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these rightards are quite the mongs

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Name my band...I'll start

22 and Me

Call it what you will, Americans hicks, hill-billies, white thrash, red-necks, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL THEM while carrying the Nazi and Confederate flag ,those belonging to the Germans that destroyed white males, females and children by THE MILLIONS, the Confederates that massacred their fellow white-country men, proves how these red-neck hick are stupid and gutter-thrash. That's why you find so much racism with them. And how rare it is in College.

Call it what you want, rednecks are stupid, and it takes a certain stupidity for racism to take ground IN PURELY WHITE COMMUNITIES! Damn retards live in trailers and farms with their white fathers beating their white mothers, white fathers raping their white children; LOOK IT UP!


And those are the SAME PEOPLE who carry their "white pride" flags. Idiotic weaklings.

College professors learn to scrounge up their nose at white males acting like idiots while learning to respect their black and sometimes latino peers.

Don't get it twisted, BILLIONARES gather together- Arab, White, and Latino- to sync Corporate interests while these country raised hicks forget their WHITE fathers beating and raping their WHITE CHILDREN AND WOMEN while turning OUTWARD at people that they never met instead of TURNING AGAINST THEIR OWN SCUM-BRED PEOPLE.

WHITE THRASH RAPE CHILDREN AND BEAT WOMEN to an OUTSTANDING degree when compared to suburban people. Suburbian people being the most liberal and least racist. The upper echelon being "pseudo-racists" but secretly hoping that poor whites will be killed off by death-squads.

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Behold The Master Race!

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Suburban Marxist revolutionary, folks. Useful idiots like you are always the first to go. You are demoralized, wake the fuck up.


Strapping on a gun and Teflon vest makes these mental retards feel like "top-grade, power rangers in a futuristic setting" without knowing what a polymer is...

Which a is GREAT PROBLEM...

...because wherever you find these idiot mass shooters, Columbine-wanna autists, you find some delusional manifesto replete with DELUSIONS of "FUTURISTIC" Utopias, Dystopias and the CLINICAL SCIENCE will prove that traditionalism is COGNITIVE RETARDATION.

Gen-X, Futurism, Racial-Polyglots with Science based progressivism and LIBERALISM is the HUMAN ideal...

...e...v...e...r...y...o...n...e... will SUFFER for failing to meet that standard in this world where EVERYONE wants a high-tech plasma T.V, High tech Iphone, High tech car.... ALL manufactured in total or in part in china by some traumatized HUMAN working 18 HOURS A DAY with practically no education and suicide nets waiting for them outside of the window...

You people are fools if you think that you can evade the waves that these things do in fact MAKE.

The suffering of a Chinese factory worker might seem like a day away, but it's only one day away for a CEO using a jet to travel over to his buddies while they discuss your pension, your salary, your amount trips to the bathroom "ALLOWED" during a work day, and while they spend YEARS learning what "marketing" is and how it applies to...your...kids...

...White Pride...HA!

Mental retards that don't know the meaning of the word ...b...i...l...l...i...o...n...a...r...e.

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>Suburban Marxist revolutionary, folks. Useful idiots like you are always the first to go. You are demoralized, wake the fuck up.

Nihilistic Pessimist... please wear a GoPro so that your social anxiety, stress, and depressive thinking can be featured in our Rektd Threads.

I'd appreciate that. Not your stupid opinions and unrequested insults. You are dismissed. Bitch.

Look at this e-nazi and his impotent threats lmao pathetic

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America's smartest man agrees with us.


I didn't even threaten you, moron. I said that your own cannibalize you first. Again, if you're White wake up. Listen to what that man had to say.

"Even if "racism were the language of fools" - e.g., the fools who defiantly kneel when the national anthem is played at professional football games - race would still exist. It's a feature of biology, and has to do with the adaptation of populations to their environments over long periods of time. To deny race is to deny evolution, and thus to deny biology conversely, the development of racial distinctions in nature has a powerful biological rationale. (We try not to deny the existence of valid logical and scientific distinctions around here.)

Race is not a laughing matter, Michael. As I just explained, it's a hard biological fact. At one time, I'd have affirmed your statement, but under the rules of contemporary identity politics, every other race but Whites has a right and an obligation to belabor its racial identity for the sake of "social justice". Because this amounts to a denial of social justice for White people, and is in fact being used as a pretext for demographic genocide, we no longer have the luxury of embracing it on so lopsided a basis.)"

name my band

americans aren't white

"The Base"... isn't that what Al-Qaeda means?



They are so based ...

Btw: nazis also looked better.

Were they actual Neo-Nazi's? Or Neo-Nazi's according to today's political standards are?

They're not even aryan. They have shit colored eyes. Green eye master race here.

Seriously though, fuck these guys. Idiot racists always wanting a race war when they've literally lost every single other one in history. Let them kill themselves off on some fucking island. Sick of these idiots.

Who fucking cares? If anyone calls themselves a nazi in any form, they're just pathetic. "[inset thing here] power" is the lowest form of thinking. FUck them.

Preech lord shishio

Nigger power... femoid power... gook power... spic power...

They were busted by ZOG because of one turncoat. Reminder to operate alone and not join any groups.

This entire thing is BS complete with trumped-up charges, basically political persecution of dissidents. Still think you have freedom in America? The gov will send you oversees to die for Israel and throw you into a gulag for not wanting America to end up like Brazil.

Americans are not white.

"who cares about the facts"

Okay. Just a reminder that 90% of this thread is fags and trannies. Have fun.

Bieber power, puppy power, hydro-power, white powder, brown sugar, red red wine, oh say can you see, by the dawn's tough on grease, easy on hands

Good. Fuck 'em. They get what they deserve.

Fucking fine by me. I'd so much rather be surrounded by basically anything except racist idiots. It's a dead belief system that can't sustain itself in modern times. It has no chance.

fuck white people.
I have banged so many white hoes with my bbc that you'd be surprised. all while their husbands or boyfriends offshore or in the other room. Some wanted to watch but I didn't let them.. i hate white people.

Go back nigger

Tyrone, all this bravado isn't going to bring your father back. You just need to accept that and move on.

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Wouldn't the joke work better as "24 and Me"?

Correct! I’m stealing 24 and me though

I live in the south and i have never even seen a neo-nazi. If thats what the left is scared of, let everyone know its safe to come outside again. Funny how the left cries about Nazis but this is the most evil losers they could find. How many people got shot in Chicago and Baltimore this past weekend? I bet there wasn't one white guy shooting anyone unless it was protecting himself

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Nah this shit is a big gay-op spurred on by political activism group the FBI

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weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

>the base
>tfw "al qaeda" means exactly the same

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weak and predictable

weak and predictable

I've seen one legit skinhead in the last 5 years. That was in California where Whites are the minority and certainly embattled.

dunno...just that the chromosome count was off for at least two of those master race specimens.

Looks like the average pol user

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

fuck off white loathing tranny

weak and predictable

Its only a matter of time until they start hunting the hate group known as Anonymous. I can't wait for them to finally get rid of those assholes destroying lives and murdering kids.

actually this is what euro incels do with their time

The amount of samefag is off the charts

weak and predictble

Your mom is a chubby whire. How would you describe her?

>Weak and predictable.

Sure seething cuckboi

being this retarded

stay mad kid

I'm from Texas you retard.

The amount of racist mutts in this thread is astonishing.

yeah... you sure got me.

Since you're posting here, you're a jew mutt too

wasn't talking about you kid.
try thinking a little harder next time

sure did kid

actually he is an euro incel

Fucking American rejects, you will never be a true Nazis, you'll forever be a dirty Yankee and never be part of the Aryan master race, fucking degenerates.

>jewish cops arresting neckbeards because they said they hate jews too many times


Isn't mutt a "racist' term?

hitler was a jew

Are you retarded? Nazi and hitler aryan bullshit is a completely different things. You can be a nigger, a spic or a gook and still be a nazi. Hitler was a racist, he though that his german aryan shit of a race is superior.

That's why we call them Y'all Qaeda

Guys let's apply muslim apologetics to this case and trigger the liberals!

White neo nazi members? So what? Muslims do it too!

You actually expect leftists to make any sense?


K ill
E very
K ike
Ya dun goofed.

You will never be white. That's the real joke

Just because they're white neo nazi's, it has nothing to do with their terrorist activity.

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cry a little harder kid

( o ) (o )

>i hate white people
trust me, I feel the same way about niggers but at least I'm not reminded of shit everytime I look at my hands or in the mirror

Fuck white people? It's like saying fuck the air, or fuck the water, or I hate the sun, etc. Without white people you'd be already dead, filthy nigger ape.

it's not the white power shit that's cringe, it's the fact that these are probably the guys that type on /fit about how to be an "alpha male"

this means a witch and a whore combined
your mom does magic and can cast spells and shit

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>you'd be already dead
he might as well be. He's a useless nigger. I'd bet a lot of money that he stinks of shit and doesn't clip his fingernails

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