I bet you Cred Forumstards can't even do basic math

I bet you Cred Forumstards can't even do basic math.

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83, fucking idiots.

Lol so wrong dumbass

It's already done, no variables to solve for

Cant even reduce it newfag

Maybe you should post an equation with an x. You can just stick the simpler side in a calculator as is

At least use simple calculus if you want to do maths

False. Nine squared plus ten, then divided by seven is NOT equal to the factorial of seven divided by one hundred, then minus two fifths. The answer is that the equation is false.

13=50? I'm confused.

you cheeky tart

Hold up did I mis-count? In my head I got 12, not 13. Also the idea is to determine whether the statement is correct or incorrect and in this case it's obviously incorrect.

The awnser is false then idiot

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Is everyone else but this guy retarded?

It doesn't, the equation is false. This is a whole new level of dumb. At least with the 6÷3(1+2)=? equation you can understand how those who get 1 as an answer were taught wrong or convinced themselves of their misconceptions did so. This one leaves no ambiguity whatsoever.

13 does in fact equal 50


Tbh I THINK I got the joke, but I'm not SURE because it's a weak one

Absolute brainlets

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What is your answer user?

OP, you silly goose.

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Hmmmm what's that you say?


I was part of that.. it is truly amazing how narrow minded people are



No matter how it’s done you should always get the same answer if you understand the rules..

It’s Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. Anything else is wrong.

I went to 4 different schools that all said the same thing

Lol, thank you. You triggered my memory of pre-calc where I made up the acronym All Sluts Take Cock to remember this thing.

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In the same country I assume.. clearly you are missing the entire point.

Canada/Uk uses Bedmas Because in mathematical equations there are three types of [{(B)}] brackets. parentheses (P) only describes one of them.

The reason I say you clearly didn’t follow is because the only reason you came up with the answer 1 on the question in the post I responded to was because they Multiplied before they divided.

Because people take it literally And don’t understand the rules

Actually I turned it into a fraction and solved the numerator and denominator separately. Only an absolute mung would write it like how it’s illustrated.

>in mathematical equations there are three types of [{(B)}] brackets
I mean... there are three types of brackets on your keyboard, but they're not really different unless you're defining intervals (which isn't equations).
Source: BS Applied Math.

I guess ever text book for grade 6/7/8 etc. math is written by mungs then..

Then why use a P instead of a B ? Seems silly

Because brackets aren’t common in every day math. And anyone is smart enough to have brackets as a seperator for a large problem, rather then use it as an order of operations like parentheses.


Is that your opinion for the current thread equation also or are you just completely hung up on the division symbol.

lol math


Brackets = parentheses you do understand this right ?

This. Also, children are more familiar with "parentheses" than "brackets" at the age they'll be learning order of operations.

Where I come from,
[ = bracket
( = parenthese
{ = curly bracket



What is this supposed to be? if you simplify both sides its 13=50 which is false.

>curly bracket
sideways moustache imo

God fucking damnit OP

I feel retarded for missing this joke and I feel like I'm overthinking it reeee

Actually it’s unironically true