What makes a beautiful white and blonde girl prefer to spend her time with this individual unable to protect and care...

what makes a beautiful white and blonde girl prefer to spend her time with this individual unable to protect and care for her, instead of using her time on anything else.

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She's in awe that he doesn't ever need to pee or poop.

True love

Easy to carry fisting toy

Damn she's been ROCKED by Geodude

Love, probably.

Smooth guy

Simple he is a cuck and she is a slut its a win win


its product diversification and attention seek(whore)ing.

human carrying capacity

Why do you assume she needs protection and coddling?


where this halfnigger has organs ??

He cant walk out on her.

I think he uses a poop bag that needs to be constantly changed since he doesn't have the muscles to cotrolate his excretions. what makes it a shitty relationship

That's just his nurse, no big deal.



And what should she be doing? Spending time with a fat incel like you OP? The fact is that she thinks a guy cut in half is better than you

she has the satisfaction of upsetting her father by dating a tyrone, and none of the risk of being severely beaten, raped, and/or murdered?


I have no reason to believe that's the case in this specific example.

It's fake, he's standing in a hole

haha, can you imagine torso man scooting around on the floor leaving a massive shit skidmark everywhere?


>off season feels

this, but the thread still has some good puns.
if he says "i've had it up to HERE with you" and holds his hand at collarbone level, it's still only like a foot and a half off the ground.

Genetically engineered to pick cotton without having to bend over. It's easier on the back

you have no reason not to minus your ignorance so we both cool with it

that bitch must be a size queen and prefers arms over dicks.

No BBC for her

Are push ups easier or harder for him? Either way, he does more of them than anyone on Cred Forums.

Imagine being jealous if this guy and telling on yourself like this. White "men" are pathetic.

I would bet that this man is more man than some of you weakheads with these condescending comments. At least he contributed to society. Instead of being unproductive, those with stupid comments should do something for others themselves

Not buying a weakly supported argument is not being ignorant. That would be like me trying to convince /b you're able to form a claim without delving into logical fallacies.

I mean I can so my best, but in the end no one will believe it's possible.

genes bruh

what arguement?

>stop posting bullshit on an image board, get a life!
>posted on the same image board
Oyy vey

all women need it

Dude took the three-fifths compromise literally.

apply that same logic to guys and video games

You mean the guys who still have legs? That makes no sense

> filename

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Be does have a penis

what makes a normal white guys to spend his time with this virtual game unable to provide and care for him, instead of using his time on anything else

You want to try that again with less of a stroke?

is it in a bag somewhere?

i would, but i don't think i can simplify it enough for you to understand.

Are you saying that rolling the
bowling ball around is a waste of time comparable to playing video games?

>a normal white guys to spend

You're right, that doesn't make sense lol

Idk if his dick n balls is all wonky from him using them to walk all the time but apparently he has em

Or at least people with his condition usually do

Names Zion Clark

How? she doesn't know me... do you?

yes, most things in life are just pits of wasted time user.


My sides

These are both clearly low tier Brazilian brown people, nice bait idiot

Sure, jealous..

Maybe he gives great head?

He and this asian chick could make a badass megazord

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jeez, I dont know...

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How do you know?


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He just standing in holes, nothing wrong with him.

Even if they did. Nobody needs you.

"Awww... some kid from Cred Forums tried to insult me. thats cute..."

>tfw you finally know what it's like to get fisted by Diglett

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nice trips, im guessing they are your first as you think being insulted is somehow special.
i've been insulted hundreds of times.

you zorged his borg till he gurg de purg

13 year old alert

Its only an insult if it bothers you.
So youre saying youre a pussy?

no, and i totally agree, offence is not given it is taken.
but i would argue that someone calling me "a retarded faggot" is an insult with all definitions of the word insult, but no i have never felt insulted or offended on here.

She just wants to be a Pokemon master. That there is a bonafide Geodude for all intense and purposes.

Also: Tells you something about the quality of his character that she loves him enough to stay with him.

yet you say "i've been insulted hundreds of times."

define insult for me.

>"i've been insulted hundreds of times."
>"Its only an insult if it bothers you."
it bothered you every single time

YOU said its only an insult if it bothers me, i dont agree with that and you would see why if you did what i asked and

why do i have to teach english to english speakers whan im not one.

>teaches english
"WHAN im not one"

whats your main lenguage?

im not a teacher, im also not someone who is impressed by someone who finds a typo.


Im Finnish whit you...

are you saying you are also Finnish?
or are you saying you are finished with me?

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white women are try hards because they know that they're next in line to be shamed after white men. so they make extra sure to show their virtue to avoid criticism.

she's attention seeking , "look at me lol, im a white angel that cares for the poor handicapped africans, im special :)))"

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Clout amongst her peers/ a safety net to hide be hind while she does degenerate shit behind closed doors

How many three/fifths jokes do you think this nigger has heard?

Underrated post

white women will ALWAYS prefer black men. even if they don't have dicks.

white "males" are just that putrid.

and which study did you get this from?

She just loves him, no one can understand how love works

How the fuck did this dude manage to clip through the floor irl? lmaoo

jealous you are alone in your basement?

he probably lost lower half in an accident of which he will be compensated with a large sum of money. she doesn't have to have sex with him or suck his dirty nigger cock but even being in the same room as a nigger is a high price to pay for financial security. she'll smile her way through it though. she played this hand beautifully. props to that gold digging bitch


She feels sorry for him. I'm just glad they can't procreate.

I hope he did preserve semen to piss off idiots like you...

I'm more impressed that he can lift. Also doesn't have to train legs. Seems like a win to me

I guarantee that guy could beat the shit out of you.

Leg day anyone?

Love moves in mysterious ways.
You'd know this, if you'd ever loved, or been loved.

pic unrelated

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imagine caring about preserving another man's semen.

This. Probably living off of big settlement from injury and she gets to 2-fer on her virtue signaling. Look how liberal I am dating a black guy. Look how loving and caring I am for dating a cripple.

Introducing Goldstein's hippie persona Moonbeam

He just buried half his body in the ground in those pics

He may be half of what other men are but is 100% of what she needs

how does he poo tho

Ignore me.

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found the incel

i imagine this is what is going through her mind
"Haha now i can date a black man and be progressive but also have sex with white men because i really hate niggers"

Lost it all

incel spotted

black men are GODS. They have an inner confidence and game that can attract a top tier white female. White men are FINISHED.

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He has Congenital amputation which you're born without limbs. There was a video about him and he's training for the special Olympics


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is there an extra special olympics

Some women are drawn to broken things

Shell eventually dump him for a man with money tho

She must have a soft heart. Like the lady who stayed with the forklift man who we want to turn into a cyborg and recruit into the movement.

There is some truth to this

Niggers are too dumb to really have self doubt so they tend to be cocky and confident which is attractive to women. Thats why black dudes will holler at chicks they have no chance at even talking to because their monkey brain just yells "MUH DICKKK"

Thomas Jefferson even sighted this type of lack of forethought and suggested that Niggers can be incredibly brave in battle because they dont fully understand the danger they are in or have a full grasp on their own mortality.

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imagine being so fat, rude and stupid that half a man without a cock looks like the better deal

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That kind of disability can give any individual an opportunity to develop great depth, and personality. Maybe he's a really awesome guy and he prob makes her cum with them hands tho.

Are you fucking retarded? That's an adult answer, only 13 year old retards believe in that Disney love being real. Apart from the picture and everything being fake and made up, IF it was real, she would still want dick, and he would only be able to fulfill her emotional needs. You ain't ever been with a woman, so you wouldn't know that even if you finger fuck her till she cums, even if you suck and lick her clit until she cums again, she will STILL want the dick inside her for a good fucking or the third orgasm.

Holy shit that bitch is evil. She's using him for the instagram and social media dopamine hits. Fuck me, they're so evil.

That's an even weirder take. Do you not understand real human relationships ?

The biggest bitch here is the nigger, why'd you give a fuck about keeping a gf or a great shape if you literally can't fuck - like what's even the point.

asking if half the people on Cred Forums understand relationships is like asking a quadriplegic for jogging advice.

loving companionship and someone to share happiness with, and to make happy in turn.
it's basic human compassion. I understand that's hard for you


check out this beta white knight cuck feminist bitch getting upset.

Honestly, that has to be a fucking woman, that's such a female insult, they always try to attack your manhood.

I'm not that guy so let me be the second one to say it, women NEED men, no matter how much these hoes get brainwashed by feminism to deny it, they can see it in their own behaviour as they chase chad and the bad boys. The number one demographic of people living in poverty in western countries is single over 40 women. Women cope with this by telling themselves that men commit suicide at a higher rate and it's because we're dying of heartbreak and not being with women, lol what a load of shite. They're men who have been divorce raped and decide to bite the bullet instead of paying the bitch her pound of flesh every month. Men would rather kill themselves than live in a life of misery and poverty rebuilding themselves after the second or third divorce. Women don't have the balls to commit suicide, they're so worthless they need to do it for attention. They end up realising what they've done to the men at 40 and figure out no man wants them, and then it's 40 more years of working like a man in the burgeoning and ever increasing feminist utopia. Fuck the men right? Live like a man bitch.

haha there's more weight lifting geekson here than you think.

I just don't understand the incel mindset, and its so weird to see this board I've been on for 16 turn into this cesspool for all the angrily self-righteous socially retards.

It was always a cesspool, but at least we used to be cool.

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no I think I'm slightly ahead of you there. he can't satisfy her sexually as he's literally not a man and he can give her no offspring. in this case it just becomes a vain fucking attempt at overcompensating, trying desperately to prove to society at large how 'normal' and 'succesful' he is despite missing out on the most fundamental aspects of our life. I think if he had the braincells to reflect upon this, he would conclude that he might as well succumb to hedonism, because what else is there at his stage.

Why don't all these white boys mad about white girls dating black dudes just leave white girls for black girls? Most white girls irl who date black dudes are fat/ repulsive anyway. At least you can get a hot black girl easily because they want kids with "good hair".


Bro don't start that shit, the last time someone mentioned the Fins, the thread broke out into some fucking gobbledy gook fuckery.

If you tell me you can tell whether this is straight Finnish or not, you're a fucking liar:

Wyk volkmne tyrtnfln vyk haben vrost.

Fucking two gobbledygook dots over an 'o' as well, and they got the nerve to be some racist motherfuckers.

glad to hear the guy that's never pleased a woman in his life weigh in on the issue

Spoken like a true incel that will never be in a relationship enjoy being alone and jerking off to blacked for the rest of your life

why does my critique make you personally offended? you missing your dick as well, is that where it hurts?

easy answer is that they both love each other, and OP is just having a jealous incel fantasy.

Lmao he has no dick I bet she fucks other guys

I find your philosophy ill-thought and your logic wanting.

>needs protection

choose one, incel

Bro get this idea of true love out of your head. Are you fucking kidding me? You're signalling you haven't been with enough women, and all it takes to spot a pattern is three women, everything else after that is your wilful ignorance. You sound like a virgin.

That black guy probably truly loves her with his heart, and she's probably in it for the money. Where the fuck are the kids going to come from eh? She's in it for money, and the social media attention, being paraded around as a 'wonderful and amazing' woman to accept half a man like that and take care of him. Nigga takes care of himself while she robs him blind behind closed doors.

Lol understanding human interactions, fucking grow up and get some real world experience, open your eyes. Watch what people do, now what they fucking say.

Why is everybody taking this so seriously? I see a mix of naive little dreamers who think they're in love and panicking incels who feel inadequate when I guartentee you she fucks other men. Lmao.

lmfao you don't even know what that means, contextually it makes no sense. Go to college before you try and use big boy words tranny.

This shit can't be a real legit relationship y'all gullible as fuck

You're a retard. People grew up and experienced the real world. You clearly grew up and stayed in the fucking basement. Hate against female nature comes from being hurt by women because you actually interacted with them and got into a relationship, had sex, had a marriage, kids, and then DIVORCE. Or maybe it was a breakup before marriage, but it still hurts, and the men continued doing this until they realised female nature.

You clearly haven't realised shit, so go out there and get into relationships please. I wish you the best looking 10/10 woman for your first relationship.

White woman just love Black men its natural for them

If you'd finished high school you'd do better than a baseless insult.
just because you're an angry cockapple doesn't mean anyone else is. not everyone shares your mad stupid view of the world. you think two people that enjoy the idea of love can't find each other? "they're both deluded". they both value things you don't. that's not not delusion, just the lack of your mental illness

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She can push him around and talk behind his back

I'm 30 and been with 103 women and about 7 LTRs but ok faggot.

Lmao hate against female nature - what a cuck

She gets attention. Wtf. That's literally the answer to any "why" question regarding females. She fucking loves the attention. And she cheats on him constantly.

looool straight up lies.

Because she's kind, caring, and evidently dumb as a brick.

This except thinking the nigger loves her. She's just an ego stroke for the fact that he doesn't even have his "BBC" and he "gots himself a white bitch" .

imagine being stupid enough to post that.

Here le me be a faggot, I HAVE THREE LAMBORGHINIS AND A BUGATTI VEYRON And I fuckled 3333 women and im only 23.

>>brave in battle
Well even smart men are wrong on occasion.

Maybe she loves him.

If it's not that, it's likely he has a lowered life expectancy so perhaps she's waiting on the insurance money.

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Because Whites have standards. It's not that we're jealous or insecure about a White woman being with a black like our enemies straw man but that we don't believe in dysgenics. Yes, I could get a black GF no prob but, again, I have standards and to do so just to spite nigs is below me.

Its dreams.

Mitä ihmettä sä purilainen oikeen selität? Sun jutussas ei ollut päätä eikä häntää.

attention dumbass

What happens when you always skip leg day.

>women love money more than they hate anything

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