Have you defeated alcoholism?

Have you defeated alcoholism?

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Stop drinking alcohol.

drink more so youll forget about problem

not easy cunt because when you get used to it you get extremely angry without it

I also get extremely angry with it.

No fucking shit. But then you be a fucking man and push through it.

>Have you defeated alcoholism?
I keep drinking

Uh no, definitively not. I learned to live sober by a year long rehab though.

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How much did that cost?

yes, realised where i was heading and just stopped drinking. now when the urge get a little too strong i buy a sixpack and drink only that, nothing more. happends perhaps every second week. its enough to make me remember how shitty any amount of alcohol makes me feel the day after then the urge is completely gone again for weeks. it also trains me to deal with alcohol in a more carefull way, i know that if some friends invite me over i can bring that sixpack nothing more and i wont make a complete ass out of myself. or i can just as easy stay sober and be dd that night.

when you turn into a hulk you dont give a fuck anymore you just want it to end - either kill everyone or drink or lock yourself in a cage with angry gorilla mode
third option is not easy to do when brain stops working

I'm Canadian and it was free

Well I guess it costs the tax payer whatever to have me stay there, which will probably be negated by the fact that (hopefully) ill be a contributing productive member of society for the rest of my life instead of a drain on resources

Yes, I stopped buying it every day.

>then you be a fucking man
You're making excuses like a child

i mean this shit gives insomnia - no sleep - no regeneration - no mind

im not responsible for anyone so i can die even now it doesnt matter , thats why it comes easy to "fuck everything"

Oh. You are a child. How the hell are you able to buy booze?

Thanks user. I want to believe I can be that strong. I’ve just gotten into the worst routine, which involves being drunk pretty much as soon as I get home from work. Weekends I’m a write off the entire weekend.

Yes, by simply not drinking in the first place

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Try psychadellics to cure alcoholism. There's been studies that have p
roven shrooms can reroute the brain to defeate alcoholism.

In the process. It's really hard though. Damn beer ads are everywhere, liquor ads, it doesn't stop.
I like the way beer tastes so I found Heineken has a 0.05% beer out there that's not bad. But that's just opening a door asking for a relapse. 2 weeks sober here, and I've been irritable but like other Cred ForumsRos said, thinking about how shitty i always felt because of it is motivation to stop the craving. First week was the hardest, and it's only getting harder. It's not unmanageable though. You can do it.
Put the money you would be spending on alcohol in a clear jar you can see in the kitchen or in your room so you can watch that sucker grow. You might be more motivated that way.

Drink enough and you'll never have problem again

shut your virgin mouth loser i live in a shithole where only a fool or liar would say honestly where from hes getting money

So instead of making things better you would rather continue to act like a child instead of an adult? No wonder your area is a shithole.

No I haven't. Longest stint was 3 months where I'd work out like crazy and only drink on weekends. Injury put a stop to that.

Been binge-drinking every single weekend for the last 20 years. And the occational drink during the week. Decided to have an alcohol-free january, and so far its been smooth sailing.
But only real improvement is that im sleeping better at night.
So I guess I wasnt an alcoholic after all.

what i did for 10 years, only after the third and absolute worst round of withdravals did i make up my mind never to go through that again. i saw fucking man sized spiders crawling on my ceiling when it hit me the worst, had all doors unlocked, clothes packed and my phone ready to call the er if i sensed something that was even close to dt. not shure if i would be able to tell that by myself or make that call if i needed to. but i got through it in 4 days without help. my doctor is testing my peth bloodvalues regulary and if they get to high, as in i drink to much, he has the power to revoke my driving license. also my family knows and no longer serve anything when i visit them.


You don't defeat it the same way you don't defeat diabetes. It's a permanent debuff but you can learn to manage it with help and never take another drink


Heineken zero is the least offensive low-alcohol option. They all taste like fruit and soap otherwise.

Im on my 2nd beer this morning.

Went to prison for six years after attempted murder with GBI in a drunken rage. Came out dry, never went back. Don't recommend.

Stop it.

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I dont identify as an alcoholic but there was a time when drinking was interfering with my ability to function the way I wanted to in work and personal relationships. after awhile I sort of took mental inventory. I realized I'd gotten old and alot of time was spent focused on a single aspect of my life and no progress had been made elsewhere because I spent my time drinking instead. I panicked.

just stopped drinking. not like a sudden full stop. just started by placing rules on myself like I was a kid. no drinking on school nights. ok then no drinking at restaurants when I go out to eat. finally, no drinking on weekends.

by this point I started getting anxious and bored. my sleep was thrown off and I was getting up way earlier. realized I would fall back in because I was always bored. I buried myself in hobbies, I cleaned everything in the house, I spent a lot of time with my dogs. just did everything I could to stay busy. this was the biggest thing.

I was drinking as a way to handle stress. I work in a high stress career. what I learned was that drinking made me feel better at the end of the day but not drinking cleared up a lot of time in my day. that allowed me to spend time productively working on my problems instead of avoiding them.

it's not the hardest thing I've ever done but being consistent is tricky. just stay focused on what you want and occupy your time with things that support that. one day at a time. one foot in front of the other. if you fuck up and drink that's ok. just dont let that be consistent. "oh well, shit happens", and go back to your non drinking activities. it's not about being perfect. it's about being better.

>Non-alcoholic beer
KEK now you are a CONFIRMED alcoholic. Faced with never drinking again you cling on to what is essentially an alcoholic beverage diluted with a gallon or so of water. It's still alcohol. Make up your mind, do you want real sobriety or not? If you're going to drink "non-alcoholic" beer, why not just take a regular shot and chase it with 2-3 liters of water each time and call that "sobriety" too. Same exact thing. Noob mistake desu

One of the best posts you will read regarding this topic. Thank you user.

+1. Good post user.

there are two types of alcoholics, thoose who never can drink anything again and thoose who can they just need a change of habits. maybe you can say the last group isnt real alcoholics then, but it impacts their life in pretty much the same way. dont judge people who are not like you. also the non alcoholic heineken i know of i need to down 9 bottles of that stuff to get the same amount of alcohol as one bottle or regular, you piss yourself long before it has any effect.

Maybe I’ll buy a carton this weekend. Can’t hurt to try.

Yes. Now I do amphetamines.

magic shrooms. not kiding.

Get a tummy ache when you drink so you dont like it

Spent 4 years drinking everyday and did all the degenerate things alcoholics do. Lost jobs, homes, my business, woke up in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning, the whole thing. But one day I had enough and just quit cold turkey, I went through withdrawal but never went for medical help or AA. Been over a year now no alcohol. Just can't be a little bitch about it. If you want to quit, quit. No medical professional, God you pray to, or family can get you to stop. You have to yourself. Good luck.

My dad has been an alcoholic his whole adult life, since my brother was born back in '96. He was in and out of trouble, constant fighting in my household that probably fucked me up in ways I don't even realize yet but it's life what can ya do. He's gone clean plenty of times but Everytime he relapsed, a little bit of everyone that was around him, like his kids and wife, died. He just always seemed so bored whenever he was clean. He couldn't hold any jobs, would always go back to picking up cans on the street before ending up in some hospital due to withdrawal symptoms. Anyway, they found him dead a month ago in some street in Mexico City. He was 44.

He left us when he was clean back when I was 14 in 2012, I'm from New York. Never got to see him again, but I kinda knew that, so I saved anything I could that he left behind. The fact he died alone and wasted away his life is what saddens me, but what can ya do I guess. If you guys have any kids, don't leave em behind. They'll think of every funny thing you've said all day, and wish they could've put a blanket on ya when it was your last day alive.

Thank you user. I can make it. I just need to somehow reset my brain. I’m suck a weak personality n.

Go to bed user, you are drunk.

One day looked in the mirror and realized I was a fat fkn alcoholic slob. Stopped buying alcohol and hanging out with likewise friends. I shut myself away from all influences and lost a shit ton of weight and got in shape. I've been sober for almost 5 years now. Best decision of my life

first i quitted nicotine.

then i quitted alcohol.

now i need quit weeds. but its hard bros

start a coke addiction, u wont have enough money for alcohol

i've quit weed, tobacco, and alcohol alltogether some one and a half years ago. havent had any ever since.
in the 2nd to 3rd week i thought to myself. Is this really what the fucking fuss was about? its litterally just stopping and its not even hard you fucking attention whores.
i guess its diffrent for diffrrent people, it must be.
because seriously, just Fucking Stop. nothing else to it. keep yourself busy doing other things, go for a hike, take out the bicycle, or just play videogames.

Yes. 36 now. 10 years without booze.

Social worker+ditching drinking partners.

Spend time exploring yourself and develop a personality so you don't need to lean on booze to strike up a conversation.

I had to take ownership of everything that meant including living boringly on Friday and Saturday nights.

Nice 1 user.

I personally enjoy drinking while on psychedelics

This hurts to read user but I'm glad you posted it. My kid is what made me finally get serious about kicking booze. One night while I was drinking, we were playing around with a text to speech app on my phone, handing it back and forth and making it say funny shit. Eventually I passed out. When I opened the app in the morning, I saw that she had made it say "daddy wake up", over and over, with more and more misspellings because she had probably started to cry. I felt horrible and have cut way back since then. Def need to quit completely though.

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That’s fucked up bro
I’m never having kids

I have a 1 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. I need to quit before they can remember how horrible I am to my wife while drunk.
I also need to quit before my wife leaves me.

replaced it with cocaine

Totally manageable until you run out of money or have a rotted out blowhole for a nose

Yea cut that shit immediately man. All it takes is one dumb drunken mistake like forgetting to set the gate at the top of the stairs, forgetting they're in the tub, a dui, etc and your shit is fucked forever.

Thanks man. You are absolutely correct.

I've never been that into drinking. Drank once a month if that. Then I came to denver and eventually just wanted to taste the millions of craft beers every other week. Then my wife started to neg me about drinking. "Oh you're drinking again this weekend?" and we're talking a four pack on a saturday night twice a month.

So then I started drinking under the table so I wouldn't have to hear it. It was so easy that it started happening more frequently. And then moved on to liquor. Body started craving it. I've drank everyday for a year or more now. She still can't tell. I don't get mood swings and the hangovers aren't much. Work is going well and I can stop for a few days if needed without getting agitated/angry.

When will it start going wrong for me?

>When will it start going wrong for me?

Errrrrr sounds like it already has user

Mostly likely when you get a DUI. Now that you've built up a tolerance, it's very easy to not even feel buzzed but be way over the legal limit.

Just don’t drive
Works for me

I know when I drink that I overdo it. But I drink only fridays and Saturday’s tops. I didn’t go out this weekend but had only 2 beers at home. And only a glass of tequila on Friday. Don’t give me the “I have a disease” bullshit. You’re throwing away the blame to something you can’t control. But you are in control. It’s your choice to put that bottle up to your mouth. If you want to stop, you can.

I choose to drink much more sparingly than I once did. I’m eating a much healthier diet too. I feel so much better and you will too. You can do it if you want it. It’s all in your head.

it's definitely not great but I mean when does it become unfixable.

This honestly seems to be the most likely scenario unfortunately

>when does it become unfixable

>body started craving it

I defeat myself with alcoholism every other day and rationally the alcoholism is just a part of myself right, so I guess you could say I'm defeating my alcoholism, with, alcoholism. Right?

9yrs without touching alcohol

its easy to stop but the trade off is your social life

I didn’t kek

I can be a grumpy bitter cunt without booze but I’m the life of the party with it. But I keep that fun part of me to the weekend to limit my drinking and not fuck up my job.

Stop larping faggot, you’re just a sad alcy nigga

The cravings are manageable


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My dad has been sober for 28 years and most of his drinking friends didn’t want to hang with him once he stopped drinking. Having my older sister encouraged him to quit.

You mean it's something we're supposed to fight?

Find something to occupy your time with. You need to replace it with something.

Yes, and it was literally the hardest thing I've ever done. I've been sober for almost 3-years now after being an alcoholic since I was 16. I literally had to relearn how to live my life without it which was ultra hard since it was all I knew as an adult. I relapsed countless times, almost gave up more times than I can count, and also went through the worst anxiety and depression of my life during that time period. I saw a therapist weekly, worked close with my doctor and a psychiatrist; made sure I was taking care of myself by eating right and exercising regularly, and had support from people in my family. It took me the better part of 5-years, but I finally made it.

I still get the urge to drink, especially when I'm really stressed, but I've learned to do other things instead that help me get through the cravings. While I believe anyone can do it, I completely understand why many feel they can't. It was literally hell to overcome.

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This. Go to the gym, get a gf, join a sports team, etc

Lift some weights and fuck your girl. No need for alcohol all the time.

thanks guys, really made me wanna get drunk and high tonight

Cliche af but moderation is the answer. My preferred buzz is not too far from the legal limit (.12 if I had to guess) so even when I drink to my heart’s content I’m not getting stupid, just catching a cool buzz. I also try to avoid drinking more than 6 times a month, which is generally no problem at all.

You are weak to your impulses. Pathetic.