You mad, whiteboi?

You mad, whiteboi?

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no, this is hot

Not gonna lie. Them taking Tori Black does make me a little mad.

not at all

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kys kike

the fact the they are kissing makes me madder than if they were fucking

wife and her bull

Feels bad man, my inferior white feminine penis cannot compete

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damn, niggers would fuck anything

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I need to get a bull for my gf!

no one like niggers. least of all niggers don't even like niggers and get out if they can marry up.

I want my GF to get blacked

why does she have a roidgut?

Gosh no... It's SOOO hard to make my wife cum, even with extended oral and toys. My hottest fantasy is watching her with some young stud bull, black or white, 7 inch or so cock. Seeing her after, just exhausted from her orgasms and covered in his superior cum. Damn right I'd clean up every drop.

Me too

Do you guys think there are websites full of niggers where they make inversely themed race bait threads? Pic related

Attached: Sexy-black-woman-fucked-by-4-white-guys.jpg (1920x1280, 1.07M)

Where do I find a woman like Tori Black?

That guy is super hot so I'm mad that I'm not her

where are you located?

Yes actually. I saw some screencaps on /fit/ or Cred Forums or somewhere of intsagram comments of angry black men upset about good looking WMBF couples talking about black women betraying their race. Made me lol as much as the angry comments on here.

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Naa, I can buy bitches too.

It was a twitter post, right? White guy carrying her and telling people that 'he can handle her'

I honestly don't know. There were like five of them and I don't use twitter or instagram so it all looks the same to me.

Why is kind after kind such a foreign concept to you?

Pretty sure he's the one that was bought.

Think we are thinking of two different things

People are free to date who they like. I'm a white guy dating a white girl. Most people date people of the same race. But when losers sperg out about "their women" or "their men" dating the wrong race, it's funny.

Maybe lol. I remember some black people sperged out about Obama's daughter dating a white guy.

Agree with you completely. Colored people are in this department worse than white people. Had an Arab friend say to me that hates it when he sees Arab girls in the club. Like wtf bro are only white women supposed to be hoes?

Wow, just noticed, even the tattoos are fake.

Yeah it's all ridiculous to me. Even on Cred Forums retards were freaking out about that British prince dude who's banging a black chick or something like who fucking cares? It's like Cred Forums has turned into instagram or pinterest or something.

>Like wtf bro are only white women supposed to be hoes?
No women are supposed to be hoes. The Islamic world still has this modesty left and good for them. Women being lecherous is degrading to them whether they realize it or not and it brings shame to men of their race. Honour killings correct this evil. That's why these sub-animals here on Cred Forums enjoy posting the woman with nigger porn as a sort of
"rub it in their faces."

That's how evil works: it will tempt you to do something bad then attempt to use it against you even though if fully approved of whatever it was you did in the first place.

Western man has abandoned strict Christianity and instead embraced the false god of cultural-Marxism and unless this is reversed it will get even more ugly before it will get better.

Niggers only get white trash whores with no self respect & drug habits or porn actresses who get paid to fuck pavement apes because they need money. White men get the top of the line nigger bitches of their white boi ain't mad

>wanting women and men to distributed fairly by social mandate
>supports gulag equivalents for those who disagree

Sounds like you're the one who wants cultural marxism. I'm happy with cultural capitalism, where individuals are free to interact as they choose!

lol nah bruh. I'm still White.

Whyboi here. Kinda mad. Everytime i see this post i get mad.