the other undesirables are dealt with, my suggestion is start with Southerners.

Fuck Palestine and you bottom fucking feeders

Trump? is that you, jew?

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Relax dude, we all have that dumb drunk uncle that's hooked on meth and is an idiot

No I'm that nigga on the street that'll knock your muslim ass out. Free isreal!

uh ok, so you don't know these made up rules and resort to gibberish instead.
good to know you're an idiot, now fuck off

Yes, fuck them too. Fuck the whole Middle East and leave them to their sandnigger shit.

had proof the first time, boris

god damn your joke detector is broken, but feel free to be all hysterical about it like a 'Clues idiot' lol

Well if you do not understand there may be shades of grey and not an binary answer you have failtarded. Trumbf is an asshole but REEEEEEEEEEE will not defeat him.

I guess humor doesn't translate well into Russian

So these are the guys who want to kill gays, blacks, jerk off to loli and call other people degenerates. Makes sense, retards never look good.

in real life there's not as much Trump dick-sucking

Jews>muslims dough

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Both subhuman inbred tribes, not worth distinguishing.

>implying america forgot about the screaming brat bullshit the left pulled in 2016
>implying america will forget about this impeachment dog and pony show
>implying america will forget about "muh russia"

you guys are beyond delusional. trump is a slam dunk in 2020. at this point, we're angling for pence 2024.

that is a beautiful cat.

Everytime someone makes an arguement retarded dipshits have to come in an blame jews and muslims. They are the left twats who wanna make everything about race.

what is that word salad supposed to even mean? An official impeachment (he has been impeached, get over it) and trial with evidence and witnesses is not just screeching. It's the republican House representatives who were screeching nonsense at the house hearings if I recall.

Yeah I like Jews and theiroofy culture, better than muslims, what am I trying to hide or control for? You Democratic left commie shills are so slow...

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guess you didn't read the mueller report or watch any of the many documentaries about the subject.

At least Jews design decent weapons, muslims designing copying everyone or using them..

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The Impeachment is nonsense until the senate trial is finished


See you cry babies in 2024

You mean the Democratic report supported by Democratic taxpayers and idiots? With no direct evidence? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

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Don't forget Mueller's legal team made of Hillary supporters

Why are the Democrats trying to delay so much with this Senate trial? It's like it's almost like they have no Witnesses? Or direct evidence.. or worse... emotions hurt based on words s that don't affect reality and have no criminal purpose at all... shit I would want that creepy Joe Biden investigated and his whole family too if he's that weird with women on camera the Democrats just want by then cuz he's the only household name besides socialist Bernie, and he might even scare away Democratic voters away. The Senate was quick to say the Pledge of Allegiance, we all know who's going to win today

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Waiting for the Cred Forums meltdown in November is giving me the will to live. The conspiracy theories, the impotent threads, it’ll be hilarious.

I don't really follow politics that deeply, just enough to stay away from broke leechingng niggars

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So you're saying you been butthurt for last 4 years almost? HAHAHAHA what a waste of life...

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Their *goofy

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There is no better of two evils. Its two evils that should both be fought.

But those Jew guns though... at least they invent and design things and not mooch off other people's inventions and cultures, just to hurt others, like Muslims always seem to do.

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You assume that politics are as divided iin real life as they are on Cred Forums
Do some research you ignorant peddler, partisanship in both the media and results of party support show that most people actully take a centrist view as oppossed to right or left.

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Triggered nigger liberal that’s going to lose and be a mad nigger for 4 more years.

no, they'll sit indoors, online - like always.

'superior' white race

Try 8+, historically the continued success of one party will continue until a breach is made, with the exception of clinton and bush as Americans where running away from Sociel issues in a support of war then back to social issues. All we need is a war and repubs will stay in office for a while

the Senate trial is a farce, everyone knows that GOP will break their oaths and defend Trump regardless

>no direct evidence
shills say this lie a lot

Yeah, right. The original vote was fair for Drumph? Both sides are dumb

Trumpets are too fucking stupid for politics. That's why they operate with " whatever makes the libs mad we won you lost" mentality. Its why the elected a rich guy who shits on the middle class every chance he got. Calls war heroes losers, fucks D grade strippers I wouldn't even admit to, gets caught bribing and paying off everyone and their mother and they still love them and him their saviour. Pure white trash , insect brains. Libs are big madd we wonnnn durrr haha it would be sad and funny if this country wasn't so fucked and in need of real change

Advances in medicine, aeronautical engineering, farming. Where do you think the US got it's jet tech from?

Warner von bron >>>> sounds merican to me durrr (republican who never studied history)

Wow your projection is huge. Gimme a minute to hook the speaker to my car window before you continue.

It's von Braun and he was a German rocket engineer dumbass. Messerschmitt created the first functional jet.

You know that went over all the children's heads right?

No, only lefties cut their cocks off.

Tump is one KFC bucket away from a heart attack.

You almost forgot the kid sniffer also hates video games and wants to ban games with even a hint of violence. If the DNC is stupid enough to nominate him, they’re asking to lose. And Michael Bloomberg is literally just buying the DNC instead of campaigning because outside of NYC and rich white liberals, he is wildly unpopular.

Hello Luke

There will be lots of rattling of swords and threatening civil war until they realize their diabetes and hypertension are gonna be major handicaps in the great boogaloo. A few isolated terrorist attacks will probably happen but thats about it.

Spoken like a Russian goat fucker.

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I dont think he can run in 2024. Are you confused?

>Cred Forums about conservatives and MAGAts: they’re humans too, how would it make you feel if they died user?

>Cred Forums about liberals and leftists: REEE they’re all niggerlovers and faggots and slave to their Jewish overlords

A quick litmus test: it depends on how much people can’t stand Trump when elections roll around. They either swallow someone who’s ideology doesn’t totally align with their own, but who they think is a good political choice, or they cave for the status quo


Kek. You’re like the kid who only talks about how his dad is tough and will beat up my dad

> Someone who’s actually informed about current politics
> the unicorn of Cred Forums


Lol, what a bunch of idiots living in circle jerk info bubbles. Get real.
>Mfw unsuccessful impeachment
>Mfw re-elected

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LOL, it’s almost like your opinion is entirely based on what you see on the news/echo chamber websites. You don’t know any actual, politically left-leaning people, do you user

> Based user from the other side of the aisle

> I refuse to read any real news source, or look into anything that contradicts my worldview, *therefore* (with extra philosophical flair) I can ignore it! Hahaaa!

>I don’t want to believe it, so it isn’t real

Yeah, nobody in this thread can hold a light to what you said. It’s just a bunch of i-don’t-care’s and irrelevant memes. I’m sure someone who doesn’t spend all day on Cred Forums might have something to add

> tfw the only real discussion in the thread devolves to “niggars”

Good job user.

> tfw user can’t supply an answer because he’s been spouting bullshit he can’t support

Well, it looks like it’s done. You found the end of his rope

Psy-ops....on Cred Forums....yeah...........and Jews.......


>who is this hacker Cred Forums?

Kek, it’s true though. All a bunch of fat white people who screech incoherently about the Bible and AR’s

No but only because offing themselves would improve the world. We know how trumptardians feel about making life better.

This post is the toof

I do agree that we need to hit a big reset button for all of US politics. Out with the lot of them— career politicians, liars, racketeers, conspirators, two-faces

Leaf detected..

He isn't going to lose because you fucking retard Democrats STILL can't understand why you lost the first time round.

Well, we definitely won't riot as the Dems did after the 2016 election, that's for sure.

> left Democrats
> you never know what’s going on around you

Kek, yeah, you look like you reaaalllly grasp the world around you. You can hardly fucking type out a sentence let alone make a coherent point

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no cause they are adults. Grow up trump will win

Yes, let’s free Israel and give the land back to its rightful owner, Palestine. I agree 100%

Also, fuck so much of the US for the “don’t criticize Israel” clauses they work into contracts.

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Found the Israel shill. How’s the IDF nowadays?

Yes, let’s leave everyone alone. Like the founding fathers intended. Mind our fucking business

Kek. So all the people on Cred Forums who say “trump 2020” and “fuck niggers/jews/sandniggers/etc” in the same breath are left twats? That’s rich

And also kicked a door in on a closed hearing, with phones and cameras out

At this point, it’s all of the sane people vs all of the cultists. You just call everyone “evil pedo Democrats who want to take our guns and make us blaspheme god” or some shit.

Trump should consider leaking a bunch of celeb nudes to distract from the impeachment trial.

How you got that from their comment is beyond me

The same for Republicans— how much golf has Trump played? How much money have his kids made? They’re all milking us

He is you. He is me. He is all of us. And all of us are Him.

> Asked several foreign governments to spy on political rival

Yeah, that’s big time illegal. Keep acting like it’s no big deal