Rate my room Cred Forums

rate my room Cred Forums

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The open flame is a nice touch

looks dope dawg

Ventilation nigger

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not OP but that's clearly the outside looking in

Dude, are you that stupid?


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>my level

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That pretty rad. 9/10 if not more.

What is this homeless camp faggotry

And you think THAT is better than pic related?

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Needs a guard dog so no one hops over your fence yo

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Without question...

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you could at least fucking go somewhere
you threw up the garage door and said
"Well, doggo, here we are"

>being this retarded
>living in the woods like a hills have eyes inbred
>not living on the beach

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>what you wake up to
>what i wake up to

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Easy user...

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Where is your retarded sister?

Bit crowded user...

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This the house from rugrats?

>3 people
Pick one
>two tents
>food tent
>not crowded
>being this retarded
>living in a movie

Yep, my movie...

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>my movie
>Pic related

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Live the good life user, try not being so...bitter.

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Get out of the hills my friend.

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On occasion...

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You're an idiot. Coasts are cool but so are other variations of nature. Hurr durr hillbillies hurr durr flyover country, get over yourself.

You do you buddy.

Thanks user...

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Weren’t you in that homeless thread the other day?

>Homeless people having a dick measuring contest over fake property

does anyone ever come to fuck up your camp? assuming you are staying in one place for a few months at least


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I want to camp but I'm a neet out of i want to die

sanfran detected

>hunting pic
an hero

you can sleep with the sand feas if you want