Ahh, another glorious productive day of liftan, drawing, and a little vidya in between...

ahh, another glorious productive day of liftan, drawing, and a little vidya in between. Sure is nice going to bed whenever I want, and sleeping in every day :)

Good morning wagies, hurry up now, you don't want to be late for work ;)

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damn i wish i was a worthless piece of shit like you ...
wouldn't have to waste half of my waking hours on shit no one cares about ...

Let me suck you off!!!!!!!!!

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You probably have rich parents.

Im a fat male
I mean I lift, but I'm still fat

self worth is subjective

nah homie

they disowned me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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look don't rub your status in the faces of other goofballs who aren't contributing to society even though they are working hard. The small percentage of folks responsible for infrastructure aren't concerned with you, or who you are making fun of.

If you create or distribute food, clothes, medicine, or infrastructure, you are the economy. I salute you.

If you don't do that (sales, NEET, investment, banking, real estate) enjoy the ride, we live in the future. Don't waste it, machine learning is gunning for you.

hello NEET, i too wake up whenever i wish. i also get paid regularly like the wagie. upgrade your lives


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I'd rather be a wagie than spend every day drawing commission porn for filthy furry degenerates, which let's be real here is how you make a living isn't it

mmmnope. imma schizo bro c:

what are you playing? i work from home, so as long as i meet my deadlines, i'm free.

>i mistake my own sloth and lethargy as revolution against a system

Great post!

just finished 100% in red dead, also just finished witcher 3, still have jedi fallen order and a few others, sekiro, cod, wow & gamepass

>the system fucked me over and stuck me in a cage and drugged me against my will
If they're gonna fuck me up for life the least they can do is pay my bills :/

wanna play?

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video games are for fucking losers

Found the massive faggot

When I was neeting hardcore I did 100% in every kingdom hearts game, Final fantasy 12 the zodiac age and Final Fantasy 8. Very fun times.

I would also draw, read and go on walks. I miss those days

No, he meant to type
>Witcher 3 is for fucking retards

It must be terrible to live in a world of such restricted choices

Protip: before you respond, think about Aesop's fox

ahh the mandatory neet post to piss off the wagie who checks his phone in public transport/waiting at the traffic light.

I felt a little sluggish this morning, so I went to bed again. then studied some accounting and finance. then went grocery shopping for vegan, gluten free and soy free food. all expenses paid of course (not by me hahahah). I then finished season 2 of billions with some healthy food and coffee with honey. now some more studying and lifting :)

have a good day lads! (except the people stuck in offices/trades... FUCK YOU HAHAHA)

so you're the next julius caesar? tell me how anybody gives a shit about your paper pushing job again? oh that's right, everything is meaningless since we're all a bunch of monkeys on a rock floating through endless nothingness ;)