Over 2 thousand killed by guns in the USA so far this month ! Bonkers

Over 2 thousand killed by guns in the USA so far this month ! Bonkers.

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s a g e

guns are the fucking cancer of the earth.

guns are awesome

OP's post seems pretty anti gun. Why would you sage if you agree?

Over 20,000 killed by doctors mistakes.
Over 50,000 killed by cigarettes.

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both of which we have bipartisan support to hold accountable. so why do you hate saving people when in relation to guns?

how many of those deaths involve niggers on the triggers?

>90% ghetto trash/drug dealers shooting each other

Bonkers guys we gotta save them!

Source, demographics, circumstances?

Its not about fixing the large problems only but every mistake along the path. But i dont give a shit about gun politics cause yeah they kill people but who really cares

don't change the narrative

not important to know that detail

Most are suicides.

Far more people are aborted than die via gun homicide.

Most of those are suicides. You should look into it.

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don't change the narrative

Don't change the narrative

We really need to to something about all those niggers killing each oth- ...wait, no we don't.

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Most gun fatalities are inner city folks doing Gods work to themselves. No loss.

>posts gun death stat
>posts picture of law abiding white people
You must be confused

Only 2k? Bummer.
If you multiplied that by 10000, now that would be good.

No. Hospital groups hold a lot of power and get away with a lot of shit. Only times doctors get outed is when someone actually records them.

More people in England were killed by knives last month. England needs a new ministry to regulate people’s cutlery drawers. The violence in England must stop! All English people need to turn in all their knives now!

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Are you saying the person that commits murder with a gun isn't accountable?

Going to need source on that seeing they have a fraction of the US population.

Sometimes I kinda wish my country didn't have gun control tbh. Knowing that every nigger I walk past in a dark alley probably isn't carrying a gun and not having to worry about school shootings is nice but I have to wonder if our politicians would be so smug, worthless and openly corrupt if they knew citizens could express their discontent with bullets rather than with strikes and peaceful protests.

so OP needs no source, but a non muricun crime thingy needs a source?

>Over 2 thousand killed by guns
>Over 50,000 killed by cigarettes.

lol do these things wield themselves? are guns and cigarettes sentient? When did they become self-aware?

I always figured someone had to make a choice to use these things for killing to happen, but your strange use of words suggests otherwise.

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yea lets see some stats bud

if you don't like guns your a faggot. bottom line

Unironically this

The US is literally PACKED with criminals and criminal organizations that CANNOT wait for their free monopoly in gun smuggling which they will absolutely FINESSE the way they did when alcohol was made illegal and the way they do to this very day with all sorts of drugs and things.

But yeah disarming yourself is cool too lol

>blame inanimate objects

How many were killed by blacks and Mexican gang members?

Blacks and Mexicans would be able to kill far fewer people without easy access to guns.

Lies. Theres not even 500 gun deaths a year. Post your statistics liar.

How many were killed by abortions?

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None. Fetuses are not human

Yes. Let's do nothing.

Actually, you would be empowering those gang members, by providing them with extra revenue from gun smuggling.
Do you understand?

Guns absolve the shooters of guilt, that's just common sense.

I mean, there's objective proof from countries that introduced gun laws that they do work.

Someone should lock up all the guns so they can't kill any more people. Also niggers.

Neither are babies. Have you ever seen one? They're little squalling blobs, not people. Abortion should be legal up to the 15th trimester.

kinda like how US politicians have so much respect and fear for their constituents?
oh wait

70%. 5% accidental mishaps and 25% suicide attempts.

proof ? nah I don't need that, I'm just gonna pull some NRA talking points outta my ass and be all smug about how the US is obviously way more awesome than anywhere else in the world

Cool. Throw them in jail for their crimes, confiscate those guns and eventually you'll have *most* of them off the streets.

Without US companies making guns and ammo, they'll eventually run out of shit to sell. Might give them some extra revenue for a while, but the project to remove guns is a long project, not an overnight fix.

They’re not really bald, you know

Not by guns, with guns! Guns don't kill people, people kill people, thats the reason we should protect guns from people never should an instable man lay his and on a gun again.
Also idiots with kids are a huge problem, it's not the guns fault if an idiot dosn't lock the gun away so a child can find it and accidently kill his siblings, while playing with the gun.
We don't need laws to prohibit guns, we need laws to prohibit people from owning guns.

the US govt literally destroys small countries just to sell guns to the survivors

disarming yourself is a foolish mistake

Wait has there been a school shooting in 2020 yet?

That's because they use Rogaine for Birds

there was one in mexico

>I believe at an arbitrary time a fertilized egg suddenly because human

The a b s o l u t e s t a t e of liberals is a fucking joke.
Babies can survive being born only 21 weeks after conception, heart beats 18days has eyes 21 days, etc etc

Abortion is indisputably murder, straight up

That being said, though, abortion has to remain legal or we'd be over run with poor people including niggers and hillbillies.

The law should be written that if you make over a certain amount of money, you can't have an abortion at all and those below the poverty line should have to abort, but todays fragile society couldn't handle it

Becomes**** I hate phone posting but I hate using my computer more

don't you disparage the best bird in the whole world better than any stupid foreign bird

guns have a place, and it's not in the bedside stand of every fucking yank idiot to shoot their friends and family with

let's see if you can go a whole year without one

You got that wrong we are the cancer. Think about that.

furriner detected

why the fuck would anyone be against this kind of population control - all these anti-abortion faggots don't consider what happens to these unwanted babies after they're born
they are only against it because their stupid fucking sky fairy in their stupid fucking stone age book is supposedly against it

yeah non-americans are the only ones who seem to have sensible ideas about guns

I wonder how many of those were inner city ghetto niggers?

Give them up and surrender to Muslim invaders?

The real killer here is dihydrogen monoxide. Make yourselves aware.

it sure fucking is you retard

>create a situation in which law abiding citizens are not legally permitted to have equal playing field with gun criminals, who by definition do not obey gun laws


Kill yourself please

Jeremy Getman, 18, planned a school attack at Southside High School, but it was foiled after students told a teacher that he was carrying weapons. He carried 14 pipe bombs, three smaller bombs, a propane tank, a sawed-off shotgun, and a .22 caliber pistol into the school by a duffel bag and also a book bag full of ammunition. On December 17, 2001, he was sentenced to 8½ years.[7]

lol well i guess he's cured:

Ex-inmate Jeremy Getman said life in prison is routine and rigorous, and much of the time guards and workers keep a cool distance rather than be overtly personal.

"There's instances when things become so routine, you do tend to let your guard down and you get to talking," said Getman, who served time in Clinton for a 2001 conviction on weapons charges. "The worker might mention something about their life, like how their wife does this or their husband does that.


Then it's a good thing 99 percent of abortions happen before 21 weeks.

Your whole point is funny because you can lose your heart and eyes, and still be kept alive. That's not the bar for life. When your brain goes down, that's when you're legally dead, and your brain doesn't stay on until -- hey! -- about 21 weeks.

That's too many, we need to arrest those guns and imprison them. Can't believe they're letting guns roam free and kill people.

This Weekend:
- Virginia, 10k armed as fuck people gather to protest, no dead, none injured, not even one shot fired.
- Chicago (home of strict as fuck gun control), 5 dead, 42 wounded in shootings (just last Fri, Sat, Sun).

...so fuck off retard

kek, yet everyone in the media was trying to portray the protest as dangerous and scary

>Virginia, 10k armed as fuck people gather to protest, no dead, none injured, not even one shot fired.
>They all return home to beat their wives and molest their sister-cousins

Do you write copy for NPR?

we should go back to how it was in the old West...we can shoot to kill and everybody has guns, defend whats ours and shoot some more. killing is great , shooting more and more. Hell ,we can make guns compulsory... so that everybody can be safe, and keep shooting and killing. My dad owned guns, and his father owned lots of guns...its in the Constitution , we can own guns and kill kill shoot more and more. My children will own guns, no body will take away their right to own guns and shoot. If anybody tries to take away my rights , ill shoot them. Kill .

Most are either niggers & white trash criminals killing each other, or suicides. Not sure where the problem is. It's population control in it's purest form when the worthless self-terminate or terminate each other.

ahhhh hahah
do you snort fox news or stick it straight up your ass for a stronger delusion lol
calling muslims invaders when you dickheads have been actually invading them with armies for decades

Yeah, the NRA pays me good money to write stuff, why?

>liberal trying to cosplay as a sane person, failing miserably

>bbbbut Islam is a religion of peace!

Somebody needs to talk to these guns and start listening to their problems, cus clearly just getting rid of them isn't working.

sorry can't don't have a gun lol
spoiler, only very few criminals have guns, and they are generally very reticent to use them because the sentencing goes up a LOT if you are in possession of one
and guess what, it's a lot less likely to get shot by a criminal than it is in US where they all fucking legally have the guns

>provide data

Muslims and mexicans and Chinese. all are the enemy. we all must carry guns st all time , to protect our rights. Shoot, kill, guns ,love and god. the more guns the better. for a better world. more guns and bibles.

Listen, it’s already illegal to kill, physically attack, or threaten people with violence regardless of weapon. Killing someone with a gun doesn’t make the victim more dead than using a knife, baseball or arson.
Gun laws only work on law abiding gun owners - consequently those are the same people who likely won’t break any of the first 3 laws I mentioned - murder, battery, assault/death threats.
Since we already have laws to punish people who harm, kill & threaten others, why do we need special laws that only apply to one type of tool that when misused leads to problems?

all religion is stupid as fuck, but way to change the subject coz I called you out on your bullshit, buddy

You sound like a Muslim

>I called you out on your bullshit, buddy
ok boomer

You’re an absolute dumbass. Australia has had since Port Arthur a huge increase in gun smuggling from the Philippines into their country, which is providing their bikey gangs with revenue from black market sales. Consequently, gun crimes are up.

There’s too many humans on this planet anyways.

hi ...can I have some reference for that statement ?? Where did you got that number ??? I call it liberal bulshit

At least provide proof with your claim.

>>gang violence

fucking look it up yourself, I'm not wikipedia and I'm not talking about anything that's hidden secret knowledge or anything

but here's something to whet your searching appetite:
sort that table by homicide and oh what's that, US in 16th place out the whole fucking world over 7 per 100,000 compared to the UK's 0.06
But suuuuuuuure keep on making out like I'm the one with the craaazy ideas, faggot

you sound like a cunt

You sound butthurt

awww did I hurt diddums with inconvenient facts
aww those horrible facts getting in the way of your childish gun hard-on fantasies

22k in Virginia. They even picked up their own trash after the rally. Let’s see any leftist group do that after they throw their fits.

I've had a gun on my table for like 2 weeks it hasn't tried to kill me yet. Why not??? Am I not black enough???

>We shouldn't worry about school shootings or the fact we're one of only two first world countries on the planet at the top of the list for gun crime and gun death because some people I don't like also get killed by gun crime
top kek

>rants spergishly
>muh facts
my sides

you sound like an elephant stepped on your balls, must be why you have such a squeaky voice and those mantitties from low testosterone

only makes sense if you're American I guess

At least you're trying to be creative

Wait... has it shot your dog yet? If so, it was a police gun.
If you’re daughter is knocked up and battered, could have been owned by a nigger.

>memes his way out of losing a debate
I bow before your skills o Cred Forums master

Which countries did gun laws not reduce gun crime in?
Literally every single one in recorded recent history has had a significant decrease as a result
>More people in England were killed by knives last month
In 2017 UK-wide (4+ countries) numbers were around 14,000 knife injuries
Gun related injuries in the US in 2017 were approximately 40,000
..and the UK tends to have higher reporting than the US

Even the straws you're grasping at are no longer true

at least you don't give up when you're wrong
>doubling down is my superpower!!

You know who I never see/hear discuss gun legislation? Normal people who work a real grown up job. That's why I am convinced the people who post about it on Cred Forums are underage faggots anyways. If you can't vote and most of you can't shut the fuck up about it because you opinions are worthless

Wrong about what again? Oh, that's right. You think insane rants and insults are "facts".
>pats seething little baby on the head

I mean we are brutish savage warriors. How do you think we dominate the rest of the world? Stay weak, meek, and feminine my friend.

1500 are suicide.. blame guns.

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more people are killed per capita by knives in the US than the UK too, which is why their whataboutery on that exact point is retarded as shit
they see some UK headlines about an increase in knife crime (still fuck all) and jump to the conclusion that people are stabbing each other as much here as they are shooting each other.
They are wrong

>Dicks were invented to rape people with
This is retarded even for an edgy 12 year old on Cred Forums

you are under the wrong impression of the average age of the Cred Forums denizen my friend

Dont give 2 fucks about "other countries".

School shootings are a statistical anomaly - it is neither rising nor falling, and has been a viable threat since before the US was a country. The first school massacre occurred in an English colony from Native Americans attacking the school and killing the headmaster and several students.

Truth fact: There are no suicides. 100% of so-called suicides are murders where a gun spontaneously kills someone.

haha nice response, nothing to say about that data huh?
just start making out that you're joking, typical

The feminist answer to that question is "yes"

I mean that much is clear from your country's recent history, but they are still correct

Actually, they kind of were.
Look up sex in the animal kingdom. Consent is remarkably fluid or absent in many cases.

I laughed, my dog laughed, my shotgun laughed, so I shot the shotgun, then my handgun laughed and I told him good boy.

I mean way more people get killed by other types of shootings but the school shooting does get headlines and has become a cultural staple for the US out of all countries

Fuck off eurocucks

Did you respond to the wrong person? Showing that school shootings aren't decreasing in the US is essentially agreeing with his point

Also for what it's worth there's been one school shooting in my country and it's still widely known to this day because it's the only one there's ever been. Meanwhile in the US it seems to be a regular occurrence as you've just shown

>It was, I'm a duck

They reduce the amount of gun violence and homicide but all other violence and homicide go through the roof. So I mean grats on claiming that you made a difference even though you truly didn't.

Oh I'm dead serious. As the man once said, "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."

yeah not really, US violent crime in all categories is higher per capita than European countries
Your talking point there is just a Fox News misrepresentation of some headlines about some types of crime going up, but the overall per capita numbers are still way less than the US

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2000, out of how millions of gun owners?

well as I say right now
"I prefer considering facts over my fee-fees"
your nonsense quote means nothing, having gun control is no way slavery and provides more actual tangible freedom than living in a country where you can get shot for going to school or the cinema
Americans act like they have a trademark on the word Freedom, but they have less than they think

Pretty much

My roommate asked me to get rid of my gun because he kept thinking about stealing it and blowing his own brains out.

I moved after that

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Interesting delusion lol. Tell me again how free you are when you get arrested for calling someone a bad name on twitter.

gonna be a lot more than 2000 by the end of the year m8
your gun homicides per 100,00 people are on a par with lawless South American states like Uruguay and Peru

No those niggers would still have guns.

Do you really think niggers follow the law to begin with?

They aren’t increasing, they are decreasing since the 90s peak.

I mean you can get arrested for inciting violence and hatred in the US too, so care to move the goalposts even further away from the original point?
That's all you lot have in response to actual data that's proving you wrong: jokey memes, aggressive posturing and changing the subject

Still not as many as foreskin deaths.

Oh yeah
Remember every Black Friday Americans buy enough guns to arm the entire US Marine Corp twice.

They’ll be lemonade stands sellings lemonade and glocks

Really bothers me you hang the dowel through the trigger guard

Source this up, and show where and who.
I dont think its to many deaths in white places...

Suicides are a bigger problem

More people blast themselves than niggers have time to rob people

>Something is debated back and forth for 10s of years
>Common sense
I think you are confusing "my worldview" with "common sense"

I grew up normal Parents bought me a 22 rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun for hunting when I was 11 or 12. All my friends had guns to. We had to take a hunting safety class to get a hunting license. Dont know anyone that was hurt by a gun.
I grew up 40 minutes from midtown Manhattan.
Why are people so retarded around guns these days?.

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Yeah but most were niggers so nobody cares.

That looks like me age 11.

Well, considering schools have been attacked on US soil since before we were a country, it’s now up to the states to properly build schools that can limit or completely prohibit entry of firearms - we have the technology: metal detectors/body scanners, bullet proof windows/glass, mag lock entry doors, etc.
If states don’t mandate these safety features to make the children as secure as possible, then it’s only the politicians’ faults for failing to protect children.

I’d go to it.

or you could just not have guns, like the safer schools in Europe

>purely for the lemonade of course

you got to be kidding. also, tell me the pistol vs rifle differnces too cuck. how many hunting rifles were used in violent monkey attacks with bolt action high powered rifles.

We have about 10,000 gun homicides per year in the US, and about 23,000 suicides.
Out of a population of 327,000,000.
10,000 is less than half of 1% of our population. It’s statistically nothing.

out of the 2 thousand, I'm hoping, but most likely is, 3/4 of that was niggers shooting each other

no u

The actual number is 2 million.

Or we could keep the guns and make safer schools, since criminals don’t follow laws. It’s already illegal to murder and shoot/stab/beat people, and yet, they do it everywhere across the world daily in every country.
Since laws don’t protect people they only provide a framework for punishment if they are caught, a little proactive defense with proper safety features in buildings need to be done.

don't change the narrative and let me hit you with a bike lock at your nazi rally.

Sounds like a good start.

I think you're mistaking "trolling" for "something that's not blatantly trolling"

Lmao at the tea fuckers in this thread. I wonder how many of them turned in their butter knives so they wouldn't be a danger to society.

>Post pic of person buying gun legally
>99% of violent gun crimes are committed with a illegal gun by a certain people of a particular skin tone (Black)

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you would need a gun too if you were impoverished and economically targeted by racist sharecroppers from the moon.
how should a desperate black youth protect himself from the police who are gunning them down without provocation.

>don't change the narrative

Fuck no, I want a Gen IV Glock 19.
And a lemonade.

You're a fucking a idiot.

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still might as well get rid of the guns, the number will go down, not up

ha ha says the 5 year old don't be silly
we don't have lemonade
but would you like an AR-15 with your glock? we'll throw in a free bump stock

That proves we need more guns. If the people that got shot with a gun had a gun. he/she would be alive today. everyone should a have a gun, then we would all be safe!

inb4 >don't change the narrative.

the left is reeeeeeeing over lasts nights vote. expect to see the beginning of the great salt flats start to form Cred Forumsros. 2020 when trump wins

you're still ignoring the all proof that gun control does actually reduce the amount of violent crime overall
it's almost as though proof doesn't change your preconceived notions
I bet you advise rape victims to dress more conservatively as well

Is this really a bad thing though? We’re overpopulated as it is, plus that opens up more jobs and homes

don't change the narrative.

oh shit yeah, better be scared of that one thing that happened once ever

now you know how people who understand statistics think about mass shootings

what are you paralyzed. nobody is going to spoon-feed you newfags that can't figure out how to use the archives. you cucks and nigger lovers are so fucking lazy now compared to the 2016 salty hillarybabbies.

Nah guns are not the problem.

Niggers and shitlords with guns are the problem.

Join the crowd!! KYSF with a gun!

There are over 350mil firearms in the US. That ship has long since sailed and sunk off the coast.

I prefer AKs - easier to maintain and a little less picky about how clean they are.

ahhh ok guys, don't be sad that your friend/partner/child got shot and killed by a psycho - this guy thinks it's statistically insignificant and we totally don't need to do anything about gun control or mental health treatment.
What percentage would you accept as worth doing something about it?

And every time anti-gun legislation makes the news, the number goes up another 50 million

guns are made all over the world. even by counties that don't allow them in the countries they are produced.
arms and weapon production never has ceased since biblical times and weapons get recycled and eventually available to whoever needs them at the time.

we have a very nice ak-47, only been owned by a little old afghan who barely shot 3 american invaders a week

The father looks like his son just had a gender reveal party

easy, stop selling them without checks, have an amnesty where people get $$$ for their guns - provide licences to worthy people to buy suitable weapons for their hunting or target hobbies - y'know like Australia did
The number of firearms will drastically reduce and keep going down by attrition over the years

Having a largely homogenous ethnicity majority in your country with low amounts of immigrants along with centuries of weapons control laws does that.
Even before guns, things like swords and bows were outlawed for commoners/serfs.
Our country was founded on rebellion and strife. We forced a new nation after attempted taxation and gun control by a distant king kick started that party by the harbor.
So, think again where your serfdom history comes from compared to our birth by war and freedoms from the tyranny you came from.

If a law was passed that only allowed white people to own guns it would be a safer place.


Congrats Eurofags, you've successfully disarmed your citizens to the point where all your muslim immigrants have to get more creative with their terrorist attacks

>350 million guns
>100,000 turned in per year
>1000 years later
>still have 250 million guns

>US violent crime in all categories is higher per capita than European countries

Cool story bro, still doesn't change the fact that when guns are banned violence is committed via other means. meaning a gun ban will have no significant impact on violence the end goal touted by gun grabbers.

I know people who work in the ED of a hospital in a well known city. Whenever a call comes in for a shooting its a black person. It's such a common occurrence that when it isn't a black person it's kind of a surprise.

other countries.
what the fiuck does that have to do with the price of tea in china? were not still testing our new declaration of indolence and constitution thing anymore. it's fucking set in stone. those were the only terms that ensured a non monarchy government. you do understand the was a given, right. it will never happen by legislation, only by sheer force or defeat of the republic.

You cant even buy a proper kitchen knife in the UK. Now they come without a point on them. Lets just prepare meals with butter knives.

No you're

We don’t sell them without checks. Every gun bought from a FFL dealer, whether in store, at a gun show, or online, goes through a background check. That’s a lie told by media from poorly informed or lying politicians. Source - I was a FFL dealer for several years. The amount of jail time and fines we face if we break that law and are caught in a sting is no fucking joke - 5 years and $50k fine per offense (aka each gun sold). They go over your books with a fine toothed comb, and any discrepancies can and will fuck you over.
Also, Australia had less than 50% compliance after the Port Arthur massacre and they have increasing gun violence since 2010 due to bikey gangs and smuggled firearms or homemade ones.

In China I pay $10 USD for 500 grams of good tea.

Well, more people kill themselves than others with firearms.

Attached: 1999-2016_Gun-related_deaths_USA.png (838x674, 85K)

it's more of a gentleman agreement compared to socialist european class systems peasant vs noble sentiment that is what bugs some euros. only noble blood guarantees noble titles and postisitons.

don't change the narrative. I have a bikelock and I am wearing a cage under my skinny jeans u nazi

>taking guns would make the suicidal die agonizingly slow
If for no other reason, let the sad people die quickly antigun freaks

>peasant vs noble sentiment
Lol retard.

hang on, I thought all European countries were being invaded by muslims?!
it's a strange take on history, but something has to explain the US propensity for violence and 'fuck you' attitude


sorry, had to caps because I'm not sure how to state the fucking obvious otherwise

lol, one company introduces a point-less knife as a marketing gimmick and Fox News tells idiots that there's no more pointy knives in the UK hah

Is that true across all states? What does FFL stand for? That the only way to buy a gun?

This is wrong
50% are suicides
45% criminals that get shot

Yeah, now instead of shooting people they have to take our jerbs instead.

its been going on since the chism. its inherit in christianity and has nothing to with politics, but both atheists and thumpers don't see the fine line. and the usa is the last christian offshoot from Europe that started as a safe space for fucking puritans so yeah, it's still taking a while for the rest of the roman conversion from pagan to get updated.

not relevant. inner city kids are targeted by cops.

Its so hard to argue with facts isn't it. And these 3 guys weren't at the rally.

Lol, Paris attacks

um, not sure how to respond to that except to say you seem confused about a few things
very few European countries could be described as even social democracies, let alone actually socialist....
Most are still run by right-leaning capitalists (not as right-wing as US repubs, because those fucks are craycray) but we don't all have guns. It's not impossible to buy a gun here in the UK, but can't just wander into Tesco and buy an assault rifle on a whim

or maybe treat mental health issues like civilised people instead of charging people a fuck ton to go to a doctor

Your niggers aren't armed yet.. Look at what they're doing now with no weapons. Give it another decade.

Tfw being a liberal gun owner

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it'll die out eventually but for fuck's sake religion, hurry up and become completely irrelevant

Neat. Now do abortions.

please lop off my genitals and hit me with a bike lock for being a nazi male testosterone addicted deplorable.

no thanks, I'll stay in the land of reality instead of your hysterical racism

people that are against religion are poised to do nothing but demoralize other people. you're entitled to your point of view but religion is important and will continue on

They are - and as a consequence the world is now seeing the rising crime rate from clashing cultures.
The US has always had a “we’ll take care of our own problems, we don’t need the government to do it” attitude, it’s called self reliance - the forefathers and settlers here to the new world from England had that sentiment too. It’s stayed with us, they sought to escape political and religious tyranny from which the others wore the yoke easily.
If you cannot admit that the influx of immigrants in places that were once largely not as prone to violent crimes is due to immigration increase and those clashing cultures, then eventually it’s going to reach a boiling point for those places and it will not be pretty.

Let the niggers and the idiots that don't want to be alive kill eachother and themselves.

Religion is a joke. Take your jew ass off a bridge.

if religion kept to itself and didn't try to do stupid shit to control people's lives then there wouldn't be any opposition to it
but, it is actually a cancer on the free-thinking world and of no good use

we like oil and air conditioning. plus, they didn't have any use for it nor did they care. fucking inbreds still preferred camel passage even after britian built a railroad to make it easy for them to get to mecca. islam stifled the great thinkers of ancient times when they stoped saying open sesame and got rid of the alibaba open mindedness.
you'd think marring your first cousin would be okay but it turns out that allah doesn't protect you from inbreeding like he does from drinking camel urine.

Drugs are illegal. Drug use is rampant. In prisons. So tell me exactly how you're going to get guns from the criminals? The best way for removing guns from criminals was "stop and frisk" Nobody does "stop and frisk" Do you know why? Because it was deemed racist. Of bigger interest thought is why ((foreigners)) are so obsessed with the fact that American's have guns. Its not like our having ARs and pistols endanger you in any way

I'll wager there's a much more likely chance that the US will implode into left/right clashes than there will be any great civil unrest in Europe due to immigration.
Immigration is used as a scapegoat by right-wing politicians and press in Europe, but as there are actually very low real negative impacts, it's unlikely to result in any large scale unrest
as much as this armchair punditry regarding Europe's immigration is slightly interesting for the incorrect US view on it, we're somewhat moving away from the topic at hand of the US and it's insane relationship with guns.

waaa. you got me.
im huuuuurt.


Penis envy. They want to be us but can't be us in their homeland.

Har an aussie friend come visit, the only thing he wanted to do was smoke big cigars and shoot as many guns as he could while he was here.

700000+ by prescription opioids.
32000 Killed by automotive accidents, an additional 2 million are injured each year.
300000 a year from the 'obesity epidemic'

From a relative perspective guns don't kill near as many people when compared to things like.. fat and cars..

wow, good justification for killing hundreds of thousands of people

It’s true across all states, FFL stands for Federal Firearm License. Some states like California have their own background checks rather than the federal ones, but they are the outlier.
Also California has the largest firearm violence amounts of any states in raw numbers - not statistics. Over 1500 a year, also some of the strictest laws in the nation.

>unchecked niggers

So is LGBT and liberalism a form of religion? They push their views on others with a fervor that puts evangelicals to shame.

the criminals end up having a harder time to get hold of the guns, like they do everywhere else in the developed world. Guns don't cease to exist, but as you can see from the actual evidence posted multiple times in this thread, it actually does reduce violent crime, even if you can't understand it.
And as for the interest, we just try to understand because it seems mental

Good as explanation as any

well done, try not kill anyone with them while you reflect on why you were having such a hard time justifying them

THEY fucking pointed guns at everyone on there drive in their cars you fucking liar. and they were theatening blacks for weeks with ultimatums that kept fear in the hearts of the few liberals in the state. my friend is stuck in Virginia for work and these rednecks drive around with gun racks and make hand signs whenever they want to feel tough in the fucking gas guzzling trucks. its absolute terrorism in the south and if I were black id be armed to the teeth and gang affiliated just to counter the kkk like gun nuts.

How many in gun free zones?

Should probably take a look at people and mental health before touching every single person's rights. Sure we can make better laws to acquire but at the end of the day that shit does nothing. The age old argument of "well meth is illegal and people still have it" type of thing.

You can, clearly you're a dumb nigger

well in raw numbers, California has a higher population than most other states, so I'm not sure that's a fair comparison

you already know the answer is no
any sensible response?

well I just started visiting because this place is offensive and should be shut down.


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it's a stupid argument, because the logical endpoint of it is to have no laws for anything at all

you don't have to stay
bye then

Nothing wrong with a hunting rifle

nope, and you know what, we can have them in the UK too
That's not the problem

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suicides included?

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suicide by gun is just because of convenience. suicide rates don't drop when guns are banned. no one has ever gone to a gun store to buy a gun and then immediately kill himself in the parking lot. suicidal fukkers are dealing with enough already, leave em alone.

In the immortal words of Bill Hicks, "you aren't a human being until you're in my phone book".

Only 300 weren't suicides

sure be proud of your suicide rate instead of concerned about the state of your health care as well

>we have more people
>we don't count

Lol, ok euronigger

whats the problem, are we short of americans or something

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Yea, Australia had a pretty sharp decline in suicide, but the gun buy back had nothing to do with that

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Compare that to the people killed in Africa, or the Middle East. You will see America look like amateurs.

i say we should give them to our kids at the age of 8 im american trust me im right!

Or maybe we could talk about the handgun ban in Britain? That was going for a pretty sharp decline, but then there was a ban! And look what happened!

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>> actual evidence posted multiple times in this thread

You mean the evidence that cities with strictest gun control still have the highest level of gun violence?

how the fuck do gunlaws not work do you see every other country in the world other then america you dum fucking chimpanzee low iq indenial narcisst fgt kys neck make north america better

school shooting are a generation phenomenon. also, coincides with extrememly realistic first person video games and bullying norms changing while also allowing kids to dress up like fucking sonic in school and the teachers encourage mixing spergs with normies. also, participation awards are not realistic when kids try to pawn their gold medals and find out that only olympic medals are worth money.

There is also an estimated 3000 deaths last month from motor vehicle accident. If you really care about human life you should be asking to ban cars as well.

not sure what point you're trying to make but you seem confused about mine

No shit. They just used a rope instead. Gonna buy back ropes too, now?

But where’s the ban on this list? The buyback? The police mandated confiscation? Oh wait. There isn’t one. The truth to the matter is, we’re entering a more peaceful era. But I’m not going to be peaceful if people keep threatening to take my hard earned property.

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no, the evidence that entire countries with gun control enjoy lower gun violence - jut having higher control in a city is stupid, which is why it doesn't work

It won’t be an outright war in the US, it will continue to be a slow attrition until one side is victorious.
The rub is here in the US, both sides are willing to use violence.
In other countries, only the immigrants will, and the natives who’ve been pacified their entire lives won’t until it’s almost too late or too late. Their history works against them, ours works for us.

Aren't you not allowed to buy silverware while underaged in the UK?


Implying no one would die of violent crime if guns where banned... blah blah blah.

G8 b8 m8

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Look at Australia, the police have openly said the gun laws aren’t working. The bikers are churning out Luty sub machine guns, people still have their caches from before the buyback, and there’s always the possibility of illegal import.

honestly lets let the dumb sub human redneck american white trash and nignogs kill eachother with there own shit gunlaws let retards in the world we have to worry about

Humans are cultish creatures.
There is no "no religion".
Atheist countries/areas are just filled with humanist replacement cults/religions like this intersectionality shit and communism.
They go off into politics and crazy philosophies instead and will create a new state church to convert and punish by force if you let them.
Instead of Jesus camp to pray the gay away you have mandatory diversity training and various forms of forced "re-education" where some nutcase pops out of the crazy bubble they live in to left-splain life to you from their Scientology tier perspective quoting tranny sociology professors as their science backing it all up.

The only justification you need to own guns is that more freedom is better than less, being safer at the cost of personal freedom is not a good decision in my mind, but hey, to each their own

Sounds like something I'd agree with, let's go full anarchy

No he's a lying lib. Media was chomping at the bit to find something at the rally to fit their narrative. Even the worst PBSnewshour could say about it was it made some anti-gun people nervous. If there was people pointing guns and weeks of threats it would have been front page everywhere.

taking your graph at face value, it clearly shows our homicide rate is waaaayyyyyyyyyyy below the US for the entire time - not sure what happened with homicides 2000-2008 - but I doubt it had anything to do with the handgun ban. Unlike the US, prior to the ban, handguns were not widely owned and still quite hard to get hold of.

Why do you give a fuck when you don't have to deal with it euro fag?

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Anecdotal evidence isn’t actual proof.
Show any news station claiming they did anything you just claimed.
All the stations were reporting what I reported - it was peaceful and they cleaned up after themselves.
Show your legitimate sources.

when did anyone post that evidence? feel free to do so

Circumcision kills more babies than mass shootings kill people, every year.

Please specify deaths numbers caused by lawful registered guns and unlawful unregistered guns. This post is deemed FAKE NEWS and nothing more than just a FAKE NEWS headline meant for RTards online.

you can't buy a long sharp knife if you're under 18
not sure why you'd need to

this nigga gets it

Its just as sensible as the all religion is bad argument. So apparently to you zealotry is only wrong in one direction.


You must have data to back all this up. I love how you're all worked up over a gun rack.
The real world isn't a college safe space you low T soyboy.

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yeah im sure the marines have use for a bolt action hunting rifle with hunting rounds that cost 5 bucks a pop.

shut up you stupid fucking racists nazi, only liberals can speak for those dumb niggers

you just sound butthurt about being advised on how to not be an asshole

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I love the Euro attitude where if you don't know why someone "needs" something you can complain and try to take away freedom and rights. You just can't give enough power to your government can you?

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freedom is a mythical concept in the US
you seem to be arguing for a country with no laws

I'll let you think of a reason why no place like this exists

Therefore gun control wont save lives. Eat it libtards

You seem to think that laws, not people are responsible.

Marine sharpshooters/snipers/counter snipers.
I mean, it is a MOS school for Marines.

religion is clearly stupid because there is no evidence that any of the gods they worship actually exist
that's all there is to it
I guess you're one of these alt-right WASPs that feels they are being persecuted despite being the most privileged group

same with me. got a BB gun wet I was 7 and a ruger 10/22 and an browning over under 12 gauge when I turned 16. took the required courses and got my hunting license and went hunting all the time with friends and not one person was ever shot in my town from the gun owners like myself and friends. every 2 bit coke dealer would flash around a pistol and we'd hear about armed robbers and murderers but it was always over crazy ass shit and was way premeditated.

my god what freedom is there in a teenager buying a knife?
you fuckers can't even buy booze til you're 21

Oh I love the intersectional bullshit. White privilege hasn't been a thing since the late 70's faggot.

Lets not be flip about it. Getting a hunting rifle in UK is nowhere near as simple as getting a hunting rifle in US. People with a lot of cash,and a willingness to go through a lot of bureaucracy can get a 30-cal machine gun in US. But we can't say its no big deal to get one.

what? your point is unclear

Not confused in the slightest.

Maybe the need it for work or fishing or hunting. Since you euros don't do any of those three I can see why you're confused.

You can't legislate morality.

ohhh you're wrong, it is very much still a thing

also, I hear the one on the left now prefers HUNG ASIANS.
stay tucked WHITEBOIS



yep, and it shouldn't be simple

What was your major?

Well, total freedom is anarchy, with no authority or civic structure of any kind. I'm not sure that would be better than what we have now.

Maybe "more freedom is better" doesn't capture the complexity of the idea of freedom in a way that is useful in the real world. It might be that there are negative consequences for excessive freedom, and the real task that lays before us is to decide as a group, just how much freedom we want to have and what level of structure we are willing to forgo.

I mean, you decide to trade freedom for safety every time you stop at a red light or hold back the urge to shoplift all your groceries instead of paying for them. You allow these structures to control your actions because it benefits you, the security and prosperity of the group taking precedence over your personal freedom.

>how to larp online

It's our favorite chimpout artist

their work or their parent can provide them with one
boy scouts still have their swiss army knives
your knowledge on this matter obviously comes from some NRA/Fox misrepresentation

THROW MILSHAKES at protest rallies until you have to make the choice of attending a rally with open carry protestors.

you can, and we all do
morality is not magically invented by Allah or Zeus or Jehovah, it is what human society has determined is optimal for group survival and advancement

don't change the narrative.

>Knowledge comes from fox
Sure it does. I just grew up in the boy scouts hunting and fishing for years with a knife and never slashed or stabbed anyone. Sounds like you have a criminal problem not a knife one.

don't narrative the change

didn't go to a US college, so nothing
which level of my education are you interested in? I have a BSc in Computer Science from a well regarded UK University

I don't see how that answers my question?
But I'm not surprised no-one throws a milkshake at someone with a gun out

criminals are a problem in most places. Largely driven by poverty, could be dealt with to some degree by more equal and representative governance
Likewise I grew up in UK scouts with a knife. I didn't buy it myself. Not stabbed anyone yet (except myself in a whittling accident)

Then you haven't been to Amsterdam of Rotterdam. I do nit believe the numbers my country outputs, way too low.

same here. I live in Los Angeles and it's always gang related black or Mexican.

I have been to Amsterdam. But as a tourist I'm unlikely to encounter gun wielding criminals

>500 grams of good tea.
cut with fentanyl

trolling is a art.

inner city titty committee

that was isis and use's fault for oil gluttony and trucks.