I'm from the future, from 2021. Bernie has won and already turned back the ONLY thing Trump accomplished...

I'm from the future, from 2021. Bernie has won and already turned back the ONLY thing Trump accomplished, his executive orders. Transgendered people are protected now and free to live how god intended. Everyone has free healthcare. Free college coming soon. Bernie's VP, Elizabeth Warren, destroyed the southern concentration camps with the use of the US Army and has opened the borders for all freedom loving people to become American, just by entering the country, as the founding fathers said it should be.

Trump went on trial after his impeachment, and Bernie fast tracked his court hearings. Trump was found guilty of child molestation on 49 counts and 24 counts of rape. Proof of his collusion with China, Ukraine, Iran, and Russia came to light. His family turned on him during the trials and testified against him to save themselves. He hung himself in the same jail cell he had Epstein killed in.

Everyone is happy now. Anyone can smoke weed, cigarettes have been outlawed, and soda can only come in 12oz or less. We're the healthiest country. After we cut the military budget in half we used the other half to fully fund education everywhere, including the urban schools. The highest paid profession is now teacher and we are on the fast track to #1 in all education fields. Any Trump supporter was forgiven, only after they turned in their assault weapons to be destroyed, but not to be allowed to vote or own guns for the next 10 years for the damage done to the country. We are now running on 100% renewable energy, the climate crisis is in check, and Bernie even defeated ISIS in 30 days.

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fake and gay

>Trump went on trial after his impeachment
he's already on trial, you fucking idiot. at least make the meme believable

dont even care about politics just tired of trump news 24/7 not even funny anymore just played out and boring

>god intended
lol no you fucking abomination
even your fantasies are stupid

somethings cucky here.

You think USA will progress by being even more politically left ....... stop eating them blue pills OP.

Bernie will make our lives better, bring us into the future, why do people vote against their best interests?

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Sounds like hell on Earth. I had to face my Ayn Rand blow up doll away from the screen.

I bet this man stops Bernie

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>he's already on trial
lol he's not

Bernie wins the presidency... Dies within the first 6 months

The Jokerette and Lex Luthor?

Keep praying for your jewboy savior to be in office to bring up your wage to 15 an hour, cuck.

yes he is. the house already voted on articles of impeachtment. now the thing has moved on to the senate were the trial happens

thank you based bernie

its not a trial retard

Retard. Go back to fantasy island douche

Bernie's ok when he's not pandering to SJWs and beaners, but if he becomes president, he won't actually be able to make most of the changes you're talking about. Executive Orders are fairly limited, and he'd have a hard time getting universal (not free, somebody always pays) health care through Congress. Free college is a pipe dream.

Trump has served Israeli interests too well for the Mossad to release the tapes Epstein took of him raping underage girls, so he's not going to be prosecuted for that.

Federal legalization of cannibis is unlikely in the next 8 years.

If the military budget were halved to "fully fund education everywhere" (whatever that means), the economy would collapse, at least temporarily. A lot of that spending flows throughout the U.S. economy. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people are employed by the defense industry, and millions more are employed in other industries because those people have money to spend.

Trump is just making everything worse, at least if we continue to go in debt us poor people won't be shit on.

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you need to be 18 to post on this board I thought

it literally is a trial, with a panel of senators and the chief justice of the supreme court acting as judges and the rest of the senate as jury.

Feel the berrrrn


The united states has roughly 66 times as many people as norway, we have individual cities that have a higher populaion than that whole country. Even assuming your unsubstantiated meme is true it's a terrible comparison.


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1. debt =/= deficit
2. he still has 4 years to accomplish it


>Anonymous 01
You have too many niggers to accomplish same as Norway.

Again? Shits stale

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No he doesn’t, didn’t you read the OP? Fucking retard

What makes you think this time traveler is lying

You forgot to add

"And because everyone was so happy my wife removed my chastity cage and let me blow her BBC bull while stroking".

If you're going to write DNC porn you can't forget the classic tropes.

yeah but its not a trial idiot

it's per capita, imagine being this much of a trump supporter you forget to think

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>too many niggers

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So you are saying the future is a bunch of bullshit and lies.

I believe it.

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Norway and the US are far from comparable, but since you want to it failed to mention things like...

US: No income tax for salaries less than 24,000
Norway: Everyone pays a minimum of 28% tax and up to 49% on their income.

US: Joining the military is voluntary
Norway: It is mandatory for everyone to serve at least 2 years.

What differentiates it from a trial

Who else remembers this?

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trump was never actually impeached kek

he was in the house kek

Hope this larp helps get you through Trumps next 5 years in office without going completely batshit insane, OP. Thoughts and prayers.

deficit is debt. It is literally the money we didn't pay "yet".

if only we had, something we could massively defend, to help support the system the rest of the first world countries are using to make their citizens happier..

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I laughed

some grumpy old men saying they don't like him isn't impeachment buddy

The annual fiscal budget deficit is added to the national debt since we "borrow" the funds needed to make up the the difference. At least know what the fuck you're talking about, tard.


I’m from the year 2022 and the us has fallen into anarchy and been completely destroyed most people are now homeless. And all foreign countries have decided since setting foot on us soils makes you a citizen, they have demolished all prisons world wide and now just ship all their worst criminals (including murders, rapists, and pedos) to the us so as to no long have to deal with them. Mexico has built a wall so these criminals cannot sneak into their now thriving and crime less country. Also since guns are banned you can no long defend yourself against the criminals that still have them

>Trumps next 5 years in office
You think he won't do a Putin and change the rules?
There's at least one president who served for longer than his maximum.

it is, but keep your head in the sand kek

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low effort

I just wish she’d show off those huge melons

>since guns are banned
because DeMoCraTs WaNt To TaKe OuR GuNs!!11!

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It wasn't law when that president did it. Now it is.

Kek. Open the borders and become E.U cucks 2.0
Bernie however knows that open borders is only benefitting the multi national corporations and will bring down wages plus fuck the welfare state

of course, then why is he still the president while you're victoriously asking the bf of your wife to open up a victorious bottle of soy for you?

"Cutting military budget in half"
Like the warhawks of the DNC will ever allow that


>asking the bf of your wife to open up a victorious bottle of soy for you
there's a lot of projection here kek

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The defense budget doesn't even come close to paying for any of that. It could maybe pay the interest on the debt we'll go into with the addition of all that shit if we eliminate all our defense.
Those other first world countries have us as their defense.
Idiots look at the pie charts always posted of federal discretionary spending and think it's the actual federal budget.

Attached: federal budget.png (580x478, 192K)

Jesus, this bitch looks autistic. Why do you morbidly obese incels obsess over this bitch, again?

>Norway: It is mandatory for everyone to serve at least 2 years.
Wrong. It's 12 months, only 8000 recruits a year and you can be disqualified for weak body or mind.

>It's not my impeachment!
Every Republicuck ever.


The poverty rate in the USA is not 29%, it's basically zero. Did you post this from your socialist iPhone hahahahaha

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>it's basically zero

Healthcare should be illegal, I don't need nobody steaking my money. Back in my day we had to earn that.

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>I'm from the future

So am I!

>from 2021

Aw man sucks to be you, have you considered going forward in time, yeah I know people always want to go backwards, but what if I told you that in 2034 they successfully clone Hitler's brain and put it in a cyborg body, eh? Future is looking pretty good.

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Well, good.

We already have free healthcare

are you cosplaying a 12 year old cause they usually keep up with memes instead of spamming some shit that was out of fashion a month ago

sure kid

>faulty meme

Norway isn't Socialist. It's Capitalist with SOME Socialist programs. Same with pretty much all Western Europe. The difference between them and the U.S. is the U.S. is about 15% Socialist, whereas Europe is about 30% Socialist.

In a pure Socialist country, all the big ticket necessities are nationalized: Utilities, healthcare, fuel. Big Business, as we know it in America, is non-existent. But, go to Europe. You still see McDonalds, Honda, Shell, Amazon. It's still a very "free market" economy.

Also, the U.S. is not totally Capitalist. Some Socialist ideas that we adopted include free public education, public libraries, municipal police and fire departments, Social Security, Welfare, Food Stamps. The only BIG, tangible difference is that America still has it ass-backwards with healthcare. Not enough of us are convinced that government run, single payer IS the way to go. If we had single-payer, we would really start having a Western Europe feel. But don't call Norway Socialist. It's not.

Make another one but this time tell the truth about the USA (lack of poverty, free healthcare for many, freedom from union control, etc etc) and compare to Cuba. Or Venezuela. Or USSR. Or any other hellhole, because you know real socialism is horrible.

Cringe as fuck

solid kek

Sounds fucking gay.
Better summon an pegan choas god again to fuck up the time line
Good luck trying to get home asshat.

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>Transgendered people are protected now and free to live how god intended.
What laws outlaw being trans? What they want is to force everyone to accept them.
>destroyed the southern concentration camps with the use of the US Army
What even? What concentration camps!? Also wouldn't that be the national guard? The army doesn't operate inside the countries border unless its martial law...Oh wait.
> just by entering the country, as the founding fathers said it should be
The founding fathers also knew that vetting was necessary as they knew a country could be soft invaded. Are you serious!
>He hung himself in the same jail cell he had Epstein killed in.
Now I know your trolling badly.
>Everyone is happy now. Anyone can smoke weed, cigarettes have been outlawed,
Only way that can happen is if you make being unhappy illegal and kill all the depressed people...Wait...
Also you can smoke weed but not tobacco WHAT!?!
> We're the healthiest country.
We are now.
>Any Trump supporter was forgiven, only after they turned in their assault weapons to be destroyed, but not to be allowed to vote or own guns for the next 10 years for the damage done to the country.
> the climate crisis is in check
The climate Has been, Is currently, and will continue to change. There is NOTHING we can do to stop it.
Also renewable energy??? WHAT Source!?
Please share or can you even?

This hole thread is all sorts of half ass projected fantasy.

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Where's the hate for the poor?

I need a candidate that hates the poors more.

Fake and gay, nothing would actually change if Bernie were elected because nothing ever changes, such is the nature of liberalism. The right learned this with Trump and the left will learn when Warren wins (because the donors -will- fuck over Bernie).

Take the political alienation/Schmitt-Debord pill, retards. The only solution for anyone who wants to see anything other than 'rich Jews get richer' and 'invade the world invite the world' is to permanently abolish liberalism.

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Get the fuck out of here with that timeline. We all know trumps gonna fuck america in the ass for another 4 years

The gods have spoken!

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i love this post
bernie 2020 baby

Yeah because virginia isnt a thing.