How to make a single mother hooker be my girlfriend?

How to make a single mother hooker be my girlfriend?
>inb4 hurr durr, dating single monther AND hooker, cuck!
She looks like this. I don't give a fucking fuck, she LOOKS LIKE THIS.

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Do you want AIDS?
Because that's how you get AIDS.

Just keep giving her all your money . You can tell people shes your gf. Shes a fukin whore , shell say anything for $$

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Dude, why? That's the biggest possible red flag.

Read the fucking post.
That's not the same thing.
I don't give a fuck.
No matter how much I fuck her and therefore spend money on her, she doesn't want to be my gf.

There is nothing more loyal than somebody you must pay to hang out with you
Oh, wait....

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then kys u fucking incel

Single mother who has to sell herself to get by and you have troubles nailing her down. You must be very unappealing if she's not gonna give that life up for you. Lol

>OP doesn't care about diseases. Dies in 2 years

Obviously one nigger fell for this, and now you are too? Hah.

Ohhhh I forgot that shes a 10/10 when dolled up and cracked out. Carry on and enjoy the diseases.

Of course she won't. Why would she? She earns up to 7 000$ per month, for fucks sake, and my whole wage is 2500$.

This. Just kys.

hey OP she sounds familiar, mind me asking you what state you're from?

Thought she looked familiar, sent her an email saying there is some random client on Cred Forums creeping on her to be his gf. I have done you a favour op

I would recommend you 10 feet of rope and a stool, but you are so stupid, you wouldn't be able to make the knot

She'll never fall for a man pathetic enough to pay for her services.

You'd need a lot of money.. to blow her mind as you fuck her and also to be attractive enough.

Her future husband won't ever find out she's been a whore.

Look elsewhere.. continue fucking her for money. You're getting the best part of that relationship cheaply if you think about it.

I once fucked a hooker who started to get weirdly attached, and not just in the way where they want to rinse you for more money, like she'd text me to tell me random boring stuff about her day etc.

I stopped replying quick and moved on, shit was creepy.


Ameriburger assuming everyone is from the USA

Do you talk to her when you're not, uh, paying for services? Women won't like you on the basis of what you look like alone. You have to have some kind of an emotional connection that is not about sex. Are you super lame when you talk to girls, or cool and funny? If the former, you have zero chance.

>No matter how much I fuck her and therefore spend money on her, she doesn't want to be my gf.
She's leading you on so you'll keep spending money on her. She's not acting in your interests. Cut the cancer off and hope it hasn't metastasized.

Like I have anything else to spend my money on, than on something that brings me fun.

>Looks like this

Prove it faggot

Donate to Austrailia's fire fighting effort. They need us.

lmao jk. Then have fun. A girlfriend is a partner. A friend. If you just want to fuck her, then fuck her. An actual relationship with her won't end well - even if you can manage to start one.

She'll be yours as long as you pay her john.

You only get aids from gay sex brah. Don't believe the lies

Serious answer- just tell her she's your gf now. She's desperate

Chloroform, a rope, and a cage.

eat her ass

weak bait... kys

Too late. She won't date a client.

I like the cut of your jib, good show.

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You dun goofed. She could be working for you now.

Can't make a ho a housewife.

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It's damaged goods user, as everyone else points out, your asking for STDs, and even otherwise she comes with 18 years worth of baggage.

Seeking exclusivity makes some sense, but, reguardless of her looks, have some dignity.

Trying to actively date a hooker rather than use her sounds like some cuck shit to me...

OP is a faggy cuck