What's Cred Forums's opinon on Green Day (in general)/ new cringe song?

What's Cred Forums's opinon on Green Day (in general)/ new cringe song?

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Good band.

Most of the songs are pretty good

checked and agreed
But their new song?

they make bad songs

Green Day had 3 members, OP.


but their new song:youtube.com/watch?v=U3cpdkhtGx0

Rolling for quads baby

Green Day is elevator music for punks. Now, get with the program and buy yourself a vintage GG Allin record and shut the fuck up!

>>GG Alin
Okay, grandpa
I wish I could make money by swearing

SJW band but before all this political shit i remember they used to try to hard to be "hardcore"...it was kinda cringe..
their 90s stuff is kinda wack even compared with other similar bands and even 90s sugar ray (note that i said 90s sugar ray thats before they sold out and went soft)

Just listened to it. Yea not really loving that one. But i still love Green Day in general.

that stupid fuck played around with his own shit.

Everything after Nimrod is fucking terrible.

just another music group taking advantage of trump supporters who get offended by everything

Cringe, how?
They've made millions before that?
Why does everything, in your world have to cater to a political agenda?

My favorite band when i was a kid in the 90s, dont care about their new stuff

tell that to green day nigger,i bet your some dumb zoomer who was a sperm in his daddies nutsack when green day actually was popular

He's the one who likes all their pretty songs.

nah,even before all of the "no trump,no fascist usa"bullshit i never really liked green day.i just wish these washed up 90's bands realized nobody cares about them instead of trying to get attention by being political

And he likes to sing along, and he likes to shoot his gun.

When kiddos used to be punk with Green Day, this was before their new political agenda, that pissed me off.

Green Day is only slightly more punk than Avril Lavigne

always been shit, always will be shit. Since "Dookie" all of their songs sound exactly the same.

For you idiots who keep saying they hated it when they got political.

Punk music is, and has always has been political. It was greendays stupid pop faze is the middle that was cringe.


Both the band and the song

Does he like to sing along?

No.,I don't.

See, he knows not what it means.

Fuck you, nigger.
No, Jesus of Suburbia here.

I don't care if you don't.


Sell out faggots, never good, basic normie mall punk

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Finally listened to the song, twice. It's not the best thing ever, and it sounds like it belongs in a commercial. But once you get past the intro, it's not bad. It's not great, but it's not bad. Crazy thing is, I don't think the music video or the song had anything to do with Trump. If anything, it has more to do with Gary Glitter.

Everything past 2000/Warning: sucks niggers ass


>Green Day

Keep huffing, Jeffery

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>green day
Pick one, faggot.

lmao green day is still trying? fucking hell

user, they've made millions.
But are still at it

and i can judge them all the same for still being at it

The hate for Green Day essentially boils down to the paradox of Punk culture. There are more reasons, some more valid, but in the end it's all just because they're "sellouts".

You have to love that non-critical, conformist mentality.

Of course, user.
But I was asking specifically about their new song, your opinion?

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new song kinda cringe, but revolution radio was cool
all their old stuff is fire doe

i'm not a fan of punk music and their culture is even more silly to me with all of their gate keeping. some of the music is alright like amebix and some crossover thrash but green day is straight up lame and that is hard to deny.


But in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life.

>green day is straight up lame
You're right, they're not Amebix. They're not even really playing anything that resembles what punk was anymore. They're not what got them sold anymore. But everyone who says they hate every single one of Green Day's songs is lying. There's always at least one. It was pop punk, you'd have to be some kind of militant, straight-edge Tibetan throat singing aficionado to have not ever tolerated a single Green Day track, let alone enjoy one.

And, yeah, they got "lame" when they went full pop. But that's what pop is.

Haven't heard it

Name one punk band from the 90s that didn't sell out.

fair point, user. i don't go out of my way to listen to green day but there's a handful of songs that are listenable if you can look past those whiney vocals. it's a hard thing to look past for me though.

>mfw I come around

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Well, I heard it all before, so don't knock down my door

me and my boys walk around with the same fucking aesthetic.

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I like him because he is bi.

Dookie was the best thing they ever did and even that's not a great album, it's just a "meh, it's good I guess" kind of album

That's actually pretty based,
But your opinion on their latest song?

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haven't heard it. give me a link and i'll give you my opinion.


Great band in general

not good. i can't hate on anything that makes money though.

Good band. Started losing money when they caught Trump Derrangement Syndrome.

This. I fucking love Nimrod and Insomniac though.

>can't hate on anything makes money
user, but why?
It's not like, you liking it, makes you any richer?

*not liking it, must have had a stroke, there.