Why do women use Cred Forums? Just curious

Why do women use Cred Forums? Just curious.

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Women use Cred Forums?
All I ever see is mentally ill boys in wigs who call their anuses "pussies."

is that not a woman?

Those freaks have their own reasons, but I’m curious about why actual women come here. What kind of posts do they look for? Between the porn and wwyd threads they’re treated like shit so you’d think they wouldn’t want to come here.

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Because they got that "yuuummy yuummy yuuuumy yuuummmy yuuuuummmy yuuuummmy"

some women (a lot, now that I think about it) enjoy being objectified and treated like shit. For some, it's all they know.

Because old/b/ died and nobody follows the camwhore rules.
This place used to be a boys only club.

Ylyl threads
Rekt threads (I just scroll by the gore though)
Greentext threads
Faces of b/Rate threads (dick rate threads are boring though)
Rule 34 threads
If I'm in the mood, I'll browse a porn thread that piques my interest
And I've actually seem a couple of threads where you guys got a scoop on a story before it hit the news (latest example: the video of the rockets hitting the Ukraine flight). I'm always skeptical, but then if it hits the news I'm amused.
Social media is boring, especially females on social media. I dont give a rats ass about most of what females care about, so why go there.
The degeneracy here is generally amusing, sometimes thought provoking. But usually at the very least, mildly interesting.

They don't, there are no women

Same reason men do fren

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You've just unlocked the secret rules of the internet!
1: men are men
2: women are men
3: children are cops

What is this wo men you speak of?


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That can’t be healthy.

There was also at least slightly less soft core porn spam before Instagram became a thing if I remember.

Holy shit.
You think if we all white knight them, they'll fuck off?

It’d be kind of funny to see the whining on Reddit. “Cred Forums trolls bore me, too nice.”

Interesting. I agree that the news leaks and greentext threads are the most interesting.

I like to know what men think about..
It’s like being in a male gym locker and peeking into a secret world of degenerates.

a lot more girls should do this
one of my best friends is a girl and she asked me why there are so many tv series about just everyday gossip amongst girls and none about men. simple, it would be banned after the first pilot episode for its degeneracy, perversion and racism.

>Implying new/b/ isn't already filled with whitenights and people who need those upvotes
Oh (you)
I'd say "tits or gtfo" but It's pointless now. This is now the absolute state of Cred Forums. Fuck ton of normies who think we're outcasts.
Go back to facebook or reddit or wherever the fuck you heard about this site from.

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Probably for the free attention and to advertise their premium snapchats

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I lurk for shota and loli mostly
Also just mentioning I'm a girl is the best shitpost/bait in some threads. Drives you fuckbois crazy

Why do women do anything? Penis envy

Chicks with dicks are my favorite hmu girls

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Psst, it’s because we’re filth too, fren
(Also we’re not black)

They heard men were enjoying themselves somewhere so they want to end that.

TBH ive wondered too, they know they arent welcome, so theyre probably only here to be stupid ass attention whores and be argumentative for no fucking reason.

First of all thanks for accepting the loli/shota.
Secondly you've got it right, It drives these idiots insane when someone even hints at having a vagina.
I shit you not this thread Is going to hit a reply limit.
You are also correct.

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They’re just as broken as we are user, being mentally fucked is not gender exclusive

>drives people crazy knowing I'm a girl hahaha
>has to mention it for attention

It's pretty clear you're the one obsessing over it because it's the one place you know you can without more effort, faggot.

Does it depress you?

Cred Forums is a man's site retard

>falls for the bait
Its so easy and they get so upset, even when you are literally just honestly answering a question

To tell slutty stories you can't tell your friends and family. Secrets threads are my guilty pleasure.


They don't

I come here to get off to things im too afraid to type into a search bar myself. Its my own fucked up porn delivery system

Cred Forums is totally vanilla nowadays.

I don't know and I dont't care. Just post tits or gtfo.

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Im not looking for cp. Secrets threads can normally butter my biscuit

No, i met a really nice person on this website.
I feel like my soulmate might be lurking on this site.

tits or gtfo

It's a weird thought I'm sure many people here have. Honestly, though? This really isn't the right atmosphere for that kind of thing, unless you're just looking to meet up with some randoms to get some quick sex or something

Also that

>I feel like my soulmate might be lurking on this site.
I assure you you can do better

I know that feel.
I've met a few people who are honestly kind.
Unironically this though

love from kazakhstan
this song goes very hard
I hate women so much it's unreal

They're here hunting for orbiters

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i honestly just find it entertaining
