Ausfags, is this a funnelweb spiderbro or regular black house spiderbro? Do fw even live in Tas?

Ausfags, is this a funnelweb spiderbro or regular black house spiderbro? Do fw even live in Tas?

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Another closer angle. Spiderbro has been stomped to dust tho so last pic.

And general Tas thread

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100% funnel web

Kill with fire and magnets

That's a boong spider. Super rare in tassie from what I remember. He's just there to pry the petrol flap on ya car open and nick a bit of the old sniff to get him through the night. He'll be gone by morning

jesus christ even your spiders are degenerates junkies. australia was a mistake

Fark hope not. Just walked by him to chuck out the rubbish barefoot. And saw him on the way back in

Wear shoes outside you animal

Just ask your local Rama Rama boy

You were a mistake

looks like some shitty wolf spider OP.
she'll be right

Fuck that shit, this is why I've never been to Australia

not a wolfie, but yeah harmless black house i reckon.

spiders are bros, youre unaustralian as fuck if youre such a bitch that you gotta kill our friends killing the actual annoying bugs we gotta deal with.

>Spiderbro has been stomped
noooooo! he was just trying to do helpful spider bro things.

If thats a black house it's much larger with a smaller proportional abdomen compared to the ones we have here in WA m8

In Canada, we don’t kill spiders, they fuck up all those ugly ass beetles and flys. Let them live in our houses basements during winter, good bros

I'm with you. However, this fucker in Michigan belonged outside. I think she came in with my laundry, which had been drying outside. Fast as hell and almost able to escape the tub on momentum alone. I think she was responsible for a painful bite two days before on my arm when I put on a shirt.

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Funny that m8. I stumbled upon a decent sized white tail early on and fuck me!!
Much larger than i have seen before. Hes long gone (shoutout to the old single plugger)

Definite outside grass spider. Harmless, helpful spider-bro. I'm sure it was very scared to have been taken inside.

As long as they pay their share of the rent, im cool with the spider bros


welcome newfriend

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>awww cute
We get huntsmen crawling around the house regularly. They live in the ceiling space and come down to hunt bugs and flies. Grow to about the size of your hand and are sooo fast it's incredible. They can scurry clean across your ceiling and into a crack in literally a couple of seconds. Harmless but massive fangs and they aren't really interested in biting humans. Australia has amazing spiders

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