How to quit a weed addiction? The withdrawal makes me lose appetite and causes nausea

How to quit a weed addiction? The withdrawal makes me lose appetite and causes nausea.

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Give me your weed and i dispose of it properly

Don't expect to feel better instantly, weed is pretty hard to shake. You gotta simply distract yourself from the discomfort by doing other things. And every time the urge comes up, remind ur self that ur committed. Neural wiring habits are tricky to persuade, so you have to have something to do to distract you. Because your default thoughts will be 'weed pls' for the first month. So you have to change your behaviour daily. And don't relapse. Remember it's faulty neural wiring that's drawing you back. Breathe and keep going.

Weed is not physically addictive. It's all in your head. You wanna quit than quit and stop being a bitch about it. If you want to keep smoking weed because it brings you a little bit of happiness in your miserable fucking life than keep smoking weed and be happy.

Just sleep

just put it down and go do other things, its not hard.

Granted, I've always had the motivation of not really having all that much on hand/money to get more.
But could it be said, as the physical habit seems to be the real hard thing to break here, that weening yourself off by say, smoking resin if you're a pipe user would help in this effect?
As it still has a mild effect as the oils in the resin contain CBD in decent quantity and also a bit of THC that would have been pulled through the bottom of the bowl.
After a few weeks/ a month of burning that harsh shit you should be a lot more willing to put the pipe down and give up the habit.

Weed isn't addictive / pothead

I'm going thru this now too OP. Found out my company site is getting laid off mid March. So I gotta stop smoking and get clean.
I'm 25 been smoking daily since I was like 18. Every day I try to not smoke, I get home from work and my craving gets the best of me. It's too easy to pick up a $5 gram.
But like the above posters say you gotta distract yourself. I do good when I clean but then after I feel like I need a reward.. My sis has a juul I'm thinking about picking one of those up. Vaping helped me get clean before It can again

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Yes it is

What a load of horseshit. Weed has been shown in several scientific journals to be addictive via the same brain regions of other drugs, especially with chronic use. I've known several ppl who simply can't stop despite seeing their productivity and social life wither away into nothing. Weed feels really good which makes you think ah everything's perfect even if ur life is actually shitty so you stop maintaining important things. This happens slowly and ominously over a long period.

It's not. It's habit forming. Not physically addictive.
Big difference in the two.

To add to this, I think quitting cold turkey is not the way. Maybe cut back to smoking once or twice a day one hit or so. Then gradually cut back by doing something else instead of taking that hit

>addicted to weed

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>is not physically addictive
>It's all in your head


The hell kind of weed you smokin' yo?

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"weed addiction"

Nigga if you wait 3 days you'll be back to normal. Fucking Christ you massive pussy.


He must be toking that Floral Smoke, a synthetic weed analog

>weed addiction
Excuse me are you retarded?

Get CBD oil OP. It's like that tingly relaxed state from THC but without making you a drooling retard

I remember a buddy of mine talked me into trying some of that stuff one time back in the day, coulda knocked him upside the head, no me gusta!

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If you really do want to quit, I suggest not taking juul. Hear a lot of people who picked it up can't leave it cause that particular one has quite a bit of nicotine in it. If you find something that says otherwise, just be careful is all I can say then.

I don't understand why I would quit smoking weed when it makes me feel good, especially since it's completely legal here. Then again, after 10 years a daily toker, maybe I'm a little biased. However, quitting is no longer an option for someone like me anymore, anyway.

Where does one get this weed cause I definitely don't feel that. If I have a lot of crap going on in life and I smoke I feel even worse.

Have you ever even smoked?


there he is! found the retard!


If you can't quit cold turkey try weening yourself off by imposing limits in how much and what time of day you can smoke. I recommend not letting yourself smoke before bed or you'll have very little sleep after quitting. Try to avoid smoking before meals, you'd be surprised how much less you eat at first, but that'll balance out in a few weeks. Wait as long as possible to smoke your first bowl of the day in order to build habits around the sobriety that you begin the day with. You'll likely become bored with many of your usual hobbies or pastimes after quitting, so try something different and give the old things a break long enough that being high doesn't feel like a condition for enjoying them anymore.
I quit cold turkey nearly a year ago after several botched attempts. Besides the above, what helped most was not being around weed at all or giving in to the "I'll just smoke a bowl this once for x reason, just this once", which is what always brought me back to it.

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This happened to me yesterday. I couldn't eat all day. I would recommend cutting down first instead of cold turkey

Just don't stop. Weed is awsome!

In a perfect world, everyone would enjoy weed responsibly every day. Doctors, lawyers, scientists by day, potheads by night. Fuck yeah...

There is no withdrawal from weed. Any effects you feel are all psychosomatic.
Just quit cold turkey and stop being a bitch.

modafinil might make things easier

dont stop follow this anons advice

The nic can be addicting. Get a low percentage or one of the million other vapes out there and buy some tasty juice

Cold turkey sounds easy. But if youre so used to the thc then it can throw off your appetite and the naseua I know all too well.

It's funny though because the best thing for nausea is smoking weed. I had to have a small bowl this morning to help me eat

I have been trying to stick to weekends only. I am planning no fap and no smoke February. I will probably lay lose day 1 tbh.

Yeah why don't you not try to stop fapping and smoking at the same time.

no the best thing for nausea is hydration and then eating a healthy meal.

>weed addiction
Just try going more than a day without smoking. Maybe try doing something productive, and try limiting yourself to smoking only on weekends

You'll have to do it over the weekend where you have extra time to sleep.

Ugh. Same I'll get nasuea after not smoking all day. Then smoke to fix it. It does help but it's not a good cycle.
I wouldn't even try stopping if i didn't know that trying to get any job is gonna need a drug test.
But imagine the high after not smoking for a month or two

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I smoked for the first time in a year a few months ago. It's like the first time you ever smoked. It's funny how you forget how weed tastes after a while and when you smoke again it instantly reminds you of your first ever taste of the stinky plant

I worked on turning weed less of a social recreation and more of a mental medication. I was smoking with friends pretty much every day to feel good and that's the kind of habit that locks it in for you as an addiction. Instead I started to only smoke by myself at night and spend that time watching tv, reading, general self improvement, or just exploring thoughts and understanding myself better. This is the kind of thing that weed excels at and if used properly I firmly believe can help improve mental health and quality of life.

Cannabis is addictive. Not as physically addictive as nicotine, therefore one of the least addictive drugs. It is more addictive than most psychedelics though. Some people, especially ones who started smoking after the age that the frontal lobe fully develops, may not become addicted to it. There are people who binge coke or alcohol when partying but never actually form addictive tendencies. So with that out of the way, I smoked weed for almost 9 years non stop from 13 to 22, since I was 16 and started working an was able to buy my own sack, I could've probably counted the amount of days on my limbs that I went without smoking, I smoked probably an average of a gram a day, give or take. (some days I would smoke a whole quarter) I quite 2 years ago, cold turkey, however, I was travelling and for 3 days I couldn't smoke. I decided on a plane that when I landed I would quit. I got home and smoked a bowl and had a horrible emotional time, my life was shit, I mean it still probably is. But anyways, after that bowl I stopped. With the mindset and the worst trip ever, mind you a 3 day tolerance break, made it so the bowl was actually like a rocket ship into the psychedelic side of the cannabis that chronic users forget exists, I was ready to quit. The urges stopped during the travel period honestly but any kind of physical symptoms were gone within 7 days, because they are real, subtle but real. I have smoked about two or three times since and the experiences have been just as psychedelic as taking a low dose of shrooms but they were all met with psychosis and were bad trips, so I wouldn't consider them true relapses, more like reaffirmations. I quit smoking recently, it has been about 4 months or something and this addiction was stronger, but the physical withdraws were gone within about 10 days and the multiple urges a day stopped within 20 I'd say. But this wasn't the first time I had tried quitting cigarettes and it took way more mindset.

Last two lines are about cigarettes**
The cannabis was easier and basically if you want to quit then you need to just and realize the symptoms of withdrawal peak within 3-5 days and will pass completely within 7-10 days. Get a basketball and a diary.

>via the same brain regions

yeah thats coalled psychologically addictive, not physically addictive. Why is everyone on here so goddamn retarded??

This, nobody is going to the hospital for marijuana withdrawal. I’ve been smoking daily since 16, I’m 20 and had to stop for a week for a vacation and the worst that happened was a little bit of insomnia.

There had been no evidence linking mental addiction to cannabis to a physiological dependence.

There is no such thing as drug addiction, only drug dependancy.

Those who abuse heavy drugs such as heroin are known to take seizures and get the shakes if they stop taking in the same way an alcoholic would if they quit the drink cold turkey.

Your body will feel sick, and you will feel nauseous, however that is a result of your body getting rid of the residule drugs out of your system.

Just stop smoking and take the withdrawals bitch. You think that's bad try stop cigarettes. Whiney ass bitch

>when you have no support for your claims and just talk out of your ass

Do people go to the hospital for nicotine withdrawal often? What about caffeine?

There is such a thing as semantics though.

I've done a bit of drugs, at least the ones that made sense to me: Weed, LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, 2CE/I, just to name a few.

I smoked weed basically everyday from age 18-21 and never felt like I couldn't quit. I didn't want to quit, but that's a lot different. No offense, but you're probably just being a pussy and I'm just being honest with you.

Quitting nicotine was actually difficult because I chewed tobacco for 4 years and it's chemically addictive; however, after 48 hours or so even that addiction physically goes away and becomes mental.

I suppose just remind yourself of the reason you're quitting and remember it's all in your head. I started eating a lot more to compensate for not getting nicotine (like an itch that couldn't be scratched, so you scratch around it). I'm sure you'll find something that helps you. Eventually I was able to have a normal life again.

>The withdrawal makes me lose appetite
normal. goes away in 4-5 days.
until then make lots of soup and try to drink as much of it as you can. drink light beers as well for extra calories.
you'll know you're good when you suddenly wake up one day and feel like you could destroy a whole pizza.
>and causes nausea
part of the first 1-2 days of anxiety, panic attacks, stress, restlessness etc.
just pre-occupy yourself with vidya, getting fit or your hobbies.

Overall, you dont feel any of these symptoms if you take a break from it regularly. in a month from now if/when you take up weed again just keep it to the weekends. it's the best way to go.

yeah drink beer

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>doing it recreationally = addictive habit
>doing it alone = healthy habit

Quit last week
Smoked every day for 7 years
I remind me everytime I have the chance to do it why I'm quitting and why it's bad for ME regardless of other ppl who can deal with it. I can easily deal with coke or alc but weed hooked me up.
It makes me stronger when I say no and I'm happy everytime
It's a small goal but I keep going. I believe you're stronger than ur cravings! Wish u the best
Sry for my bad English

Just get synthetic urine, unless your future employer is the federal government they're not going to pay for the the tests that catch the synthetic stuff.