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Anarcho-Trans-Humanist here fuck cops and political parasites. #BottonUnity

I dream of a non hierarchical society, based on cooperation not completion

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Mods permaban this tweaker faggot already

Hierarchy is unavoidable.

Popular Anarchism will never exist, money and influence, and power are too deeply rooted in modern day 'society' and if any sort of movement really started to come to fruition it would be almost instantly be stopped in it's tracks through false-flag operations against the movement. Any sort of movement reasonably has to move through the system so they can declaw any ideas and take 'their' 15# of flesh from it.

I have enough faith in humanity to believe that we can work together without being led, coerced or enslaved to the greed of a minority

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Cool beans, that's not how human beings operate.

I unironically wish to see such a society.

One thats free of hierarchical control. Where everyone has enough to eat. Everyone has housing. Were we work not to put food on the table, but rather cause it is personally fulfilling.

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not at present, because from birth, thru school we're conditioned to compete, we can learn to cooperate. it's the only way we're going to be able to survive ourselves.

I want to eat wild animals and pillage small towns

That bullshit will never work. Competition is a good thing, user. It's why you can post on this site, or even have a capable device.

Keep dreaming

Is it such a bad thing to push for something that is seen as Utopian?

I know we'll probably never see such a world, atleast not anytime soon. But we can try to get as close as we can too it

It's bad when it winds up with millions dying

Too many lazy motherfuckers who won't want to do anything. Besides, why work harder to fulfill the needs of people who don't put in as much effort?

I'd kill you with my underlings. I'd kill everyone who dares to oppose me.

You don't, and neither does anyone else.

If it’s anarchy, I’m killing a bunch of folks!

It's not just laziness. Truckers aren't going to deliver food for free. People don't do shitty jobs because they just love the work. They do them to get paid.

Plenty of people do

Implying that the State and Capitalism ain't doing that right now? With the endless wars, the rampant poverty, the for profit prison systems.

We can only achieve such a thing with automation and in a post scarcity world.

Which frankly, ain't that far off. Honestly, wouldnt be surprised if the means for such exist now, but is being withheld to maintain the status quo

>>the State and Capitalism
No, it's just the State. Nordic countries are capitalist, too.

Human nature is to get the most for oneself. As it is nature of most animals. Even ants or bees lead wars against other colonies to get rid of competition. You only need a few people unwilling to cooperate todestroy your dream.

Try with ten people. Good luck.

If I was given a no-holds-barred grant to live anywhere, I would live right next to a police station, preferably between a police station and a firehouse with undergeound tunnels going to both in case of an emergency.
Also, cops (and firefighters) are so fucking sexy.

>>not that far off from a post scarcity world
Whew lad

grow up, fagboy

you all need to look beyond your conditioning and evolve your consciousness

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Never said they were anything but capitalist. They might be the least shit of currently existing states, but got a long way to go.

I mean, housing is already at that point, just being with held. Currently some 18 million unoccupied homes in the US, and we only have 600k homeless.

Food, the planet can support roughly 10billion people with current farming practices, giving ~2.5 billion more for growth.

Those are the major bits for achieving post-scarcity as far as I'm concerned.

Somalia was in such a state from the 90s up until 2005, too bad you missed it

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You can live in such a place right now .
It's a country called Somalia.

Go there now if you are so committed to your ideals.

it's a doggy dog world bro, what can i say

Lack of a coherent government ain't anarchy. Anarchy in an of itself is a form of non-hierarchical consensus government

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>>anarchy is a form of government
Go home, the adults are talking

You blamed Capitalism for millions dying. Obviously that's wrong.

Because some kind of hierarchy will always existed, Somalia was the country in which hierarchy was eliminated the most, each village (community) was governing itself

>literally unachievable goals
God and people wonder why they dont take them seriously.

You are lying through your dumb teeth.
Act like humans arent competitive all you want, we have SEEN what humans do to one another, even in times so far removed that there would be no way for our influence to have caused that behavior.
>paleolithic cave paintings depict war between people, how was that school conditioning eh dumbass?
Your belief is unsubstantiated, and unsupported by reality.

The preventable deaths due to decaying infrastructure. The wars that began to defend the capitalist order. The wars to create profit for the military industrial complex.

Those who starve to death. Who die of preventable illnesses. The genocide of the indigenous populations in the colonial expansions.

All perpetuated by the state and by capitalism

Is it that unachievable? Societies currently exist that are non-hierarchical. The Chiapas rebel territories come to mind.

Housing? The number of unoccupied houses in the US is some 6x the number of homeless.

Food? We obviously have the means to feed billions, just is withheld as part of the Capitalist system.

And the Work part? Thats a bit utopian, but can be achievable down the line.

The thing is the way you anarchists want to live is dependent on the welfare given to you by the system you want to overthrow because you smoke weed and play video games all day and have never developed any skills whatsoever.

All of that is due to the State being too big. Not Capitalism itself.

>genocide of indig-
Whoops someone missed history class.
>accidentally bringing foreign disease =/= genocide
The following genocide that occurred after was, infact, NOT a genocide, it was a war because the natives believed the diseases were intentionally released upon them, and began fighting back and scalping us before we declared war on them.

no one gtfo cringefag

>more claims.
You wanna know how I can tell its unachievable? Because, whether true or not, it seems according to your theory that everyone is in on a massive capitalist conspiracy to keep you down.
If true, what power do you have to fight that?
If not true, which is more likely, what good is an argument that relies entirely on trying to attack the opponent without supplying ANY evidence.
Theres hundreds of attempts at large scale anarchy, in a small scale it worked, but as more individuals get added, the chances of failure go up 10 fold.

>imagine an anarchist actually having to build his OWN house.
I've built many a log cabin in my day, god I wanna see that shit so fucking bad.
That is not easy work, people assume they can do it when they can't.

your anger only shows your fear of living differently.

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>oh no he said something I cant refute! I should try to ignore all of his actual argument and just go for the low hanging fruit
Yeah, can't say I'm surprised you're not good at debate.

Ok, how about the death toll stemming from Labour disputes? From the harsh working conditions? From being treated as tools, and not people.That literally only occurred due to the workers organizing in response to abuses from their employers

So the killings of unarmed men, woman and children in California was not a genocide?

Or the countless other massacres during the colonization?

It's not that hard to see really, especially when you look into PoC communities, with being allocated less funding for education, being defacto segregated from the whites. The functioning of the Prison industrial complex that focuses on packing as many in as possible for profit.

And true, but a society doesnt have to be purely anarchistic to be similar to as I describe. Just a decentralized federation of communes really

>>death toll from labor disputes

there's no point in arguing with someone that's utterly convinced of their delusion, and who has gotten angry over an opinion they dislike.

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I prefer having schools and healthcare, thanks.

Biology is not conditioning. As I said: try it with ten people.

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The state isn't necessary for those things

You can live as a hermite. You may live with a few in a commune. But this will not last for a long time. Anarchy is a nice dream, but it cannot work. It is against nature.

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The strong will always dominate the weak. This hierarchy has existed in nature since the beginning of life and is the only existence not subject to entropy. It is order amongst chaos. Anarchy is just a mechanism of the weak to make sense of being powerless, much like religion. This is why the various utopias attempted in our history have all failed. I will always believe I am better than you. I will not share what I have with you. And if you have something I want, I will take it by force. This is the single most powerful drive we have and is why you’re allowed to suck cocks and be gay expressing your faggot bullshit on the internet.

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congratulations! You are part of the problem, not the solution

Battle of Blair Mountain, deadliest labour dispute in the US. Some 50-100 Striking miners killed.

They brought in the fucking army to put them down.

Thibodaux massacre. 35+ Striking farmers killed. Some put the numbers into the 100s

Sociocracy is, imo, the only method of government that works. The leaders, and the followers, exist as a community. they know each other, and understand the needs of each other

being ruled by far away people whom I'll never see, meet, nor share a coffee with is not a system I consented to

but alas, I was born into it, so i am forced to consent.

Don't forget to vote so you feel like you have control :)

There are plenty of places in Africa where the government and police have no reach. I'm sure they're all happy places to live in.

Ancap, maybe. Not your faggot “anarchies-socialism.

Why do you spell idiot so weird?

Those sure are assertions without sauce. Want to hear about how many people Communist and Socialist states murdered?

Nice sealioning there.

Sealioning (also spelled sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment which consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity.[1][2][3][4] It may take the form of "incessant, bad-faith invitations to engage in debate".[5]

what you’re talking about isn’t in our nature, dumbass

Way to deflect. Now provide sources. Like this:
See, thats not hard

Lol all Anarchy Leads to Greed Hierchies

cool will start with you and thats about it

Have fun with the next ogre and his buddies who steamrolls over your sorry ass. Because nobody protects you then.

>Anarchy is goverment
>government without a heirchy

LMFAO XDDDDD yeah sure kiddo

dood your childish in your anarchy

go ahead explain if humans do not compete for the same girl all the time.

we always compete and also work together but ultimately work together because its only to your benefit not because you want somebody else to get your girl.

maybe not nature but human free will
the free will to say. "nope i do this for my self interest"

lol triggered

why do you ancoms hate to admit anarchy will have heirchy and will ultimately be anarcho capitalism

Ye fuck off anarchist...