Just got diagnosed with terminal cancer. i'm more relieved than anything, which just makes me more sad

just got diagnosed with terminal cancer. i'm more relieved than anything, which just makes me more sad.

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Sorry to hear bro

Better terminal than internal i guess

Post time stamp and your cancer bracelet to prove it

good one? i'm still gonna die though lol.

Which cancer?

How old are you ?

Be strong bruh, try and enjoy the time you got left mayn

I've been obsessed with the idea that I have terminal cancer. My health anxiety is ruining my life basically. If you want to talk let's do it on Discord sometime

there's no such thing as a "cancer bracelet", just a hospital band. i'm lucky enough that they gave in to my demand for a laptop. i don't have my phone and i don't feel like taking front facing laptop photos. more importantly, i look/feel like shit and i'm all bandaged up.


I'm lucky in my position currently, and I cant imagine what it must feel like... do you intend to live differently from now on ? Any plans in the near future ? Things to do ?

Post hospital bed with time stamp then faggot

I'm sorry to hear it, that's got to be some seriously crazy news to get.

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i have a medulloblastoma tumor. it's spread pretty far so it'll probably kill me. it is what it is. i could use some good documentary suggestions though.

I'm sorry. :(

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i kind of knew something was wrong for a while. i had headaches and lower neck pain for months.

"Our planet" has some stunning images of nature

My had had hay fever symptoms one day and within a month he passed away from hodgkins lymphoma.
Is there anything I can do for ya? I can't really do or offer much, but if there's something small that I can do that ya might like, let me know.

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Dandelion root extract tea and baking soda and water mix. Everything else is made to prolong your misery.

>i'm still gonna die though lol.
so is everyone else.

Show them titties alice

just taking the time to talk is more valuable than anything. i have no use for money or possessions anymore.

>Dandelion root extract tea and baking soda and water mix
You hippie faggots are the worst. KYS

yep. i'm just just going a little bit sooner. and there are some people who went before me. in the end, what's the difference between 30 and 80 in the grand scheme of things. i'm at peace with my fate.

Yeah, of course. The secret cure that doctors HATE!
fug off.

I think we talked about a magic word and we still never resolved that issue.

I can understand that. I honestly never expected to live past 20 myself so I kind of always lived expecting to die soon. Kind of bit me in the butt not planning ahead for my life, but I have few regrets. What's your name friend? Just a fist name or something you like to be called if ya don't mind sharing.

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Do you have autism/Asperger's? Genuinely asking, not trying to roast you

you can call me master queef. that always made my friends and me laugh.

this... also why would OP be all bandaged up? he has not been in an accident.. cancer is not like that, wtf.

im sorry my man! wish you the best on the time you have

Have you seen "Dont fuck with cats" ? its on netflix and its pretty insane


I don't think so, I grasp social situations pretty well and I'm mighty comfy in most situations. Why ya ask friend?

So Timothy it is then

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haha that's fine

>i have a medulloblastoma tumor
If it spreads to your ass, would that make you assblasted?

Traditional zulu headdress.

Iys always sunset on the other side. There are no electronics. No vehicles. Platforms float. You arrive in the conditiin you came but you get better fast. There is a very very large welcoming and entry legup organization.

Are you celtyplays on twitch?

right on bro

sure. i'd find that funny. but i don't think it's gonna spread from my brain to my ass.
i don't know who that is, so nope.

If you want to fight look into genetic testing. Get your profile so you can see exactly what kills this thing the best. EAT NO CARBS. THEY ARE CANCERFOOD.

Keep your stress down and remember time is the main factor. Eat a probiotic to keep your immune system in top shape.

Remember life itself is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate and no cure.

Take it easy man.

Well Timothy, I'll remember you and your name, I plan on never dying myself so you'll live on into eternity though me. When you're facing that dark abyss just know a little part of you will soldier on through the ages! I'll also name my first born after you.

I am not, I've never uploaded anything on twitch actually. Although I have done some youtube stuffs.

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Prove it.

OP... watch the fog of war. Its one of the best.

I am sad for the fact thst your journey has been made shorter, but im envious of your acceptance and freedom. You now know a peace that no one else here can truly understand. "I have no use for money or possessions". I salute you, you magnificent bastard.

I guess there are two alices on this board lol. Nice trips

fog of war as in the robert mcnamara movie? one of my favorites.

That it is


good suggestion. any other war/conspiracy movies?

Is there something like a cancer feeling? I always worry about having cancer and I sleep very much and have often pain and I'm often cold...

There is a new type of cancer cure that uses white blood cells that attack most types of cancer.

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You can try reishi, cordyceps, chaga etc to longer your live

Dont worry OP. Black ppl get to go to the Great Watermelon Patch when you die. The rivers flow with Grape soda. And all the white girls are nice and fat, just the way you like it

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First human applications will be made end of year. He probably won't live that long

Well, I know there is the one that does irl pics with her face covered. Although I haven't seen her in a bit. Then again, I haven't been on here as frequently as I used to be.

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Procreation? Sounds like you may have bad genes though

Nah he will... I believe he will make it.

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can't speak for everyone because there are are so many different kinds, but i had throbbing pains at the base of my skull. the tumor was pressing against the bottom of my brain. it was really terrible. i didn't want to be a burden so i didn't say anything for a while. i probably should have.

I'd watch that horse/Allison brie movie, then jack off to her many nudes

lol i'm not black. i just thought it was a funny picture.

This is the end, beautiful friend.
This is the end.

Share your diet/habits/lifestyle? Helping the rest of us avoid cancer might offer some purpose for you.

Uuuummmmm well i guess u get to go to heaven with the rest of the humans. I would say sorry about the impending doom, buuuuuut like fuckim sucks.
We all gotta die at some point. No point in being sad over shit u cant control.

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i actually have a high sperm count. i froze and donated my semen.

I meant life sucks. Christ im typin like a negra now. Time to get off

Well that's good, always the hope you have an unknown bastard or two

I wouldn't mind getting a little cancer. Might suck for a while but hopefully they drug you up and you die in your sleep. Beats working my shitty job until I die

If you can, get the world at war. 1974 British doco on world war 2. The difinitivd war documentary

>OP is dying, don't have to deal with the constant disappointment and endless depression that is life in the 21st century
Lucky ass.

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Checked and amen brother

i actually felt guilty about this at first. an expiration date on life was a total relief though.

Dont feel guilty. Just remain stoic. People will be sad and they'll be even more stupidly fucking selfish if they knownyoure actually relieved. Happy for you OP. Hope it goes quick

>got diagnosed with terminal cancer
>happy for you OP

Only on Cred Forums...

Everyone dies eventually. Stop crying like a little bitch and make the most of the time you have left.

i agree wholeheartedly

This is HARDLY the only place on the internet where people dont enjoy being alive.

Then fuck off, no one gives a fuck about your bullshit.

i love you Cred Forumsro. i fear the cancer. i fear death. if you have no fear than you are truly blessed.

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Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to live?