STOP! Say something nice about black people

STOP! Say something nice about black people

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they show me what not to be




They can be 13 and still excel to 50.

theyre only good in movies

They're good in small numbers.

Good Bbq

Some of them are okay, I guess.

Racists, all of you.

they make excellent fried chicken

They have a nice tan.

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none of them robbed me today!

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A nice black person is great because they grew up in a culture that pushes that away, and they still maintained they're standards which makes them pretty hard to find

some of them have nice voices

Prince's chicken in Nashville

i like the facial hair. must be really easy to manage

They season their food.

I want to date one

Look good in yellow...

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They aren’t Mexicans

The women give great blow jobs

They cook good food and play sports!

most of their smiles look super cute and shiny