Its 6:29pm. What do you want most in the world?

Its 6:29pm. What do you want most in the world?

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a woman i can hit

move to Saudi Arabia

a cup of tea and a cigarette

I wish that, for the rest of my life, I had the ability to effortlessly and instantaneously manipulate the universe in any manner of my choosing simply by thinking with intent.
Thank you.

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why would you want that user? Have you considered that making you extremely narcissistic and empty?

Yes. That doesn't bother me.
I would much rather have something meaningless, than have the nothing at all that surrounds me now.

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A cigarette... But, soon I'll be withdrawal free !

crack cocaine

you come of those Cred Forums lonely bois that lives in a leaky basement with a bed with no sheets?

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No it’s only 3:45


Lonely, yes. Basement, no. Sheets are dirty, but they exist.

a woman to comfort me when i have the big sad

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Your welcome

It's actually 11:48pm you fucking retard

Thank you.

well it's about fucking time you commented fucker. we almost lost this damn thread because you were busy drinking your liquor you lunatic drunken moron

I want pi

why not a big man for the big sad

Don't talk to me you like that you cunt, shut your gob cause I will drink liquor whenever and at whatever quantity I want, I can't fucking stand you, I swear.

you're mad at yourself for becoming a beer gutted filthy earth ape and acting out on me cus I'm pointing out the truth. you get your ass to where you need to be on time fuck head fag

More alcohol

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4-5 more years of not having kids, where I master and become a world champion in my niche sport.

For my business to continue to do well and allow me to buy my house this year, and retire before 60.

For my wedding next year to be a beautiful flawless event.

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Thanos may be big, but he's just depressing

moving in with her will go well(work wise) and life will continue on a better path. i already have her so this is technically second most.

I'm not beer gutted, fuck you! I will go whenever I feel like it, you can't make me do anything you stupid bitch. Suck my dick.

I want my mom back

I'd be happy with a good Roast Beef and Havarti sandwich on rye. A 90% THC 1 gram vape pen and a good bottle of wine


I just want to be happy again.

Some fucking discipline. I'm slowly getting there but I need to stop squandering my time. It blows my mind people can work 16 hour days and live happily.

Just some milk and cereal, please.

>What do you want most in the world?
Gave up on even trying to figure that out a while ago.
