So...uh whats a good way to maintain when you took a little to much?

so...uh whats a good way to maintain when you took a little to much?
orally it has like a 6 hour dwell time
t. hour 1 and its already out of control

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youre good man. idk exactly what you mean by maintain, but if you need someone to aggregate comedown tips, I'll be back in 5.

also, general rule for all drugs is either eat some food or throw up a bit

>maintain living
dying is my backup plan but i'm saving that trick for last

>I'll be back in 5.
do threads on Cred Forums even last that long before getting 404'd

How about call an ambulance? Better stupid then dead.

Food water poop shower sleep

with opiates, it is all about breathing, uppers usually help. the other user is currect about throwing up, then eating. for overdoses we usually put someone in a cold shower, or sternum rub, or i give them a dose of naloxone. maybe get some caffeine pills to keep yourself concious. but generally you have to waaaaay over do it to really hit the long sleep. like a 10x normal dose with a lowered tolerance or something.

you know how much a ambulance ride costs in America? They fucking charged me like $10,000 when i broke my spine and was just the ambulance ride, and now they want to charge me like $2,000 a month for pain killers which i would have to jump the endless hoops just to get. Americas medical industry is a business and not there to actually help people. Plus they give me that shitty drug that turns off endorphin receptors in your brain which would be fine except for the whole broken spine issue would leave me in so much pain i'd have a heart attack or a brain aneurysm

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checked for actual good advice on Cred Forums

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what kind of degeneracy is this...who doesn't use a bed sheet?

you should try out kratom, or wild lettuce. piperine, cimetidine (tagamet) and white grapefruit juice all potentiate the effect of opiates. also alcohol, pot, benzos, any gaba drug. generally anything they tell you not to mix. but usually i get the best bang/buck with some combination. i am on maintenance suboxone, both it and methadone are good options too.

i broke my spine too. i have rods and screws in my dorsal vertebrae. stop doing opiates and smoke weed instead. i stopped using pain killers like a week after i left the hospital and haven't needed them since.

weed is the cure.

did they do surgery or are you just laying in bed with a broken spine?


me n op on dubsroll

also, darknet is a great source. for kratom, herbal-rva is a good clearnet source

i tried kratom, it didn't help with the pain and i think its kinda a shitty buzz. It did help me quit opioids which i was on full time for 7 years, now i only take pain killers in emergency situations when i'm in crazy pain and can't stand. gabapentin ain't bad, i actually tried getting by with just that earlier today but it wasn't cutting it. Also gaba made me gain crazy weight like 40lbs in 6 months so i try to avoid it

Also i'm not trying to potentiate, i took way to much because its very hard to dose

ya, kratom is weird and not for everyone. I already mentioned what to do re: potential OD. You were complaining about medical costs, so i was talking like, in the future. if you are this coherent still you should be fine.

spine surgery have extremely high failure rate, my doctor literally said "i could do the surgery but i'll probably just make it worse"
It was a fracture in my L5S1 and a bunch of herniated discs so there not much they could do except strap me to a bed so i didn't move around and wind up bumping my spinal cord and paralyze my self, it happened a few years ago. I can now walk but i have to be careful because of spinal stenosis unless i feel like loosing control of my legs and bladder ...falling over in screaming pain while i piss myself. But young and look fine so people assume i'm fine and get made at me for not help lifting heavy shit or parking in a handicap spot

>You were complaining about medical costs, so i was talking like, in the future. if you are this coherent still you should be fine.
oh i see your point, im trying pretty hard to not nod and have the hiccups which is a precursor to throwing up , like i said when taken orally it has a 6 hour dwell time so its a slow motion train wreck

drink a red bull

good idea, maybe driving to the store will help keep me couscous

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If you really did too much your fucked if your by yourself. I've almost done too much before though and caught myself not breathing for a couple minutes and had to smack myself in the chest because I didn't feel like dying. I'd say just try and stay aware if you can.

you could also go to a pharmacy and get a naloxone overdose kit. but youd only want like .25mg if you wanna just blunt the high instead of full blown withdrawl/pain

that is a scary feeling, coming out of a nod and realizing you haven't been breathing. i think the adrenaline rush is the only saving grace

ive overdosed a bunch by myself, and always woken up later. one time in my younger days i slammed half a shot and ODed, in a flop house with 5-6ppl and my gf. i guess i turned blue, she got on top of me and slapped me as hard as she could a bunch. didnt work, a few others were falling out also, she gave up and did a much smaller dose, i woke up a few min later. it was an extra strong batch that hadnt been cut yet.

lately i get more freaked out if i wake up and realize im coming off a benzo binge, and cant remember the past days or week.

can you get that over the counter in America?

Also does any body have that webm of a guy ODing and a bum is trying to give him milk, then someone gave him naloxone .. jumps up and kicks him in the nuts for ruining his buzz

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>she gave up and did a much smaller dose
based GF

That shit creeps up on you man, one of the dealers reups or some shit and all of a sudden the shit going round and cut as much and everyone all of sudden starts getting stories of oding and shit. I never did really OD too hard some hard as fuck knock outs and black outs and having to catch myself not breathing like I said, but I never was really lucky enough to get really good shit more than a good handful of times and I was never really working my way up to a half gram or nothing at a time but a lot of my dudes were deep into it getting hospital trips and cold baths and seeing people fade out to not wake up and shit, real scary shit.

i never really messed around with benzos so i can't relate. I nevver really like coke either, it just didn't do anything for me and we had some top notch coke that was still pressed into the shape of the corner of the brick it came out of. We cut the living shit out of it and people were still saying it was good shit

It depends on the state.

in most big chain pharmacies, they have signs saying 'naloxone' available here. i think 48 states, if not all by now.

anybody here ever taken naloxone? would it actually make my pain worse or does it just work on the dope receptors?


well i threw up the coffee i just drank and i really need to piss but can't

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no doubles still checked

If you really gotta piss stick your hand in some cold water and it can help, but sometimes there's just no doing it and you probably fuck your shit up trying to force it

I thought it was warm water

Ah yeah i had a 24 hour memory wipe with my friends filling me on my insanity/douchebaggery once when I did too many benzos and chinese liqour that happened to have too high methanol content. Depressed cns and both ends purging was not fun.

my friend tried driving home and side swiped like 10 cars, ripped his fender completely off, thought he made it home put just parked in some random persons driveway and feel the car...with it running and still in gear

ya, ive been having 500+mg of liquid etizolam on hand most of the time. i have a 2-3 week hole in my memory from shortly after my buddy ODed and died. i have maybe a dozen fragmented memories from the whole period. no idea how i was functional, some weird history on my phone from that period. fucked up convos n such.

Naw cold water cus opiates relax your organs and decrease bloodpressure and when your veins restrict from the cold water it can help raise blood pressure a little bit and shock your system and the idea is that it will get your bladder to start working a little bit.

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Folks won't usually say this, but the real risk of administering naxolone is to the person administering it.
Think of it this way, here's a dude who might not even know (or care) that he's nodding off suddenly in full blown withdrawal. I'm told that it is, well, the absolute fucking worst. He's probably gonna deck the guy who may have saved his life.

so i'll just stick one hand in each, one hot / one cold. Bout to make a homemade catheter before my bladder explodes

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Squirt some in your ass mayne

Hey if your bladder explodes and you die then that's on you.

I recommend cold water.

i take it sublingually. i get it as powder and mix with pg to volumetrically dose. i have shot it up a few times, being a junky and all. the first time i eyeballed a powder dose, and went into a 24hr blackout within 20 sec of pushing plunger. its not worth iv'ing though, subL works great

i'll check this

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im amazed by the high LD50 of benzos, id for sure be dead if not for that, ive probly done over 100mg in a day. evil class of drug. probably perfect for mind control, mkultra type stuff, or ghb type action, or even like what they do with scopolamine. i wish i could get buperenorphine powder instead. i could get raw fent, but thats probably an aweful idea.

Ikr. I threw up in a restaurant, ate my friend's food, fell asleep in 3 random places while being coaxed around, flashed a buncha my pals, etc. Brain completely dysfunctional.

The funny thing is being able to kinda stagger around, string words together and do bodily functions like eat, shit, puke, but some important chunk of brain is totally shut down.

check out my least successful thread ever
fentayl is to clean you have to be boarder line ODing to even notice it and you can't really go on and off it unless you're glutton for punishment because it's withdraw is wicked

I told my shrink to take me off the benzos. Couldn't risk this shit anymore.

Also i kinda miss tramadol and codiene.

>tramadol and codiene.
nice combo, back in like 2010 they were pushing tramadol as a safer alternative to oxy then all the sudden it became really hard to get. You should try raw opium, depending on how you take it you can get very different buzzes, orally it lasts like 12 to 18 hours which is nice, smoking it seems to charge me up and i get a little aggressive

i recently got 1g of ODSMT, was cheap and technically legal in the usa. its the active prodrug of tramadol, is much stronger, and is even bootable (burns though, probly caustic) odsmt is to tram as morphine is to codeine, potency wise

>trams hard to get
Yeah they figured out people abused them and got seizures lmao. Non medicals are really REALLY hard to get where I'm at. Maybe someday on holiday.

whooo be careful with that.

you wanted this, don't pus out

ive torn open patches and shot up gel fent, most street dope is cut with fent now too. but having a whole gram of something dosed so low, just asking for trouble. but it has amazing rush, and im used to partial agonist highs, so im pretty good at judging subtle highs. i wouldnt mind getting one of the lower potency rc fents, so many crazy analogs nowadays.

all the commercially available codeine is actually morphine that has been synthetically converted into codeine because it has a much lower yield then morphine

that makes sense i guess. also, odsmt is supposed to not have the ssri type effects of tram, and so not the same seizure risks.
i keep waiting for some morphine yeast to be perfected and make it into the wild. seems like yeast or ecoli can be cas9'd into making most pharmaceuticals, especially plant based ones.

i just used the patch as intended so my baseline was already elevated and i never had to come down which is nice for me because when i come down otherwise i'm in crazy pain from my injures and not having any natural endorphins. Nice thing about fentanyl is how cheap it is, mu scrip was like $15 compared to other pain killers which can cost like $800 if you don't have insurance

>i keep waiting for some morphine yeast to be perfected and make it into the wild. seems like yeast or ecoli can be cas9'd into making most pharmaceuticals, especially plant based ones.
this has my attention, i need to look into it because i never heard of this before but cool af if they get it worked out

seems like the ecoli version in japan is more efficient, but im rooting for the yeast, cause im a brewer, and its much easier to handle than ecoli. they are supposed to still be working out all the steps being in one strain, and getting things efficient for a commercial level

How do you guys even bother with opioids when it seems like the easiest kind of drug to kill yourself on. I’m not saying this with judgment, I’m actually curious.

I consider myself a druggie. I won’t take everything but I will take some version of everything except for opiates just cause of how hard it seems to not die.

Even something insane like a bunch of molly and coke you’re more likely to be having a panic attack than actually dying. I mean, usually. I know it can happen.

Anyways OP what you’re going through sounds scary and umm just keep doing menial tasks and thinking how good you’re gonna feel when you escape

crispr cas9 is so easy and cheap too, it might be possible down the road for at home biohackers to insert all the required poppy dna into yeast. or cartels, if i was running the zetas or something id just kidnap all the researchers working on this.

would rather die than never be able to shoot up heroin again. nothing else compares. but obviously i keep myself well informed. knowledge is the best defense from OD, regardless of the substance. but i think we are all wired differently, other people love meth the way i love heroin

It really just depends on what kind of dosages you get, I mean think about it how many opiod pills can you reasonably take before die if you take the acetaminophen out of it. Not like your just gonna instantly die the first time you do heroin unless you get really unlucky and get some nasty ass fentanyl suicide mix sold to you your first shot.


Glad I never took the plunge then. I mean, I want a way. But I think, fuck... I would already say that about weed. I’d probably just evaporate out of society immediately if I tried heroin then. Or meth. That’s basically all I haven’t done.

Honestly though I’d probably go with the low dose meth route if I was gonna jump in the deep end. Just a little bit to be like cheat codes at work, or moshing around at a live show feeling like you’re a fucking god. But ahh, would probably destroy my life lol

fentanyl is really the only one you need to be cautious with. Most "accidental"overdose deaths are really just suicide that get called accident for one reason or another. I honestly think alcohol is probably worse then all the drugs in the sense you're a lot more likely to do something that will get you killed. Maybe its just me bu with opiods i don't seem to lose motor control/hand eye coordination and mental faculties like most other drugs cause, you ever witness somebody take xanax and alcohol...they get dangerous sloppy and are mentally retarded which is far more dangerous imo

how did you hurt yourself?

they give low doses of methamphetamines to elementary school kids as a modus operandi, I'm sure a big strong >18yo could handle it if you think you could

Uhh yeah cause we’re just gonna conflate methylphenidate with methamphetamine

I’m almost 30 bitch I just don’t do heroin lol

>I told my shrink to take me off the benzos
come out to asia, benzos (illegally) over the counter! My ex-wife loaded up in Thailand. I never touched the shit and this was 15 years ago, so I didn't know shit about benzos.

Hey man they give the shit to little elementary school girls, If your curious I'm sure that you could get some Adderall or something and see what it's like. just trying to be supportive.

Xannies and booze, especially bad booze will fuck you up.

Nah man I can get supply. I'm done cuz benzos are real scary shit. The addiction and harm levels are beyond what I'm comfortable with. Thanks for the tip tho.

Yeah I’ve done lots of adderall. And coke. And again. You’re probably doing meth right now and trying to convince yourself it’s the same since you obviously need that to be true.

But me I’m not so sure and I think that’s fine

i think the mistake most people do with opioids is they go right to the deep end and when they acclimate they have nowhere to go, i you're nodding out from a 10mg hydrocodone then whats the point in taking a 80mg oxy? i started small which gave me plenty of room to grow, i did it for 7 years straight and always got a good buzz and didn't even make it to really crazy opioids like Dilaudid which is nice because if i ever get in a car wreck or something pain killers will still work on me if i ever need them

>I'm done cuz benzos are real scary shit. The addiction and harm levels are beyond what I'm comfortable with. Thanks for the tip tho
It's not a tip. It just is. Btw, if you're caught, they will throw the book at you. That dumb bitch took the risk of us spending a decade in prison if someone at customs opened her tyenol container.
Tell me, what's the appeal? I tried it 2 or 3 times. On the plane it made me fall asleep. Other time it did nothing. Taking about 7 and a shit load of beer turned me into a sack of shit on the floor that had to be carried around (I later realized I could have died that night from alcohol poisoning or something and she would,t have done anythying)
Oh, I later realized she'd steal money, steal anything for cash for benzos.
What exactly is the appeal?

I once forgot a month in high school from bars. I knew in my dumb state that there would be problems coming off so I did a fast taper and was fine. I didn't know what symptoms to look for but I realize the gaps going down my spine from my neck were a symptom. I didn't know back then why it was happening but now as an adult and getting off after 6 months, I had those same zaps. I remember most parts of the 6 months though.

fell from like 25 feet and landed on my back, which is the worst way to land, if i landed face forward i'd been fine (maybe a broken wrist or something)

> (OP)
>How about call an ambulance? Better stupid then dead.
Obviously not a drug user

I'm sorry to hear that bro. I guess the damage is for life then. How are you coping?

I wanna beat the shit out of people who start talking about coke ngl. Like coke is fine I guess, but when someone addicted to substance starts real hard on crack they start sucking dicks and stealing and all kinds of shit and I just can't live with myself allowing someone else to go down that road, no offense.

i hate dealing with girls on bars, it turns them into zombies and makes their tongue lazy. Plus it kills sex drive.

Just... don’t do crack then? Lol the 70s had all the good drugs already and we just took it too far.

Hear me out. What if all the heroin and fent disappeared overnight and you get... refined o p i u m

sold to you by a guy wearing a Baja hoodie who also sells weed and lsd. World is made 1000x better

Oh and you can still go to corporate lizard people to buy coke. If that’s your persuasion. Man it all seems so innocent

Lol but I just remembered some people still shot up heroin in the 70s. Probably not as many though.

I don't see what one dealer selling it all changes if the cops are still watching you waiting to arrest you on drug charges, your entire point is just lost on me

>How are you coping?
i think this thread indicates the answer

funny story about Dilaudid
>fall and injure my back
>mfw paramedic first day
>he wants to give me a IV for some reason
>10 miles to hospital down a bumpy old country road
>he fucks up the IV 4 times on my right arm
>3 more times on my left arm
>get to hospital and the fist thing the doctor does is looks at the track marks on my arms
>Doctor injects me with a crazy high dose of Dilaudid
>i forget the dose but he had two bottles of it but only injected me with one and put the other bottle in his pocket
>MFW based junkie doctor tried to hook me up
>except i had never taken any opiate in my life at this point
>start throwing up exorcist style all the way home
>Dads like "hey man try to enjoy it... play some guitar or something" while im nodding in and out covered in vomit with a broken spine that the doctor didn't even bother take a xray because he thought i was just pretending to get drugs

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where the fuck are you? arkansas or missippi or some other shit hold?

yea it was a southern state, the fucking hillbillies are known for chopping off a finger or toe just get some free pain killers at the ER
Also i knew a few security guards from the prison and they said the meth heads would save up their scabs and eat them because there is trace amount of meth in them since meth doesn't break down in the body. Now they weren't sure if it actually worked but they said they would see the prisoners doing it all the time

What is that webm?

i have no clue, i have so much weird shit on my computer that i don't even remember saving

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