You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are NOT an AMERICAN

You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are NOT an AMERICAN.

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Other urls found in this thread:

my kids go to school without metal detectors and bullet proof vests

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I eat at fast food restaurants about twice a year.

I weigh 150 pounds.

I can find Iran on an unlabeled map

That's only urban schools.


I have a balanced diet consisting of carbs, complex fats and protein.


I go to the hospitals and get treated for free.

I'm a britfag, fuck off, cincerely look at the stabbing stats here

les américains ne savent pas parler anglais mdr

I don't think my country is objectively the best country.

african detected

I think the word you're looking for is nigger

these numbers are WAY stupid. America is like 288 times bigger than the Germany OF COURSE they are going to have 288x the shootings

then you must pass knife control legislation

Primarily, but you can't discount the wetbacks.

Dat is best makkelijk

I have a limp-wristed pussy leading my country.

branch davidian detected

>america is 288 times bigger than germany
>America has over 23 billion people and fills the entire planet with landmass

Free prescriptions, free higher education, went to the same school as David Tennant.

"School shootings" conjures up a mental image of Columbine, but the majority of those school shootings are incidents where one nigger shoots another nigger. Frankly, it's too bad that the number is only 288.

How the fuck are you posting from North Korea?

That would be refreshing after being led by an obese silver-spoon-clutching man-child who used his father's wealth to claw his way into power but remains deeply unhappy because twitter was mean to him

Looks like you need some lessons in statistical analysis. Population is a factor but very small compared to other aspects of why these shootings happen.

OP every time

> America has over 23 billion people
America has over 300 billion people in it you colossal idiot

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so you are American!

You're jealous of me. Oh wait, not an American? Who the fuck cares about those people.

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i drink milk from a bag

My guess is that Justin has stronger wrists than the orange goblin with small hands under us.

God i wish i was american, their president is the best ever and he has the greateat economy the world has ever seen

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So you're an American that's in Elementary school?


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The populations of germany is almost 1/3 of america if america's landmass is 288x bigger than germany than that would mean that there should be more shootings in germany because they are housing 1/3 of the population in an area 288x smaller and being more densely populated than your brain is with spectrums of autism.

Lol, what? American elementary schools serve milk in a carton. I miss those little half-pints of chocolate sometimes....

I mean you're pretty good at throwing lots of numbers into a sentence but that doesn't actually mean anything

No, in Canada milk comes in bags. Why did you capitalize the "E" in elementary school? Is that the name of an elementary school in America?

You made a retarded millions/billions joke not realizing 23 billion referred to 288*82, a rounded up number coming from germany's 82 million x 288.

No, what I wrote meant something. You just have to use your brain to understand the hypothetical that I laid out.

This dumb fucker doesn't even know about Sir John Elementary Memorial Elementary School


I can correctly spell aluminium.

And if you are the person who said that America is 288x bigger than Germany, well I use the number you provided and a fraction to denote the factual population of Germany in relation to that of America. You came up with one out of two "numbers" that I used. But I wouldn't say that a fraction is a number per se, so honestly I only used the number you provided.

>Sir John Elementary Memorial Elementary School
Yeah... Okay...

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> But I wouldn't say that a fraction is a number per se
What the fuck? Maybe American education actually is superior to whatever they teach in your country

Nah, I think he's just really, really stoned.

I shit out in the street

Me too as an American but you have to pay for outpatient services and meds while I don't. Canada, UK and France has horrible health care and isn't fully covered. Cuba is atleast free and good. Stop shilling failed welfare state European socialism. You don't make mor do shit anymore. Except Germany. At least they're machines and cars are 100% domestically made

Frankish shit French. Fuck your gaulish

Well I guess you got me. A fraction is not an integer, what we think of as numbers. A fraction is a rational number that uses two integers to represent a part of a whole number. But it is not the same as a whole number so I mean I wasn't necessarily wrong. But yes massa you are superior.

You're missing rape rates to conviction is higher in Europe.

>At least they're machines and cars
Can't tell if bad grammar or actually thinks all Germans are robots

>as an american
>canada has horrible health care


>except Germany
>The motherland of my precious Nazism

I cry about America on Cred Forums

Nothing is funnier and more satisfying than Cody Lane mugshots.

Dumb whore.

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this is what the females look like in my country

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Poor deluded creature. Guys let's applaud him for getting this out. Poor man never left united states. That's right, user, talk yourself out.

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One pluss one does not equal fish.

>Cody Lane

>that picture was 7 years ago

I'm a big dumb piece of shit. Fuck me. I'm not even worthy to slither out of the garbage the shoes of disposal and lick your shoes. Oh BOY, FUCK ME! I am a seriously rotten piece of shit. I'm basically garbage. Fuck me.

He e ocoбeнo тpyднo.

Terrorist detected

i have my foreskin

This is probably going to start a whole thing

I'm not amerifat

Or, if not a whole thing, at least part of a thing, with the other part of the thing removed.

I actually have an good education not like this murritard. I know all continents, I didn't get teached creationism, I don't think socialism is communism, I got free health care, free education, I got no school shootings, I live in a real democracy and not that A or B bullshit, my country isn't starting a war every few years, my country is not a war criminal, my country doesn't spy whole world and own citizens, we treat whistleblowers not like traitors, ...

>I actually have an good education

I like you

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I married my daughter but still fuck a goat

Germany 82 million
Murrica 327 million
= USA has 4x population of germany

Germany 357000km^2
USA 9834000km^2
= USA is 27.5x bigger than Germany

Germany actually has education
USA: "USA is 288x bigger than germany"

Your Engrish is appalling.

You literally just proved my point, dimwit. Would you like to continue, or should I continue proving my own points from now on? There is a reason USA is number 1. Or should I say, number 288... in terms of Population ORDER BY POPULATION ASC


Do you speak german? Do you speak french?

Or do you actually speak right now in your mother language and brag how good you can speak while for me it's foreign language. Start speaking to me in perfect german and your education is better than mine.

Ok I think you are going a little to far. You're country has committed war crimes, every country has, and it would definitely punish a whistle blower, Snowden showed us some info that we should know but he also released alot of documents that the general public doesnt know what to do with but it has helped foreign goverbnments wage infowars unto the us as is being seen with the trump being a shill for usas enemies. I am not american btw, just felt like ranting incoherently about something I am nopt that passionate about because I think you went a little overboard

His use of irony is kind of cool though


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Uhm USA is actually third rank on ORDER BY POPULATION ASC and not number 1. The only thing it's rank 1 is ... Picture related.

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Your mum's a slag.

Your point was that the amount of shootings is proportional. As to why there is 288x more shootings because murica is 288x bigger but ... no.


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Which war crimes? You know nazi Germany was a different country? Otherwise Poland, Austria, french etc have commited they war crimes too since they were at this time also part of this country.

Is it? I can't see him very well all the way up there on his moral high ground. His Hugo Boss suit is nice though.

>Why would I speak to you in German? Am I trying out for the Hitler Youth?
I'll fucking slice you up
You are no better than me just because you are French. P:leas
>> 81



> Why would I speak american? Am I a native american?

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Sorry, before I answer your question, you are going to have to reword the dependent clause you provided thereafter. Again, sorry. I think this it's because I haven't gotten as far on the spectrum as you have yet.

>trying to sound grammatically intelligent
>uses "gotten" as a real word

>this it's
*this is/ it's pick one

It is a real word.

Just because you don't like the word, doesn't mean it is grammatically unintelligent to use. It is a real word after all.

In the same way "gonna" is a real word, yes. It's used every day millions of times. But you won't find it in the Oxford English Dictionary. Sorry if that makes me sound Old School.


Every time I travel to the States the very first thing I do is find a nice privately owned, not a chain, restaurant and order a burger. I can't get a good burger anywhere around here.

Pounds instead kg, we have a dumbnfuckistani here guys

No it isn't the same as "gonna". I changed "got" to "gotten" on purpose, because that is the North American style of writing that I am comfortable with. This word is not a slang word like "gonna" is, it has much more history in higher education and is excepted in the realms of higher learning in North America. This is similar to the period and quotations difference in American and British styles of grammar. Although, being Canadian, I use the latter.

today is 23/01/2020, the weather is 19°c
I just had a flat white coffee, using 200ml milk. I'm checking myself into hospital using my public health system and I'll be paying $60.

Would Cambridge do?

Well I guess "gonna" isn't so much slang as it is informal contraction, where as like I implied "gotten" is a formal word used in North American English.

You cannot take a completely made-up slang word and pretend it's real just because of "cultural differences". It's a word primarily used by elementary schoolers who haven't learned how to speak properly yet, and the only literature it's appeared in are fanfics written by 11-year-olds on the internet.


Yup. All those damn 11-year-olds in the 1850s with their damn blogs!

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Just because the uneducated masses have been littering their language with made-up faux words for centuries doesn't make it real. Babies have been saying "goo goo ga ga" for centuries—does that make that a real, valid word?

im canadian

You are wrong. There is formal and informal grammar, I agree. However, there is also stylistic choices; a time and a place; in regards to the use of the English language and the grammar thereof. An example of this kind of this would be learning the technique of a deadlift. Okay? So, when you are a beginner you need to focus on technique as number one priority, so as to build the muscles in as low risk and effort as possible, to complete the lift successfully. Once you advance a bit you start adding weight and your form fails and you correct it it.However, there is a time when the form and technique becomes second nature. This is when you finally become a competitive level athlete and start lifting 4 times your body weight. Now you have your own style that isn't teachable to every novice. And this is when you can get away with using a little bit of lumbar rounding to complete the lift and this will be almost necessary for you.

>this kind of this
**this kind of thing

My wife just had minor outpatient surgery last month for a diagnosis she had 3 days before. We payed $0 because my insurance is good and I take responsibility by putting tax free $$ into my HSA in order to easily pay for my deductibles throughout the year.

Superior European healthcare my ass. You'd have to wait months for the surgery she just received. The only reason you even hear about health care bankruptcy fairy tales here is because people refuse to plan for their healthcare.

Also I don't know if you looked at the dude pic, but he showed you the origins of the word get. He also provided the cambridge definition for the word "gotten". And that validates my statement about how it is excepted and used formally in higher learning within North America.

I'm in college without a scholarship and I'll repay my student loan by the third payday at whatever work I'll end up with, even the shittier did-not-even-finish-highschool tier jobs. And it's a good place.

>Canada, UK and France has horrible health care and isn't fully covered.

hmmm Canadian here and I have been taking medications for over 20 years and I think I have paid about $30 in total for medications through that whole time. Literally thousands of dollars of meds. I have had over 20 doctors and never paid one sent.. I have spent a full year in the hospital and it cost me $0. That's pretty good coverage I think.

You a viking bro?

Warning the slayer has entered the facility

> how it is excepted
*accepted. Point proven. You are not alone in switching around language to your whim, using grammatically incorrect words when you feel like it etc., but that doesn't just magically make them correct.

Mi pene mide 18 centímetros de largo.

Yeah when it is necessary Canada's health care is great. I have a parent who is terminally ill and we would be 100s of thousands in debt if it wasn't for our healthcare.

This pic makes me sad.

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What does?

Can buy an asthma puffer for under $20 from a good leading brand.

Nah that was an error. Your point about the word "gotten" wasn't proven. Your point about me being a dumb ass, that is proven. I never said I wasn't on the spectrum, I just said I wasn't as far along as the other dude. Regardless, touche.

my penis was mutilated at birth by a man who studied medicine for over 12 years

I wear a bullet proof vest to school

my parents don't eat together because they have different political views

My government is the largest terrorist organization in the entire modern world

ah, fuck I lost

I literally can't stop thinking about the US.

codepage 861

What does what? What does make grammatically incorrect words correct? Nothing. case closed.

Frijoles refritos en el culo de tu abuela

Mine too, and I'm American. The only places that need that shit are Liberal Stronghold cities where blacks and crime are rampant and they have strong gun control laws.

You are ignoring facts about the word "gotten". This will be a cold case by days end.

US here. Mine costs $1.

I would listen to some facts about the "word" gotten... if there were any. Ha. Sorry, that one was too easy. Sorry, I know you'd rather go on using words like "ain't" and "coulda" and "gonna" and "gotten", and I won't stop you. It's only natural.

But it sure as hell ain't right.

I have dual residency in Canada and the US. The only thing Canada has better is their drug prices.

Please I only listened to half of eminems album and... shit outta time

I have health care.

You've managed to break almost every grammatical rule of English in one post.

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Okay the word get has more than one meaning so "gotten" is a past participle of "get" it is not the same as "ain't" or "coulda" these are informal contractions. You're wrong. What about "this?"? Where should the question mark go in regards to the quotations.

I put a period at the end instead of a question mark. I told you you're point has been proven about me being a dumbass. But this is a cold case in the realm of the English language. I wonder if people speaking Cantonese argue with people who speak Mandarin like this.

I appreciate the irony of a foreigner trying excitedly to teach English before he's finished learning it himself, but I will answer your hypothetical questions and watch your video when you can speak in comprehensible English.

I knew you would say some racist shit. It's Cred Forums and it's /b.

American is a dialect of English, as are Canadian, Australian, Pidgin, and the Queen's English, among others.
Native Americans speak a variety of languages, none of them are ever referred to as "American."

i speak two languages fluently and none of them are spanish or french

>littering their language with made-up faux words for centuries doesn't make it real
Actually that's exactly what makes them real.

If you think foreigners struggling to teach English is racist, you're way, WAY too far gone to discuss things in the real world.

This thread was about one thing, and one thing only. Whether "gotten" is a real word. And you only have a read through a few posts to discover the answer. No sir. None of them.

Where I come from there are still literal pagans which keep up the actual ancient tradition and not some made up bullshit

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I hope Trump wins again

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I hope top fuck.

Does that count you towards me?

are you having a stroke?

You do not know whether that guy was born in America or not, do you?

I'm sorry, are you blind? I will let you answer that question for yourself. Maybe you need another pair of glasses? Two glasses, probably right for you. I'm having a glass myself... but not a glasses for seeing. That's something entirely different, because I am an established linguist and I don't need this from you or from anybody. Case closed.

This has been an ongoing argument, with no concise answer, for many years.
in the UK "gotten" is not a word. However, in North America it is.

Hiггep. пepecтaньтe пpипycкaти, щo бyли вci aмepикaнцi.

There is one difference between you and me. I am confident enough to rely on my own knowledge, as a leading linguist, while you have to lean on the new-age crutches of internet links and online hearsay.

In my day, we relied on "knowledge" instead of "internet links". Sorry if that makes me "old school".

I'm white

I see that the guy has Indian heritage. He looks like my moms friend, but she was born in Canada.

You are failing yourself, and your nation.

I am a leading linguist.


In your day you needed to go to the library and provide sources. You are introducing straw man arguments as your crutches. I am confident in my knowledge of the fucking word "gotten" Mr. user (PhD), sir.

He looks like the leader of NDP for fuck sake. Or when Trudeau did brownface.
Your "please" made me burst into laughter, I appreciate that.

1. You don't know what my day is. I am anonymous, the life spirit of the internet, the clouded breath that exudes from beneath the black robe.
2. I do not use straw man arguments. That is something YOU said—not me. Please stop misappropriating your ideas as mine.
3. You are not confident in your knowledge, because you have leaned on internet links. Once you have truly learned the ways of confidence you will be able to express yourself correctly.

Case closed.

So like how are you a leading linguist?

Colour, neighbour, doughnut, drive through. Sorry.

I'm 36, graduated and long time unemployed because I didn't want to emigrate to find a decent job.

>breath that exudes from beneath the black robe
Think of the smell

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For one, I don't throw the word "like" into every sentence.

Like, case closed.

Cheers bud.

Ohhh... you don't eh? Well I bet you through a stick up your ass every morning though don't you there bud? Keep your stick on the ice for fuck sakes.

*Fucking throw bud, throw. This other canadian got me all excited with his drive through.

I love baguette

You're 10-ply.

My homeland is overrun by sand niggers, I have poor hygiene, getting stabbed and beaten to death is almost guaranteed, my free healthcare isn’t actually free, my teeth are fucked, we feed off the United States success, I obsess about what the US is doing 24/7 and my government treats me like a child. I also get triggered by other people having freedom of speech and gun ownership.

Here is another internet link. This guy is an actual leading linguist, he went to the University of Cambridge. And I can't comfirm he was born in America, but I also can't find evidence that he was born elsewhere. So it seems like you were also relying on your typical Cred Forums racism to determine he was a foreigner who was still learning English himself.

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>You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are NOT an AMERICAN.

I can count to 10 without looking at my fingers.

oh god no. why did she go fake?

Je M'appelle Andy Sixx

El oh fookin el

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You must be Canadian


cringe lol

> you have 10 seconds to prove you're irrelevant and inferior

6’2 160

I'll take her any way I can get her... except maybe cracked-out.

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Midget. 6 foot 4 amerifag here

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I'm not morbidly obese.

I can fit in a rowboat

My kids have inalienable rights.
My kids know how to shoot.
My kids believe liberty is more important than safety.

Oh, I guess I’am an American.

As of 2016 the USA was number 12.

I can go to the hospital without drowning in debt for the rest of my life

Amerifag here, i paid 100 bucks for a major operation.

For now...

Kiss my ass.
Proud to be an American