I know some of you have mixed feelings about this subject I do understand that. But does she have a point ?

I know some of you have mixed feelings about this subject I do understand that. But does she have a point ?

How can someone help the way they are born ?

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gays and pedos should be killed, yes

Perfect wifey not going to lie

Psychologyfag here. I treat a client who's a pedophile.I think it's by far the most challenging client i deal with. I have the utmost emphaty for him, because i can see how he suffers because of all the urges he has. It's not something you just tell yourself it's wrong and it's the end of it. Think if whenever you feel atraction for an adult, you think it's wrong. And you feel that forever. It's not easy.

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I feel bad for these people honestly. It's got to be a miserable existence

I will never feel bad for a person who puts children at risk or poses a risk to children because of who they are.

Psychologyfag that's YOUR problem because normal people who don't have the luxury of knowing everyone's backstory or how they operate.

I'm sticking to my feels on it: fuck pedos, kill them all.

It's pretty easy to think like you. But if we think like that, how can we understand for trully what's going on? I also work with drug addicts, it's easy for me to have empathy for outcasts. But i understand it's not like that for everyone. Hating is easy. Dealing with the problem, discussing it and trying to understand it, to propose real solutions, now that's hard.

I only hate the ones who feed into their lust and look at CP, and i think those who have violated children should die. I think all pedophiles should get chemically castrated so they don't pose a threat to kids. I support them getting the help they need and we need more psychologists who will help them. We need to encourage them to get treatment. It honestly sounds like a shitty life, being attracted to children.

Exactly. People would rather bitch about problems rather than try and solve them. Thanks for being that someone these people can come to,and I'm glad your client sought help

Yes she does have a point. Paedophiles can't change any more than anyone else can.

Regardless, people who wish us death can continue to be angry and afraid. They cant kill us all. They cant "treat" us. They can't change a damn thing, they never have and never will.

I will advocate for my kind all the way to my cell if I have to.

>I think all pedophiles should get chemically castrated so they don't pose a threat to kids.

Gay men were chemically castrated (besides being put in jail) 50-60 years ago. Today society accepts it furthermore they supply puberty blockers, support sex change surgeries at a very young age...
In some countries it is still dangerous (=violence, sometimes murder) to be gay even today.

I do not say the same progress happens to pedos, and we definitely should not encourage being pedo but something needs to change.

Romantic and/or sexual attraction has a sliding window which widens with age. I.e.: 4 yo is attracted to 4-5. 15 yo are attracted to 13-17. 20yo attracted to 17-23, and so on... The problem arises when this window stops 'ageing' with the person. Let's say someone is attracted to 10-12 yo and it stays like that even when this person reaches 60...
It is set and cannot be changed just like being LQBTQ.

Imagine you are living your life knowing you will never be romantically (and sexually) satisfied. If you do act on your feelings then you might go to jail (if not killed by mob before or get killed in prison). This topic cannot be discussed with friends, nor family. A lot of psycho fags will not provide professional help but call the police instead...

That's where LGBTQ was 50-60 years ago, and pedos are still living with this above their head.

I fucked around on some ageplay forums out of curiosity. I was honestly surprised with how many women pedos there were.

> Can't kill us all

Doesn't mean we shouldn't try

I'm at peace with what I am. I would also refuse treatment and castration. If it was forced upon me then I would intentionally go about causing general harm for my treatment in retaliation. Nothing short of death will cease what I am and even then many more will take my place.

So try, little bitch.

So in other words the people who were empathetic toward you in this thread were misguided, and no one should have been. Got it. Have fun going out kicking and screaming. We won't miss you.

>They cant kill us all.
you wanna bet?

I do.

Nor I, you.

Did someone say cp

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You can't fuck children, man, are you nuts?

They're developing. They gotta discover these things themselves, or else, it fucks them up.

Try grown women. Much hotter.

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Everybody is pedro. That's the problem. Everybody is gay too but hardly will act those feelings. Or won't at all.

The same with the pedro thing.

Fuck I always knew since the third grade that I was a little bit pedro, but I tried so hard to supress it

Gays have consensual sex. Pedos prey on children. Big difference. Kill pedos either gay or straight. Leave adult fags alone.

I don't know about you, but I don't find kids sexually attractive. Maybe because I'm not a fucking nonce

There's a difference between a pedophile and a child molester.

A pedophile is someone who WANTS to fuck kids. A child molester is someone who WANTS to fuck kids and DOES fuck kids.

I firmly believe all child molesters should be shot in the head.

Then again, isn't a pedophile just a potential child molester?

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I believe that problems that can be solved and are worth solving should be pursued. Have you *ACTUALLY* helped this pedo stop his pedophilic tendencies?

Pedos aren't worth fixing.

Stop trying to normalize pedo's. You will never have that loli gf, get over it.

>Be world
>No child rights
>No worker rights
>No human rights
>Pedophile demands pedophile rights
>Pedophile demands unlimited access to human children

What you people are saying is sick, any pedophile sympathizers are actually pedophiles themselves.

There should be a death penalty for pedophiles in every country.

Ageplay and actual pedophilia are massively different. One is an attraction to innocence, the other is an attraction to someone who cannot consent.

I agree with this chick. Pedohpiles can't help being born the way they are, so as they are defective human beings we should help them out by putting a bullet through their head. :^)

Kinda hot not gonna lie.

THIS. You may be born a pedo, but you choose to act on it. Having the urges and thoughts is one thing, acting on those urges is another.

Right, not saying the two were the same. However, there was a surprisingly large number who flat out admitted to it.

I think youre just making the same mistake most people make and just associate the state of mind with the action

I just started dating a non binary person who is into age play. Does this mean they are a pedophile?

Not necessarily. Bring it up to them and see how they react to "minor attracted person." That seems to be the lingo they use to sound less threatening.

>non binary
>age play
This means they are a fucking nutcase, user.

Good for you then. I guess you will find easier to have compassion for something that is completely alien to you.

Not like those gay people that used to chase gay people when it was illegal, only bc thet knew about ther inclinations, not pun intended.

I mean, would you really want to live in a society where we decide someone does not have the right to live, just because this person is unable to fit into society.
When someone is born with certain urges, we should try to understand them and try to help overcome their urges and turn them into the best version of themselves.

Yet I do understand that it is hard to put yourselves in someone's shoes. It is not only hard to understand someones emtions and how they feel what to feel, but there is also the fact that it might be unsettling what we'd find if we were in their shoes.

3/10 bait

I know they are a nutcase that's why I am with them. The sex is amazing. I'm just wondering if I should be worried they are into kids as well.

The sex is really good. I don't want to fuck things up by accusing them of being into kids.

Probably to some degree, if she likes ageplay.




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Trying to normalize and rationalize are two different things you tardlet.

Keep fighting the good fight user
These shill bots won't win.

Ask what turns them on about ageplay and see if they prefer to be the little. Any of the actual pedos I talked to all admitted that they had a pizza collection, were attracted to kids, and ageplay was their way of "safely" exploring it.

Pedophiles disgust me. We need to find a way to detect it in their DNA and abort them so they're never even born.

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They go hand in hand pedophile

You stupid Jewish faggot

Your tribe is trying to normalize it

Nobody is born wanting to fuck children you idiot jew bastard

A bunch of girls likes ageplay... They are not pedros at all.

Other bunch like to fantasizes about rape but, guess, they really won't like that shit.

they can't but it is very confusing. I was becoming friends with someone I didn't know their history. Upon learning it I stopped talking to him.

I don't know what to say. He was okay to talk to. I had no problem with him other than what I learned.

Already been addressed but since you can't be bothered to read, this is whole thing has been in reference to one particular ageplay forum where a surprising number of women have outright admitted to being a pedo.

Is an adult male attracted to 16 year olds consider pedo? Asking for a friend.

Has it hit puberty? If yes, no. If no, yes.

How are you not attracted to kids if you are into pretending you are one?

Makes sense. My friend will be relieved.

I will not rest until every degenerate pedophile is on a cross.

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I believe homosexuality, traps and pedos should all be made equally illegal. I hate them all, period.

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So what about us bisexual men?

I agree in that we should kill them both.


Do you consider what you do for a living a science?

Just be straight. lmfao


Low tier bait.

All pedos should be gassed.

Full stop.

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The world was pedo less than 100 years ago. Statistically youre the defective.


So it's a mental disorder

>Paedophiles can't change any more than anyone else can.
Then accept that some people are just broken. You do NOT mess around with kids. Period.

How does one get help tho? I feel like telling a psychologist kids gets you going you'll be getting a call from a cop a fee days later

keep up the good fight, we have to get rid of these sick fuckers. post more so we can recognize these criminal degenerates

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