I'm looking for an over the counter drug that has LD low enough that I can off myself for 50 bucks

I'm looking for an over the counter drug that has LD low enough that I can off myself for 50 bucks
Any tips?

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Liver failure is long and drawn out, very painful. When you vomit and call the ambulance on yourself they'll pump your stomaches too late and you'll have a months long death by organ failure.

Bumping with memes

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Don't care about how painful it is
I just want a certain death

What a weak faggot. Go hit the gym instead. I’m tired of you faggots always throwing a pitty party begging for attention.

I go to the gym every day and it's completely unrelated to my absolute state of misery
Also go fuck yourself you dumb cunt

Take 50 aspirin

hold your breath or hang yourself. Also taking a bunch of pills of just about anything will kill you

Why take 50 asprin when you can just take 8 alieve.


I'd need to take 400
Not good enough

You could be a total retard like I was and use tylenol. Cheap fatal dose, and by the time symptoms show it's too late for treatment. But also there is plenty of time to change your mind or (in my case) have someone guilt you into going to the hospital

I shiver at the idea of finding somebody's hanged body
Definitely don't want that for anyone

Jesus Christ how much do weigh??

Eye drops

Try and get a bribe from the DNC to fund a raping spree of young girls and then hang yourself in prison just to prove that it's possible.

if you genuinely wanna KYS go buy some heroin and just shoot as much as possible

youll be too fucked up to realise ur dying plus youll probs get enough for 50 bucks


Put me in the reddit screenshot

Just go online and buy liquid mercury. Then inhale until dead.

>dubs of truth checked

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Just jump off a bridge or slice your fucking throat. I'm sure you have at least one knife in your house, that's 0 bucks per 1 death. And you get the hardcore points instead of swallowing your death like some woman.

>hold your breath

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Just buy as much cocaine you can get and snort it all or even better inject that shit

A gallon of bleach is pretty cost effective.

My mistake it would be 240 tabs 81mg
65 kilo

Buy apple seeds and make a smoothie

Drink an entire bottle of soy sauce, it might hurt but you will be dead as fuck

Are you in America?
>Insulin is sold at Walmart at the pharmacy without an RX.
Buy a small bag of needles and just inject it all in your belly fat. You won't feel anything, just feel like you're cold, then you'll get loopy from the low blood sugar, then good night user.

It would 650 of them
I'll keep that in mind though

My personal plan z is a helium tank. Pass out without any discomfort and then that's that.

Fuck I'm actually considering this
Since I couldn't find appleseeds to buy anywhere I figured it would take about 90-150 apples to gather that many seeds. Doable. And the best part is no one has to know I did it on purpose
Fuck it, I'm gonna start eating a shit ton of apples.

go out violently you coward

saffron has pretty low lethal dose

>lethal dose for a 68kg(150lb) adult is 34,000mg of aspirin
You would need 100 pills of this size, they might even have a stronger pill too

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~0.7 ounces

Scratch the last post.
You need less than 60 to kill yourself
If you drank as well, that would be EVEN LESS

Protip: buy the off brand to save a few dollars for better tasting alcohol

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>1 oz is $140
You guys are fucken retards

Try shit load of sleeping pills, and vodka. Make sure you are in an ultra secluded place so people don't find you and pump your stomach/give you adrenaline etc. Or just run your car in a garage for a while.

Acetaminophen > 6000mgs - liver failure
Ibuprofen > 3200mg - hole in stomach / intestine
Loperamide > 30mg - extreme constipation and water retention
dextromethorphan > like 5 bottles of delsym - no breathing and probably pass out

Ibuprofen can be replaced by any nsaid, just take like 20 of them.
Mixing alcohol and Tylenol helps
if you take tons of Benadryl with any of these you likely won't be conscious for the pain

Down hard liquor till you pass out. Make sure you are on your back so you choke on your own vomit. You will be unconscious, no pain.

Death by saffron is pretty hardcore though, body turns yellow and you start bleeding from your orifices

Imagine being such a failure you gotta be cheap at killing yourself. Lmao. Holy shit.

>not killing yourself and ruining other peoples lives by jumping in front of an express train at a crowded train station

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Oh shit that sounds badass

OP screw the pills, do this and livestream it!!

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I wouldn't know where to get it

quit being a pussy and go handle whatever the fuck is wrong with your life

Acetaminophen/tylenol/paracetamol death is certain and cruel as your liver shuts down. Add alcohol to tie up more liver enzymes for better affect

op greentext it so we can decide if suicide is the right option

>be an oversensitive cunt
>fall in love

do you have any mental disorders?

I always was too much of a coward to see a shink
I don't sleep much though

hey user, i am not gonna prevent your suicide, but atleast consider your options, make sure what you're doing is what you want to do and there's truly no other choice, suicide is a permanent solution to a usually temporary problem, last thing is to not use drugs, never use drugs, liver failure will take a long time to affect you, you will probably be sent to the hospital and then to the psych ward once they realize you're suicidal, and your liver will never be the same should you reconsider your choices, anything is better than drugs, pic related, you should read it

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well you should look for cough syrup or dedication. some stuff got dxm and codein in it. that stuff should get you trippin if you overdose on them. if you take a bunch of travel tablets you should trip as well.

guy with various mental disorders, i'm not comparing my life to yours, as its on a case by case basis, but if i can overcome it, i'm sure you can overcome it aswell, see a shrink, try some meds before you go out, you got nothing to lose

Why commit suicide coming from a 15y/o . Life is all about ups and downs who knows whats coming next for you also if you do commit suicide think about your parents , your pets etc Get some help and it will be better for sure.

>coming from a 15y/o
you should delete your post friend, its a good way to get banned, unless you know how to evade it, that is

buy a tank of helium for a “party” for balloons
bag over head
helium hose in bag
few breaths and you black out
your lungs cant tell the difference between helium and oxygen so you wont have an automatic body panic

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