The extinction is coming

The extinction is coming

Where will you be hiding?

Attached: deth.jpg (350x191, 32K)

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what am I looking at

the inevitable end of all that is dear to u

A paranoid schizophrenic

i dont have dear

what's the image based on tho. I'm curious

Magnetic fields... Not hard to figure out?

why would that have any significant effect on humanity?

pole reversal happens really slowly. I guess there's some technology that will have to adapt, but we literally have hundreds of years to do so.
chances are, whatever technology would get fucked by the change in the earths magnetic field, will be utterly obsolet by then anyway

humans and almost all other lifeforms on earth don't care about magnetic fields at all.
and the lifeforms that do (flocking birds for example) can also adapt over time


And... What's occurring and what's causing it?


in your mother's weathered crevice

Ah, thanks for the info

You dense motherfucker

Can you explain exactly why you think geomagnetic reversal will end humanity?

Youre a fucking moron, the poles already shifted.

Because out geomagnetic field is the only thing that stops solar eruptions (CMEs) from hitting the ground and burning everyone alive and giving every one else radiation poisoning and cancer.

the magnetic field protects us from, basically radiation in space, which could kill everything on the planet and blast away the atmosphere. at least that's all I could think up to why it would matter. we're all gonna starve to death before this is a thing anyways though, so it's fine.

So how come life did not get wiped out last time the planet had a polar shift?

Harmonic resonance amplified di-polaratic influence of the Nibiruan magnetosphere upon such of the Earth would be beyond catastrophic, and most likely would exterminate life on Earth within millennia.

It wasn’t real communism


It declined 5% last century, then 5% per decade 2000-2010, then 5% each for the last 2x 5 year blocks. 2010-15 and 2015-20

That is a logarithmic curve. No one knows how fast the excursions and wild swings come and go because... 800k years ago we were barely on 2 feet.

We are a good few hundred years into it now.

Shits getting real.

You can't hide bruh... We're all fucked

It did. It wasn't an extinction, but a really strong evolutionary pinch. Some survived by living in caves for a few hundred years then spread out and repopulated the earth.

we must try again. communism will prevail

Attached: communism.png (369x364, 94K)

This is Y2k all over again. Brainlets that misunderstand reality are spreading paranoia and fear

Let this one die guys

Attached: 3bbf7ecc782afdaefc493b5a353291aa.jpg (1920x1080, 97K)

In my ,frankly ignorant, opinion the worst case scenario is holes, pocket in the magnetic protects where radiation will penetrate and reach the surface, like the ol' hole in the ozone layer. ;)
Doesn't really matter to me though. Personally I believe we have maybe another 100 years before mass cannibalism, collapse of the plant populations we sustain ourselves upon as we more and more commercialize them and then zero sum global war, then extinction.

that is to say, that is how I see the next 100 years going

>Brainlets that misunderstand reality
Actually user it is you that misunderstand.

There is plenty of evidence that links extinction / near extinction to reversals

The field drops below 50% strength, fluctuates down to basically zero in pockets and becomes a mess of divided poles and instability.

If these coincide with direct hits from CME and large flares it's like strafing the ground with napalm. Million degree charged plasma and radiation. Large swathes of ground get 100% rekt and it goes on for hundreds, possibly a thousand years.

yes, our children and grandchildren will have to deal with that, because we're too busy to make all the profit for corporations and the likes with nonexistent wages.

Do you think magnetic reversal is caused by man?

Greta does

Why do so many people seem drawn to the idea that the world will end in their lifetime in one way or another?

We will be well into the next stage of evolution by then.

Biological lifeforms will no longer inhabit the earth. And if they do they will just be experiments run by our nextgen electronic decedents.

Developing AI is where we are at right now, but it's the future of the human race. Unless we are just all NPCs already, run by those ancestors as they try to figure out where they came from.

Attached: Anon.jpg (500x375, 41K)

An emission is coming

>An emission is coming

a global fart

don't post shit like this, it's gonna wake up all the flat earth fucks.

>Where will you be hiding?
what makes you think you can hide?

Because they cannot fathom that their universe is not the the center of the universe.

I'm a geologist and you are an idiot. There is no solid evidence suggesting a pole reversal takes more than a few seconds. Minor devastation at best as airplanes in the air lose navigation.

No it does not happen slowly.

That paper has 0 to do with pole reversal

Is there solid evidence suggesting it only takes a few seconds?

An inversion of earth’s magnetic field

There's no solid evidence you're a geologist

Is it better to have a weathered crevice or an unused crevice?

You can survive. Deep caves offer the best protection from CMEs and radiation

Its taken a few hundred years so far and barely started.
Good fail idiot.

I think they're just so unsatisfied with their life the only way they can cope with it is by rationalising the pointlessness of their life.
Escapism because it's easier to find excuses not to try than to actually fix your shit.

meant to reply to

Geomagnetic reversal. They happen every ~quarter of a million years. The magnetic north and south flip over.

Possibly nothing too bad will happen bar a slight increase in bullshit space radiation.

Possibly we won't get good enough protection from the solar wind and it fries all the computers and other sensitive electronics and everyone get's cancer.

Last time this happened humans were still some sort of proto-human who'd just discovered hitting shit with rocks.

It'll happen again "soon" but given the margin for error and the timescale involved it might start tomorrow, it might start in ~50,000 years time. Either way there's nothing we can do to stop it and all military equipment is shielded so the nukes won't get triggered and there'll be someone to organize the rebuilding.

The people least effected that matter will be the Amish.

Don't suggest it or you'll have autistic Scandinavians championing it.

>It'll happen again "soon"
Its started a few hundred years now

Attached: field strength.jpg (642x478, 23K)

So you keep saying
>It's been habberning for hundreds already
>nothing actually happening
At this rate you'll probably get laid before the poles reverse

>>nothing actually happening
You mean apart from the magnetic field being measurably 30% weaker and south pole falling off Antarctica and north pole moving 100km a year?

You know they had to rush through revised map models to every aviation authority last year to stop planes from crashing

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Press x to doubt

Attached: Screenshot_20200122-092322_Samsung Internet.jpg (1080x1920, 726K)

> dipole strength axis minimum is 30.
> started with 33
> maxed out with 35
> is now not even at 29

Please elaborate why I should be worried.

Attached: son-i-am-disapoint.gif (480x600, 85K)

It's logarithmic

The poles are always moving
>You know they had to rush through revised map models to every aviation authority last year to stop planes from crashing
Considering planes navigate from gps rather than a magnetic compass that sounds unrealistic

If the problem can still be adapted to with a software update then the catastrophe isn't happening yet.

It will happen at some point but there is nothing that we can do about it, so what is the point in worrying?

The light and gamma rays from Betelgeuse dying might reach us tomorrow and sterilize all life on earth down to a depth of 2 miles or some other such event. But nothing can be done to stop it, so why should I be bothered?

You can survive magnetic reversal if you are smart and prepared

Good. I live next to an abandoned slate mine and I got into the habit of keeping months of tinned food stashed when it looked like the Soviets and Americans were going to kill us all.

This is a good plan.

Expect to get flooded by stragglers with radiation poisoning looking to steal your food. Pack a few rifles and lots of ammo. Don't eat the bodies, radiated meat will make you sick too.

What about water? Need a deep well ideally, surface water will pollute quickly.

The slate mines all have a lake at the bottom of them.

Attached: c3b5be658b7fa65f20ed2504d892fa09.jpg (750x937, 147K)

Wow if that is fresh you are set user. Slate is dense enough to shield most of the radiation so your cave is perfect. You will survive and get to repopulate the earth.

You should select a few prime age females to take with you so you can develop a small tribe.

Only go outside at dawn / dusk or at night but don't hunt any sick animals.

Water purification tablets/devices should do the trick even if it’s stagnant

I'm absolutely sure that prime age women are going to follow a middle-aged man into an abandoned mine in the Welsh mountains because he told them that the world is ending because of magnets. I see no problem with this and anticipate no difficulties with executing this plan.

My families back up plan back in the good old days was at the moment the message came over the radio we jump into the car and speed towards the nearest city and wait for the flash of light.

It isn't enough to survive if you can't live.

i think user meant fresh as in not salt water