How long does it take to give up smoking and switch to vape?

How long does it take to give up smoking and switch to vape?

I've been vaping for almost a year now, but still smoke 2-3 cigs a day.

Attached: smoking-rf-getty.jpg.jpg (968x681, 32K)

I tried and never fully made the switch. Just went back to cigs. Vaping after awhile just made me feel like a crackhead.

no idea man but im just over 2 weeks giving up the darts. like my 5th or 6th attempt but im feeling good. all the best with your efforts to quit, try to wean yourself off those 2-3, i think cold turkey is a solid route, especially since you have the vape to replace it.

This doesn't make any sense. Are you expecting those cigs to disappear when they touch your mouth?

To stop you need to gradually reduce it.

Just go cold turkey. I quit cigarettes in September and vaped for like a week before realising it’s still shit for you. Not had either since the 28th sept and I feel fine, no cravings.

>replacing tobacco with fruity steam

Attached: 1461497068213.jpg (299x293, 9K)

Not fruity

It helped me to diy the juice, but maybe use a little bit more nic per mg, or get more toys like a dripper

took me about 2 weeks once I made the decision to actually quit. the next 2 weeks are gonna be the hardest, the vape replaces the nicotine but not the additives that boost the nicotine's effects in your brain. if your a heavy smoker start with 12mg subohmed , that how I did it

It's mostly in the morning when I went to smoke. Or sometimes while drinking, or while edging.

I smoked cigs from 2008 (turned 18) to 2018. By 2017 I was smoking a half pack to a pack a day. Switched to supplementing some of those cigs every day with a vape with 35mg salt nic in 2017 and weened myself off of cigs slowly till new years 2018 and by that time I was only smoking 1 or 2 a day so I just quit completely and switched to a vape using salt nic which has a nicotine absorption rate closer to a cig. From Jan 2019 - Dec 2019 I slowly lowered my nicotine mg down till I was cutting 3mg with 0mg to get 1.5mg non salt. Haven't picked up a vape since January 2nd of this year. Cold turkey is fucking hard as fuck and I tried to quit CT a million times since 2010. Just whittle yourself down super slowly. Let yourself relapse a few times when switching to vape and you'll appreciate it more. Get addicted to the vape and then whittle yourself down. Allow yourself to fuck up, it's an addictive Chem, it fucking happens. Love y'all.

I quit smoking for about a week and then started vaping. It's not a satisfying as a cig so you'll be doing it more than smoking. Plus the juice is very expensive. Perhaps try nicotine and regular gum.

It's not about how long it's just Will just stop buying cigarettes ... Get vape juice that simulates the nicotine you were getting ...then every time you buy juice go down a nic lvl until you hit zero...then just put the vape down

>give up smoking
>switch to vape


I stopped smoking cigs almost all of the time and switched to vape.
Took a few months to get used to it, but once my sense of smell started coming back it became easier to not want them anymore, because they do smell like shit.
Been vaping for 3 years now, haven't had a cigarette in almost 2.
Shit part is, even when I smoked a fuck ton it was still cheaper than vaping, by a lot.
Probably going to quit that soon too.

>it was still cheaper than vaping
Indeed. The coils, batteries, and juice add up. How much do you vape and did you develop any acid reflux problems or a cough?

Man.. Cigs in my country are like £12 per packet of 20 and vape liquid is like £3 for 10ml @ 20mg which lasts at least the same amount of time + maybe £10 per month for coils.

That's about 5 hours worth of puffs for a chain vaper. I was going through a 60ml every two or three days.

Don't be a pussy quit cold turkey, I did!

Unironically this.

Just go cold turkey and stop being a faggot

I went to 50mg juice and 30w and forced myself to stop smoking... and 3 weeks now. I think I will give up the vape easy but haven't tried as yet. Want to be properly off the smokes first although I think I am.

Its a successful strategy if you have willpower. 20 year smoker here.

Tobacco addiction has been made to seem impossible to ditch by all the media and tobacco companies, I smoked a pack a day and one day just decided I wanted to stop and now I haven't smoked tobacco in 3 years, its all in your head man just man the fuck up and stop being so mentally weak

Seems to be different for everyone man. I smoked for 8 years, I got a vape and strong liquid and after realising I could use it in my room cause it won't smell bad and stick around, I puffed it all evening and realised I could go to bed without having that last cigarette, and then immediately started puffing it when I woke up and managed to not have the morning cigarette either, been 2 years now not a single cigarette.

Quitting vaping is another thing altogether, but hey at least I don't cough up phlegm in the morning and don't get out of breath or wheezy coughs.

Try a Nic Salt vape.

50mg Nic for the first month, then down to 35 or 25mg after that.

Worked for me... and I went to Vegas the week after quitting, the nic salts saved me at the tables.

Using nic salts already, but we're restricted to 20mg max because of EU faggotry.

This. Cold turkey is the best method. I’ve done the gum, switched back to dip and used vapes after quitting. It just supplants your fix with another product

Hey OP. I'm 36. I smoked from age 17 to 34. I transitioned to vaping over a six month period and then Vaped from 34-36. I am currently 3 months off of nicotine completely. I used lozenges to taper down and gradually extended the time between lozenges until I hit 24 hours and then went cold turkey. I had never tried to quit before since I started at 17. Good luck, you can do it.

How was moving from vaping to lozenges? Was it easier to be cold turkey after tapering down?

I tried cold turkey a few times but the cravings were fucking epic.