Hey Cred Forums, I see alot of hate towards reddit all throughout the internet but especially on Cred Forums...

Hey Cred Forums, I see alot of hate towards reddit all throughout the internet but especially on Cred Forums, why is this? Why do people dislike reddit?

Not defending reddit just genuinely curious.

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because redditfags cant triforce hahaaha

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nice dude

Because votes aren't arguments.


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Reddit is Facebook without the boomers. It’s instagram for ugly people.
It’s YouTube for talentless fucks
It’s just another attention whoring platform

Sensitive fagboys.

People who like Cred Forums but not reddit fall into one of a few categories
-Butthurt; They can't stand that it does almost everything Cred Forums can and are salty about it
-Bad 1st experience; If you go there once and only look at one of the popular subreddits, it can very well be filled with facebookey cancerous shit.
-Actual trolls; People whose anonymity is absolutely paramount, because they only enjoy triggering others, and reddit isn't completely anonymous like some boards here are.
Reddit has a ton of subreddits, of varying interest and moderation. Regardless of your interest, there is a place to discuss it on reddit. Not to mention that is also works (mostly) as an archive, keeping data way longer than here.

It's full of sensitive fagbois who do the exact same thing as Instagram but pretend they're different and superior

Its the whole teenagers acting like aduults and making the "my dad can beat up your dad" type shit...i dunno, ive never been to reddit, but i feel like people who lambast it on here are closet users

I've never seen a bigger cesspool of retarded faggot niggers anywhere outside of Twitter than on Reddit, not even Tumblr in its prime had so many disgusting degenerates circlejerking each other with the dumbest fucking bullshit I've ever seen. I've never seen a factual arguement from that cesspool of trannies and they're always jumping through hoops with mental gymnastics to try and "prove" their points. Fuck I hate those annoying reddit niggers

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You're full of shit. Subreddits that lean anywhere right wing are blasted by the politically biased admins from that faggoty communist loving website

But also consider that Reddit has been referenced in social science papers as espousing public forum. 4 chan has not

What's your point, this doesn't change anything about what he said, also Cred Forums is highly exaggerated and sometimes straight up lies so it wouldn't work for studies anyway

No you are wrong, they have their own little niche safe spaces that the right needs to express all their feelsies

>always jumping through hoops with mental gymnastics to try and "prove" their points. Fuck
Literally describing Conservatives...
The irony kek

This is unintelligible please try again, also social science sounds like some dumb shit in line with liberal arts and gender studies, especially if they're writing about a socialist dumpster fire like Reddit they clearly wasted their degree

The point is, that even if you think reddit is nothing but a bunch of retards posting dumbass soyboi shit, it is casual enough to be considered a true form of public discourse albeit through the internet. As much as you people go on and on about Cred Forums being l337 hackers that dox everyone, it has gained hardly any real attention. Just something to consider while talking shit about other peoples preferences toward websites. 4 chan is garbage too

I'm sure they exist somewhere deep in the hellscape, past multiple trigger warning pages and delisted for not toeing the line with letting rhetoric. Still no point on using them at that point, shit site, terrible UI, awful China lite social system

I'm sure

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If you cant read it then id say youre just a moron. Social sciences are psychology, communications (including advertising, journalism, mass media) sociology, religious studies (in a sense), etc...it does encompass gender studies and the like, but whats funny is that with any one of these degrees you can pretty much work anywhere that has an HR department. With specific degrees you are pigeonholed into that one category which is far more restricting.
So who is wasting their degree at that point?

Why don't you marry it faggot

You reaaaaalllly want to go down the whole "Listening to actual scientist on scientific matters" road user?
As someone from the right?

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upvote / devote system. If you dont follow the narrative and popular opinion on reddit you get downvoted into oblivion. Non anonymous chat style. It's a leftwing circlejerk.

You go in category 3

The company I work for literally fired thousands of HR across the country and assigned 1 person for less pay to 2-4 different locations, your faggoty degrees are worthless HR is a joke. They literally had no power to begin with next to the actual manager and now they're cucked even harder. I'm sure all those fired with their gay degree are glad they can work "anywhere" lmao

I use reddit for trap porn


What degree do you have?
Also 1 company out of the millions of opportunities is a lame statistic, thats like saying .001% of companies decide the gambit of hiring trends for 100% of companies.

Yea why not. Tired of the right denying climate change and the left denying gender science.

If you think the right wing doesn't coincide with science more than the left that's your unfortunate problem, the left relies on emotion. Real members of the right wing use facts and logic

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I’ve been using Cred Forums since hs days in 2010 and have been on reddit for about three years now. I can tell you from friends that have used reddit longer than me that it used to be somewhat edgy, you could post more explicit stuff and even some boards weren’t complete pc garbage. Reddit is fine for content aggregation, especially for sports, music and other stuff. But the users are super fucking lame, there are a lot of cringey memes that constantly get 10K upvotes, even when they’re reposted (very often for the bigger subs). Overall, people are just kinda lamer. I’m not an edge lord, but I told someone I hoped they got cancer and boom, I was banned. Some fgt in this game of thrones subreddit banned me from the community too because I called out some dickhead that spoiled a different show that was just released. They’re Hippocrites over there and they have generally poor taste in humor, but if you manage to lurk and find some decent subs, it’s a good spot for niche content or breaking news

think about it this way, if you had made this post on reddit (with this audience in mind) nobody would've read this post because it only takes 1 negative vote to make posts hidden

it's not a website that allows for individuality, any independent thought that goes against the grain doesn't exist after 5 minutes

As was seen with the "God hates fags" campaign by the westboro group

oh, I see, you're retarded

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Everyone hates fags, even fags hate fags. Like that gay Muslim that shot and killed 49 faggots in the bar

Reddit is good sometimes, but it encourages circlejerk through the voting method. So basically if your viewpoint isn't popular with college aged males who make up 60% of the website then prepare to get your posts made irrelevant.

>the left relies on emotion
Dude. The entire game plan of the right is to play off of their feelings (which works like a fucking charm might I add).
Its the only way to convince the poor dumb masses to keep voting for the jackasses to keep giving the wealthy more tax breaks.
Wake the fuck up you sheep.

I dont hate fags. Never had a reason to hate a person who literally doesnt effect my daily life...trans people on the other hand, leave the fucking bathrooms alone.

the right is about morals and logic, not emotions, keep reeing

Nobody who leaves their bedroom on a regular basis hates "fags."

I hate the app and a lots of fucking ads, old design was way better. What are the good subs there btw? Without liberal sjw anti-white niggerloving bullshit please

That sounds exactly like what that socialist nigger Bernie Sanders was doing and all the little lefties ate his ass right up about it. Except it involved taxing everyone into debt for "free" college. The lack of self awareness trannyfag commies have is fucking phenomenal

They bot rely on emotion as emotional appeals are more effective in persuasion than are stringent facts. Proven science that advertisers, talk show personalities, the president, and all forms of public entities have adopted. Arguing that either side uses this strategy as a blatant way to influence masses is not wrong but also not right.

>the right is about morals and logic,

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Theres two primary reasons for this I think. First is that its a community based around identity, where as Cred Forums is based on anonymity. Second reason is that they used to regurgitate memes from Cred Forums, of course since this place is now incapable of producing anything worthwhile this point is moot.

kek, not even close
Keep voting to suck the rich cocks you retard

You must live in a glass dome soyboy, nobody likes your kind stop stealing your sisters cloths.

No poor man is going to make a company and hire you, dumb fuck

This. It stifles diverse opinions with the voting system, and actively hides massively downvoted posts, ie posts that don't agree with the hivemind.

I still use it for porn and niche topic-specific subs, but any mainstream sub is garbage.


Omg you actually believe the bullshit you spew don't you?
No user, we don't NEED to have the rich.
Fucking guy hahaha

Hurr we don't need no companys and jobs hurr everything should be for free and a $5000 welfare for everyone except white people, GLORY TO NIGGERS

Should be replying to

oh, I see, you're retarded. wait until you get 5-10 years older and experience the actual world, it'll make sense why the right is mostly "boomers" and the left is all "zoomers" and niggers

Neither can you apparently

If Reddit is Instagram for ugly people, then Cred Forums is Instagram for incels and retards.

Fucking lefty shills are at it again, must be getting paid soy and HRT pills.

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Reddit itself is a good place for discussion and generally a good place to share images and videos. The problem is people who use reddit. Anyone I've ever met that regularly uses reddit are the most annoying or incompetent assholes I've ever met. If you look at any of the meme subs they are full of the same jokes just copying each other. Reddit is littered with degeneracy and weird loser faggots. Not saying that Cred Forums isn't but it seems that anyone who uses reddit is just a copy of a copy of a copy. Hope that cleared things up for you.

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Like r/The_Donald and r/Conservatives? They don't lean very left to me. I think you're just full of shit.

what you claim as climate change caused by humans is actually just natural cycling of the earth and the right knows this, but you can't get money from people if you aren't blaming them for stuff, thus, the left is pushing the agenda that it's being caused by humans and you need to pay for a carbon offset

tldr; the left is all about getting money from people either with scams ("free college") or guilt

>it'll make sense why the right is mostly "boomers"
They are old, set in their ways, selfish, do not understand that some things have changed in the last 40 years, racist, foolish, angry, uneducated...
I mean, its pretty clear why they vote Right lol.

No. There's no user system here to even try to attention whore off of.

Example 1: You.

Shit man, did you see Cred Forums? It's a copy-paste coom threads everyday 24/7, nothing more.

Lol being this retarded in 2020. How do you live with yourself?

yeah, you sure showed him that reddit doesn't try to hide the right/conservative views

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What's funny about your fagpost is that you unknowingly do admit that right wing opinions aren't allowed outside of their containment chambers.

Wasn't there a huge controversy about Reddit locking those down for a time then putting warning labels over them upon every entry. You fuckwit

did you mean to quote yourself?

It's just for an illusion of free speech. Try to say something about niggers or that "white lives matters" outside of those subs and you will be hammered and banned forever

Think of it like this, if Cred Forums and Reddit were people then Cred Forums would the asshole kid that likes to hang out with other similar assholes and mess around. All is done for the sake of having fun because you know that no one can really judge you and you can just be yourself. On the other hand, Reddit would be a snobby kid that thinks they know everything and thinks they are better than everyone else because he has "more friends". Those friends btw all think alike and any opinion that goes against the consensus is silenced and the individual is judged solely on that differing opinion as opposed to who they are as a whole.

Oh no, they are allowed, but they obviously get called out for the batshit crazy ideology they represent.

and by that, you clearly mean not brainwashed

Lol! Are you fucking kidding me? No user system is needed. People attention whore here all the fucking time. Are you seriously this blind?

Look at any thread. Plenty of people attention whoring by posting their wives/gfs/Facebook friends because they're cucks, or arguing about something just to troll, or starting discussions about how they hate their lives and their girlfriend is a whore. If you think people don't attention whore here, you're just willfully ignorant.

Reddit kikes are infesting our board and I bet they're doing it for free the sad cunts

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Anyone can still access it so what's the issue? It's just an offensive community because they're a bunch of trolls so they put a warning sign. Not the end of the world and anyone can still access the sub.

How old are you, really? It seems like you're something about 15-16. Do you know that this website is 18+ only, underage kiddo?

Everyone hates us that's why we feature so prominently in the arts, film and television media, literature... Your dirty little basement isn't the whole world pal.

Depends on the sub. Lots of sub allow for that talk. Some don't. There are thousands of subs. Not all of them are alike and you can always find a sub that agrees with you. There are even subs for cucks to post their gfs like here.

The kikes puppet doesn't know they're being artificially forced into everything as a narrative
Sad little gay puppet

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You can't do the real things, you can't do the real work, that's why all of you faggots are doing some bullshit like art and not a real man job. World can easily exist without music and books and other shit like this you brainlet

>a bunch of trolls
defined by whom? I think you're a troll, can we quarantine you?

That's ok user, just call me too young because you've got nothing else to go on.
Very mature(lol) of you.

People get banned or downvoted for being anything left of center. For example, last year you got banned got stating anything factual about the russian hoax. It didn't matter that the right wingers turned out to be 100% correcy, it didn't fit with the reddit hivemind so it was a ban or REEEEE fest in the very least.


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Because reddiit is for niggers also no on else hates reddiit except other social media who want to keep their user base it's more of a meme than geniunly hating 4channers
Who by the way hate everything
Now back to reddiit

Reading up the log you don't have shit on them either mate gg

I was a liberal brainlet when I was like 18-19. Now I'm 31 and I'm a hardcore racist. You need to grow up and live some life to understand why people become "right".

If you have a subreddit you're welcome to quarantine me. Do you own any?

I wouldn't call myself a hardcore racist but I sure as fuck am more prejudiced the older I get and the more bullshit I come across, threads like these being an additional small percentage of it. Nothing compared to seeing those fucking BLM and Antifa apes though

post your username so I can, I own several

I'm 50 and it just seems to me that you became a sad old man full of despair. Unfortunate. You could've been so much better. I'm sorry you had to fall into despair and become this ugly of a human being. There is hope for a better future, I promise. Don't think you're so old that you've figured out everything. You're just a naive 30 year old who thinks they know the world now.

why was this downvoted?

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>I'm 50

Wait so you complain about Reddit and then own shbreddits? Lol what kind of troll are you?

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post your username, bud, you scared or something?

Pretty obvious user. If you have children when you can't afford them, you're dooming your children to a life of misery. It is in essence, child abuse if you're educated enough to understand the consequences of what you're doing and you do it anyways. (This doesn't apply to the poor people in Africa because they're not educated enough to understand why they shouldn't have children, but I would hope you are user).

I've met a lot of retards your age who vote left, don't worry. Once you fucking idiots finally die out and the right regains complete control of this country humanity can finally start evolving again. The faster the left dies out the faster humanity can reach a techno utopia where no one has to suffer anymore.

r/MensRights for actual gender equality and thats it

no seriously when it comes to gender politics MensRights is the most sensible subreddit

dont know any else

Because that's stupid bullshit. If only rich people could procreate that this world would be fucked without hard working low class men.

yeah sure my username is:


What an idiotic thing to say. The world could go on without music bit would anyone want to live in it? We don't need literature do we? Then how are we going to pass on culture and knowledge to new generations. Ask me how I know you're a republican you illiterate hillbilly fuck.

My username is toasties

username doesn't exist, nice try
not you

Great example of how kind and accepting the left are, unfailingly in wholesome non hypocritical personality. Glad we could have this TED talk thank you for coming.

Lol okay keep dreaming user. I know there are people who are delusional but you're on another level. To think that either that liberals or conservatives are dying when they both make up half the population is a little bit more than retarded. But this is Cred Forums, so it is expected.

Yes it is me.

I haven't read a book since school, I don't listen to music, only one that I hear in malls and elevators. And I live pretty well. And I'm not even talking about your piece of shit art that is completely useless and meaningless.

no, it's not

> Being this devoid of any artistic interests and being happy about it.
Peak degeneracy.

Yes, it is.

Most leftists are primarily boomers and the rest spread through millennials. The upcoming generation is more right wing and sensible. Communist faggots are in their death throws realizing their grasp of degeneracy on this once beautiful nation is ending. Humanity will move forward regardless of how you fucking retards try to keep it down

prove it

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I hope there will be a nuclear war or a zombie apocalypse soon, because in that situation all of you faggots will die without your stupid nigger music and other imaginary bullshit for retards, while real men will ride SUVs with big fucking rifles in their hands to kill and rob and rape everyone. Perfect world actually. No fucking feminists, no human right bullshit, no niggers (they will become slaves in 5 minutes after the apocalypse), only the pure anarchy and freedom.

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What's your favourite steak sauce

statistically speaking, you are very wrong

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I hate reddit.

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I'm 31 too.
Not an argument.
Just because you became a racist shit with time doesn't mean everyone else is a dumb as you are. .

Games,Music,Film,Books,Art and Sports are some of the best and most respected, masterful parts of life, are you fucking insane!

What do you even do?

FYI You might as well just say I am retarded instead of saying "I don't read books", maybe pick one up some time and you will know why.

You'll see for yourself on your deathbed boomer, your control of the free world is at its end. You can't control and enslave the masses forever. People are becoming aware of your bullshit trickery, the Virginia protest went without a hitch, the Joker movie didn't cause any mass shootings, PewDiePie didn't start a white supremacist cult, Shillary didn't win the White House, Trumps congressional "impeachment" meant absolutely nothing but a complete embarrassment to the left essentially securing his second term of presidency before the voting even starts. Legacy media is not only wrong on everything but proving they're unreliable meanwhile the right has been picking up pace on every corner being the obvious sensible choice. The sane choice. It's hilarious seeing you communist fucktards desperately clutching onto anything you can while losing it all. I'm glad you'll see the downfall of your attempts at moving the government toward neo facism lite, trying to mimick Hitler didn't work out for you poor fools. Trumps been blocking you on every front and undoing years of corruption set affront. As much as I don't care for any president it's hilarious to see him put the left on suicide watch

hey man, all i did was point out some factual data, if objective facts gets you that riled up i encourage you to respond with your own instead of whatever this incoherent drivel is

Ok boomer.
I accept your concession.

>average reddit user
>isn't a complete retard
?yad sdrawkcab ti sI

typical leftist, when asked to show proof for their lies, they disappear

>back to reddiit
Oh the Irony "user"

a lot and I mean a lot of reddit users are politically correct whiners and moral faggots not all mind you some have a good sense of humor and in general don’t follow the crowd.

ITT: Cuckservatives butthurt that reddit doesn't fall for its bullshit ideologies like its sheep followers do.

It doesn't take a rich man to raise a family user.

Welfare is supposed to keep you afloat until you can get back to your feet, it isn't supposed to be the government paying for your shit 24/7

Also back to Plebbit

Samefag this thread harder queerbitch

i dont like censorship

This Exactly.

>Believing Cred Forums is either Conservative or Liberal

Back to plebbit then and stay there, Cred Forums used to be the website for anyone and everyone who's Anti-Authoritarian


I got permanently suspended from Reddit for PMing someone about 42%, then made a new account and the fag admins suspended it despite not doing anything, sucks since I liked the content aggregation and now I can never post again because some fagkike admin decided to get butthurt

this, I laugh my ass off at both sides, but lately only the left is saying actual dumb shit

Cred Forums consists of the most toxic fucking garbage people on the internet and they're here because if you're that kinda person you are drawn to this fucking wretched place

Restart your router and get a new IP you fucking dingus. It's 2020 and you don't know how to circumvent internet bans?

Wrong. Cred Forums is one of the few places left on the internet where you can have an open discussion about weird or controversial subjects without biased promotion or curation.

You see, other platforms promote specific content based on approval/views. This just created an environment where the only the most conforming and clickbaiting bullshit gets the center of attention. Other platforms also have an issue of circle jerking and gatekeepers amongst the "elites" of a given community. Cred Forums doesn't have this issue due to its anonymous posting.

The only thing on Cred Forums that matters is the content of your post. Not your status, name, looks, upvotes...none of it. That is what discourages retards from this place, because they know they can't manipulate a system to remove or obsfucate posts they don't like.

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It’s on a fucking university WiFi you retard, and they’d still see the device that I was accessing it from. I’m not buying a computer just to use leddit

Stupid karma

Wait so, Reddit banned your whole university since you all share the same IP? That doesn't make sense.

And what the hell are you talking about buying a new computer. You can just change your mac address and the browser's identification. Are you an idiot?

Yes, I am. I’m not upset about the WiFi shit just the fact that Reddit admins are fags who like to suck tranny dick

And people on Cred Forums, the birth place of traps, aren't? Lol talk about delusional

Pic related. Everyone ITT

It's just a fucking website. Sorta like Cred Forums but with a condom. Nothing more.

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The jannies here don’t ban people for making fun of trannies, leddit does

They don't ban you but they still like to suck tranny dick, which is what you said in your comment.

I don’t care what their opinions are as long as mine don’t get me banned

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Aight OP, I'm going to try and summarise this for you as to why Cred Forums overall hates Reddit. I personally think it's an decent platform, but you just don't get the same experience as on Cred Forums. I'll try to avoid using classic tropes such as niggers, fags, etc.

First of all, and this is the biggest argument I have seen thus far, also named circlejerking, is the elitism and gatekeeping happening overall on Reddit. As once a wise man said, Cred Forums is a place where smart people call each other retards, and Reddit is a place where a bunch of retards call themselves smart. Obviously the first part is not necessarily true, and overall I feel like a high level of hatred comes from people who think of themselves as better than anyone just because they use Reddit. Honestly this can be seen in them literally calling themselves "the front page of the internet"

We do have retarded mods who will ban anything slightly close to pedophilia, but he isn't on in the morning time in America. Other than that, yeah, Cred Forums is much better than any website. 8-chan is good, but it's just filled to the brim with stormfags and russians

Second of all, since the banning of Tumblr porn, people have moved over to Reddit, and as such Reddit has gone for a more Liberal Politically correct way of thinking. In regards to that Cred Forums is the exact opposite. People here hate liberals in general, not for their overall view on how the world should be run, but for their support if the multi-gender propaganda.

I honestly have nothing against gays, lesbians or bi. Trannies border on mental illness, usually the transition treating the symptoms not the cure. Any people who shout "non-binary" but still recognise only two genders are just overall confused and are no older than 25. Anyone who believes that there are more than 2 genders is a fucking niggers faggot (ah shit, guess I did use them).

Either way, so the second argument is the misalignment of political views, culminating in the clash of Cred Forums and Reddit overall.

Lastly, Reddit has active moderation and punishments. Here on Cred Forums, especially on Cred Forums, as long as it's not illegal and mostly following the right topic and board to share it, the jannies won't remove it. On Reddit however there is active censorship, and the voting system makes sure only the most curated normie posts make it to "the front page of the internet".

That's it mostly, maybe I forgot some things, but overall that is it.

Extremely based.

How hard is it to get b& from Reddit anyways? Some of my friends got permanently suspended fot “harassment” but I’m not really sure how strict they are with that sort of thing


I wanted to get something translated and Cred Forums told me to ask reddit.. got banned for asking in the wrong subreddit. I dunno about a site-wide ban, but I sure easily got banned from subreddits immediately.

>literally is red.dit still a thing?
choose one, OP

they get all but hurt over everything
a bunch of weak snowflakes

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Fuck off redditor.

>That is what discourages retards from this place,
Have you looked at the shit being posted here?
If anything Cred Forums is a tard magnet.

because of /s,
are the majority of you so retarded that you can't comprehend sarcasm?

the worst thing has to be the good boy points and the mods censoring shit.

My biggest gripes with Reddit are:

1.) It’s way too heavily moderated. To post anything, you have to jump through so many fucking hoops to have it not taken down, and even if you do, there’s a chance that mods will take it down regardless.

2.) it’s a huge circle jerk everywhere. If you say anything that even slight goes against the grain of what Reddit thinks, you are downvoted to oblivion.

It's a better kind of retarded.

I like reddit more

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Reddit is so blatantly obviously Orwellian that I can't really believe it's allowed to stay on the internet

That is very true. I went to a For Honor subreddit and the first post was show how broken the balance in the game is. So with that in mind my interaction went like this with my first post.

Me: Ewwww who tf still plays For Honor?

For Honor Fag: mE dUmbaSs.

Me: I'm the dumbass, yet you still play For Honor?

That last comment got me at least -500 votes or something. I hate I couldn't troll at all on that shit site.

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Said the Cred Forums user.
shut up, incel.

Fuck off
Have you ever heard about fucking Google you stupid retard?!
Try finding out yourself before making a absolute Shit thread, fucking newfags man

A little trick to trolling reddit is to make intelligent well articulated posts that rational people would agree with, this tricks the average reddit user into giving you karma like a total dupe


after 7 years, I finally got the fucking joke

retarded redditor

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Nice try, next time post something interesting unlike the average reddit comment

It's full of fragile liberal wankers and 90% of posts are unfunny idiots trying to get Karma.

Reddit doesnt allow us to speak the truth about Jews and shitskins ruining human (white) society

It's just website rivalry. Most people on here are also on reddit, Facebook and other sites contrary to what they say here.

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the subredits i use are great compared to anything from this shithole

unresolved mysteries, guitar related stuff, true crime

>birth of traps
first day on the internet, I see

post anything that suggests black men don't stay with white women after they're pregnant on >goingtohellforthis and you'll get banned