What will be the reaction on Cred Forums when this guy takes office in 2021?

What will be the reaction on Cred Forums when this guy takes office in 2021?

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He won't even get the nomination.

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>being a trumptard in 2020
you do realize if you liked Trump for the keks you're getting none. He's arguably a bigger Israeli shill than Sanders is, and Sanders is a Jew himself

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Relief. He won’t get a damn thing on his agenda accomplished but at least I won’t have to hear about the orange fuckstick and his tweets anymore.

a lot of waking up

Is that Russel Bramd?

Bernie Sanders is a wealthy white man who's going to save us from wealthy white men

>be the reaction

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Probably the same as what would happen if any other candidate wins, including trump, clinton, or fucking vermin supreme, which is, nothing will happen, the reaction will be the same as it's been for the last 12 years, but with the names swapped again.

The CIA will continue capitalism apologetics as they will until their agency is fucking dissolved. The stupid children will fall in line and start meming about Bernie pretending like they always supported him. Just like they did with obama, just like they did with trump.

That's the most hilarious part. Trump is by far a bigger kike than Bernie is and he's a literal fucking jew.

As opposed to the actual billionaires you want to rule forever?


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if by some stroke of incredible luck the Democrats manage to actually listen to the democratic will of their voter base Cred Forums will have nothing but jokes about how it's literal communism, money getting spent, and of course because he's Jewish
>fire up the oven
It's Cred Forums OP, don't expect any OC or anything remotely unpredictable or funny.

this will be bernies office in 2021

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this,joe biden will get the nomination.and hopefully he picks barack obama as his vice president.just imagine right wing redneck's having to deal with 4 more years of obama

Dude im a democrat, bernie will never get thr nomination. You far left retards need to get our of fantasy land. Yall do more harm then help.

Im gonna hop the border

Buy a shit ton of gold and at least consider what it would take to get citizenship in another country

Final guns will be banned

Two words for all the Bernie cucks = Super Delegates

Superdelegate rules were changed after 2016

How is it that this need to be said?
People were worried he was going to die in office 4 years ago. He just had emergency heart surgery a few weeks ago. His chances are 100% over, and all hes doing is helping to divide the left like the rest of them have been doing for the past few months.

Someone wanna give me a tl;dr as to why the democrats don't want bernie? I saw somewhere that hildog and bracket osama both are against him.

>dude I’m a blue republican
Opinion discarded. We ran a centrist last time

How are you enjoying president Hillary Clinton? Surely she won, right? I mean she's not one of those icky progressives.

I know, right. These fake liberals act like turning the US in to Venezuela would be a bad thing. People don’t need to be so scared of a socialist with 3 homes

For the first time since I was a small child I will be able to say I'm proud to be an American knowing Bernie is my president.

I like Bernie but there's something off about him.

Guys got some decent points but he's just so fucking angry at this point I don't know if he'll be a good leader.

He won't take corporate donor money and has a number of anti-business policies. Most American politicians work very closely with corporate donors. Bernie's position is untenable in a world run by capital.

Hypothetically, Cred Forums would approve. It would be like a perpetual cuck thread. But he's not going to win the nomination (didn't you learn that in 2016?). And if he did, Trump would likely just be able to stand there and laugh for every debate and still win.

If you look at the state of our world and are not angry then there is something wrong with you.

Bernie is a niggerhatingcommiejew.

Not user, but at least they worked for their wealth. Bernie hasn't ever had a job.

He can be angry, but a leader should be able to enspire hope and change without going red in the face all the fucking time.

Jew president... About 100M illegals short of that goal.

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Bernie advocates can't spell "inspire"

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typical trumptard, everyone

>It's Cred Forums OP, don't expect any OC or anything remotely unpredictable or funny.

Are you fucking retarded? I am not advocating for Bernie. I am saying he could not provide leadership as president.

Jesus it's like you just saw the word Bernie and panicked.

You mean our current state? literally where humanity has never been better off in history? Sure, things aren’t perfect but will it ever really be so long as humans are humans?


Agreed. California dem here.

I think the term you're looking for is triggered

Nixon: 520 electoral votes
McGovern: 17

I dont know, but i can tell you im going to laugh hard when he has a heart attack in a year

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Anyone know the source of this girl dancing? It just awoken a new kink.

Man nothing better than realizing a new turn on.

Joy, we'll have a democrat that has some spine in the office for the first time since FDR and he doesn't roll over to the Neo-Con agenda. I laughed my ass off when conservatives called Obama a commie, he was basically Bush 3.0 policy wise

The DNC will screw bernie before they let him win, and it will result in trump getting re elected, it honestly would be funny if it wasnt so god damn stupid.


Maybe I’ll get a break when he seizes all means of production and has the rich and middle class sent to the gulag.

If centrism would win why didn't Hillary? She was the queen of the status-quo. If centrism was a winning strategy these days she would have one. I for one would rather have a president with a modicum of red faced shouting as long as he is actually principled in his beliefs. He's the only politician in the government that lobbyists don't even bother with because they know he won't take the bribes and abandon his base like most of the craven scum we call politicians in this country.

I remember when I went through my teenage angst too. You’ll get over it.
Also you have to be 18 to post here you colossal underage faggot

He's implementing the Nordic model, it's a mixed economy not just pure socialism or pure capitalism. One can't work well without the other

>Declining average life-span
>Crumbling infrastructure
>Over half the country living paycheck-to-paycheck
>People overdosing left and right because they've lost all hope
Yeah, humanity has never been better off

wow, finally legal weed

>living in colorado
shit's pretty nice gotta say. Get my weed legally from white people it's amazing.

Get a job, poorfag

You can be a poorfag even if you have a job, wages have been stagnant since the 80's and haven't kept up with inflation

You don’t have to be a Trumptard to understand that Bernie Sanders will never be the president. He probably won’t even live that long.

Wake up OP, you're dreaming. And also a faggot.

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People said the same shit about Trump in 2016 too

Nice tits

I agree.. complain about China and Fuck with the Middle East..

I’ll laugh while you starve to death in the gulag, rich fag. Sure, I’ll eventually starve too but at least I’ll have a chance to eat zoo animals before I starve.

I would love to see what he could do

Ya ok chump


Hes a senator, already has his office.

besides barely carrying his farts around ?

Nope they sure didn’t

If you think he can't get anything done you don't know his record. He was able to get Amazon employees a 15$ minimum wage without even passing a bill, just threatening to pass a bill that would have cut-off their corporate welfare actually got results

No they did not, you fucking cocksucker. No fucking billionaire works for a billion fucking dollars. That is not physically possible.

>the state of our world
Things have never been better in human history. You still pissed at your dad?

You're either a troll or painfully retarded, Hillary's whole campaign was based on thinking and telling people there's no way he can win. Hillary popped champagne early because they thought there was no way they could lose

Kindly explain your retarded reasoning, I'll wait

ow but im sure he can i heard he likes spending time in russia i wonder whats up with that..but rest assured at least he will show u where the damn aliens are at

>Things have never been better in human history.

>haven't kept up with inflation
What has?

Steven Pinker rapes children.

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Billionaires' income.

Depressed Libs killing themselves since Drumpf and liberal policies destroying cities. How's Bernie gonna fix any of those?

Maybe that’s why amazon invests so heavily in automation. The downside to raising minimum wage is that employers willing look for ways to have a smaller workforce


>Might not even make senate

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And that makes you envious? Why do you want to punish everyone because you easily get jealous?

>Russia fearmongering
Establishment shill pls go

probably the same as his reaction
"where am i?"
"what the hell is going on?"
"where's all that free stuff?"

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Reminder, the DNC will never nominate socialist Sanders.

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i died

Are you shitting me? When every broke ass nigger has 2 TVs, a thousand dollar phone, and an Xbox, things are pretty fucking easy.

gonna quit my job so i can get free gibs

They're going to do that regardless of the wages they pay. Make no mistake, human labor is going to become obsolete eventually. They were automating their facilities long before Bernie wrote the Stop Jeff Bezos act

Billionaires should not exist. Nobody is envious, you evil piece of shit. We want you to stop fucking everything up, and you WILL be stopped.

This, people used to not have their feelers hurt on the internet every day.

Trump wins 2020 election

Ban guns and open your border to Mexico. It'll be fun watching you fat fucks get gunned down even more than you do now

And no clean water or air, during a mass extinction event when nobody can afford fucking rent and the life expectancy is going DOWN.

You sound envious. Poor baby :(

>Depressed libs killing themselves
>Overdose deaths are concentrated in the rust belt that overwhelmingly voted Trump in 2016
Sure kid

Nice argument kid. You really got 'em

really gonna pretend people are keeping track of homeless overdoses in cali, portland, washington, detroit, etc?

Why shouldn't they? They build your cars and buildings and bridges. They provide the jobs. They pay the taxes. What exactly does a billionaire fuck up? And why are you so jealous?

Yes more Israel support! Our greatest ally!!


"Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union and the Socialist Bloc, annual polling by the Levada Center has shown that over 50 percent of Russia's population lamented its collapse, with the only exception to this being in the year 2012 when support for the Soviet Union dipped below 50 percent. A 2018 poll showed that 66% of Russians regretted the fall of the Soviet Union, setting a 15-year record, and the majority of these regretful votes came from people older than 55."

Surely capitalist wreckers and their CIA niggers would never shitpost on the internet?

Now try to say these data are false, but some fucking glownigger post on Cred Forums is the gilded truth.

Boo hoo. Humans need to die off

Agreed. But every other living thing doesn't.

>And no clean water or air
Air and water has never been cleaner. Many US forests now fail EPA regs, while most cities pass.
>a mass extinction event
What? You're worried about some possible meteor in the future and that makes things bad now?
>life expectancy is going DOWN
Why is that?

implying trump never inherited most of his wealth

>totally not the junkies in Dem cities
Sure kid

It would be envy if he was saying that he should be a billionaire himself, but he didn't. He just said that they shouldn't exist at all.

I don't think he inherited much. His dad gave him a million before he died and then he lost it all. People usually die for someone to get inheritance.

Yeah they do. Clean slate. Start over fresh for the earth.

They have to by law retard
Nice strawman. I never said that it was solely confined to the rust belt, just that most of the actual deaths are located there

It's because it went from state sponsored corruption to mafia rule. Bad to worse. Had less to do with letting people actually earn for themselves and more to do with having no one with a plan who gave a shit. Everyone was simply for themselves.

He doesn't want them to exist because he'll never be one.

But billionaires don't negatively affect his life at all. Why so much hate? They didn't steal from him.

Retard, they have no ID typically. It's just 'john doe'. No real metrics to go by. But hey if homeless shit on the streets is your idea of utopia, fucking move there.

>most of the actual deaths are located there
Did Snopes tell you that or Brian Stelter?

“Bernie Speaks With the Community.go fatch and stop being ignorant

>Air and water has never been cleaner
>Air and water is somehow cleaner than its pristine state
I'd like you to pull a citation out of your ass on this one

Even if he did get nomination, which the dnc has already decided they won’t give it to him. He wouldn’t even live a full term, dudes like 78 and had a massive artery blockage and heart attack not long ago

Go look up EPA particulate limits, and then look up pollen levels. This is usually labeled as the "Allergy Index" or some shit when you don't live in a cancerous city.

I agree that it’s inevitable but raising minimum wage is only speeding the process up. Raising minimum wage for a few amazon workers isn’t solving the problem. It’s just a empty gesture to show that he’s “fighting for the people”.

if being a senator is so easy why don't you do it?

>thinks the woods has no dust or pollen and the water isn't shit in by animals and full of giardia.
you're really out of touch. like one of those gun grabbers who knows nothing about guns.

>Hoarding money in offshore accounts and never spending it doesn't hurt the economy (and therefore everyone else in it)
>Bribing politicians to rig the system against average people doesn't hurt people
Nigger, you're practically an Uncle Tom at this point.
>"Yes massa, no massa, sure you can rape my country and destroy its economy"
Fucking pathetic that you're defending rich pricks that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, they'd just use the fire to light a 100$ bill and smoke a Cuban cigar

lmao why are you pretending to be retarded?

You pearl clutchers said the same thing about computers in the 60s and 70s. Yeah, no computer jobs around anymore.

lol, you clearly dont know shit about Russia kid. But im glad wikipedia makes you feel empowered, brave, inspiring and powerful.

Nope, the CDC nigger
Would you look at that! It's mostly red states


wew lad. Getting ahead of yourself aren't you? This cuck will never get elected, democrats will JFK him if he gets close.

>Hoarding money in offshore accounts
1. This is false. Some kind of James Bond shit.
2. Them hoarding it doesn't limit your access to it, and it certainly doesn't affect the economy.
>Bribing politicians
This isn't limited to billionaires. This needs to stop altogether.
>you're defending rich pricks
You have me pegged all wrong, but whatever. I'm not defending them, I'm just trying to figure out the root of your hate for them. So far it seems to be misguided misinformation and assumption.

None of you clowns never have a reasonable answer for this topic. It's always exactly what you said. If your neighbor kept stealing your mail, you'd hate your neighbor and you'd have a reason. Billionaires didn't steal from you and you have no reason to hate them.

Just because you don't want to see for yourself doesn't mean I'm wrong.

yup, and within those red states, theres blue counties, where the overdoses are the highest. Nice try kid.

It was fun yall, I have to work tomorrow. Unlike some you, by some of you I mean the Bernie cocksucking brigade. He will never be nominated, he will never be president.

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Pollen isn't a pollutant, pollutants by their nature are harmful to most life. Pollen only affects people with an actual allergy to it.
Yes, but there weren't any manmade pollutants yet were there moron? and that's what I was referring to, manmade pollutants+natural pollutants=more overall pollution

Jeses fuck user. CA is a bark blue state, yet I live in a Conservative area. Does that mean all the SF junkies are in my town too?

>has some spine
Man, you win this ylyl thread!

>Excuse me while I just move this goalpost

>Pollen isn't a pollutant
Oy kek! Nice try.
>manmade pollutants
Fuck you're dumb. What's a manmade pollutant besides plastic?

>Rich fucks don't hoard money in offshore accounts
I guess you've never heard of Jefferey Epstein
>Them hoarding it doesn't affect your access to it/hurt the economy
Please explain this retarded statement, one person only has so much need so they have all this money that never gets spent, stagnating the economy from its true potential

I'd be ok with it, well, depends on his running mate. Wonder if Trump-e-do will stick with Pence. We shall see.

PCBs, dioxins, highly radioactive materials, artificial pesticides. I could go on all night

Usually people try not to rp this hard as an autistic fuck, but I guess you just can't help being yourself online.

Again you people try to move the fucking goalpost, the discussion was about states, not counties. Winner takes all by state anyway in the electoral college so breaking it down further makes little sense

Have you tried killing yourself to save the planet? Fuck user, why don't you do your part?

Democrat here, casting my vote for Biden in the primaries. Florida for Biden!

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Biden is too old as well. And I doubt Obama can get Vice President, because Vice President has surely to be able to become POTUS ...


Have fun with your neo-liberal centrist shill that's going to get trounced if he even wins the nomination. Trump is going to eat him alive and I'm gonna laugh my ass off.

Rofl yeah go for the corporate shill yet again.

>bernie is dumb, we cant afford medicare for all

>we're america! We can do anything if we stick together!

Keep shilling for the corps fag

Joy. He's actually ahead for the nomination now. I am looking forward to voting for him.

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This is your monthly reminder that there's no such thing as an anonymous vote and politics is a waste of time. Thank you.

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I loved it when he said he was going to cure cancer too. Because it's that easy.

Cool story bro. Every other first world country has it, can easily afford it, saves money on it, pays less for it. Keep shilling

Not even a Trumpite and even I know Bernie will never get the nomination. He's too disliked by his own base. Hillary shits on him, Warren shits on him, Harris shits on him. As long as he runs democrat, he'll never get nominated

All natural substances, user. Even synthetic pesticides are derived from natural so that we don't have to farm and harvest a million flowers. Just because we're able to scoop some stuff up and put it in a can doesn't make it man made.

>Disliked by his base
I think you mean disliked by the establishment, he's consistently voted the most liked senator in the US. Whenever you hear that "the American people don't like him or his policies" from the establishment media it's simple projection. Most of his policies poll >50% approval ratings, even the ones the shills keep slamming as unpopular

>saves money on it
>pays less for it
I lost

The establishment at the end of the day are the ones who actually decide the nomination. And considering the number of democrat Senators that dislike him, I dont forsee that happening

If Obama qualified for prez, he qualifies for VP, the term limit restrictions on presidents doesn't matter. And technically the 22nd amendment prohibits a president from being elected too many times, not from becoming president by other means (like being VP when the prez dies).

>This nigger can't into total synthesis of carbaryl from simple petrochemicals and highly reactive reagents like phosgene that don't occur on Earth naturally

It's true, single-payer healthcare is more efficient and therefore cheaper. It's a CONSERVATIVE estimation that is would save us $2 trillion in the first decade compared to our shitty patchwork system that doesn't cover everyone

By conservative, you mean based on wildly optimistic numbers and then increased further.


I'd have a heart attack.
Oh wait that was Bernie again.

Yeah, next you'll tell me 97% of economists agree and that the math is settled.

>does no research himself, does not compare prices of medicine between the USand other countries
>laughs at facts

>Muh phosgene pollution
Where do you live?

No, by conservative I mean the study was funded by the fucking Koch brothers

7.62x59 NATO

I was stating that those chemicals are totally synthetic and demonstrating that the claim there's no manmade pesticides is preposterous

What about car insurance, or house insurance? When can we get single payer insurance for everything?

>Doesn't look at what countries invent these medicines
>Can't do research

The koch brothers are libertarian

Arguably? He's a bigger fucking kike than Netanyahu

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You won't die from not having car/house insurance so, that's a pretty flawed argument anyway, but even taking that into account. Why not? It'd certainly help prevent people driving without insurance (which is a hazard to more than just the driver who didn't pay) or becoming homeless because of a natural disaster they had no control over.

They're pretty conservative too buddy

Then provide a link, otherwise didn't happen.

Because we know how badly Warren fudged the numbers for her plan.

How do more subsidies for private business and mandates for the individual help anyone and bring cost down? Where else in government has this happened?

But most people don't for from lack of health insurance either, so your argument is equally flawed.

He has morbidly obese and has advanced heart disease, he will die before june. Just look at his face when he talks and listen to how he sounds now. Totally different, quieter, more calm. He's dying and probably knows it. I'd be surprised if he makes it to November TBH.

>Open borders
Pick one

Conservatives want more open borders than anyone else, this is a well known and proven fact lol

But it CAN cost you your life, which house/car insurance won't, that was the point I was making.

Yep lol, his physician literally said trump is morbidly obese. Like wtf? The guy is a ticking timebomb.

All he wants to do is ruin the country so that when he's dead he'll actually be remembered for something (aside from being impeached, that is)

Ok. The people that want to conserve the nation want open borders.

This entire thread is either full of retards or is bait.

The Kock brothers want open borders? Gonna need a citation on that one

Not paying a company money every month at gunpoint can kill me? Obamacare already fucked up healthcare. What good is insurance when healthcare gets even shittier?


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Look it up yourself you lazy fuck.

ROFL that's not what conservative means, champ

Go downstairs and ask your parents "what is the definition of a conservative?" and when you know, come back

Single payer doesn't fuck around with subsidies to private companies or individual mandates anyway so what are you talking about?

You know what he meant dumb fuck

Immigration reform=/=open borders, despite what Tucker Carlson told you.

I hate Sanders, but damn. Clinton is really a backstabbing bitch.

Who fucking cares. Trump is impeached and will be removed from office any day now. That's all that matters. Don't let them distract you. Focus on the pending removal from office

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>Trump is impeached and will be removed from office any day now.
my sides

It's the definition, retard. To conserve the nation, the Constitution, and the rights of the people. Are you confused with Republican or something?

any day now, right?

Mom said, "what faggot told you that?"

Dont look it up or ask then. You can continue denying the obvious fact that conservatives want open borders. I don't care. You can also think you won this internet argument. You have my permission.

Yes, that's what I said. Any day now. I cant wait and I'm glad you cannot either

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Yay for Bernie. The hero we need.

All worldwide stock exchange -15000

Are you shitting me? It requires all that. If it doesn't start with them, they will be needed almost instantly.

I said nothing of reform.

Yes, but she's planning to take the nomination at the convention. She will be the best hope to beat trump . . at least that's what she'll be selling.
She's got the same chance of winning as Zoey Zane has of making a comeback . . .

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That's purely false. I don't know of one conservative that believes that.

This has to be bait.

End of Zoey . . . if only Hillary would join her and take RBG along for the ride to hell . . . . .

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If Bernie won, it'd be kinda hilarious.
The dems for the longest time tried to suppress and distance themselves from him. And Fox News has been calling anything left of an Evangelical Theocracy "socialism" that the term kinda lost any meaning. So now, when an ACTUAL socialist takes power they'll just sound the same as always. All the people freaking out,will be lulzy as fuck.
But in the long run, it's fucking America, and the Senate will continue to enforce the status quo. Nothing will change, nothing will matter.

everyone will act like they supported him the whole time. Everyone here is a fair weather fan. All the trump retards will disappear magically.

also dubs

I completely disagree with his world view and politics, but believe that it would actually be good for the country to have him be our next president. Gotta shake things up now and then.

Any "Conservative" that wants open borders is not a Conservative.

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Because everything is a binary, fit in a neat little box, category that has to fit your exact world view, yes?

It's like an atheist saying he's religious. It's a contradiction.

True, if you don't have borders you don't have a country.

I disagree.
I'm not the person the poster was originally replying to, but I live in the REDDEST part of PA. And every business (all Republican Party owned and members of the Chambers of Commerce, you know real Conservatives) and farm, hires illegals, almost exclusively. I would say a majority of the illegals and immigrants are here because of conservatism.

Also, "Conservative" is a loosely defined amalgamation of principles and ideas juxtapose and relative to "liberal" in American politics.
Atheist is a single definition, the Belief of No Religion. So it's a bit of a misnomer to make such a false equation.

>billionaires don't negatively affect his life at all
Where the fuck do you think their money comes from?
Economies are more or less a zero-sum game, if someone has money, then it's because someone else doesn't have it anymore.
Every dollar that goes into Trump's pocket comes from other people's pockets.

Nah dude, we haven't had a mercantile system for over 200 years. Read the Wealth of Nations. Read fucking Macro Economics 101 ffs. How do you not realize we live in a Liberal Economy for the past 2 centuries?
Do you not know about the industrial revolution? The post industrial age, and finally the fact our dollar is tied to literally nothing?
Free Markets, learn how they work, fuck.

>Clinton is really a backstabbing bitch
She's "just" establishment, like the DNC, the RNC and most of Washington...including most of Trump's advisors and inner-circle.
Sanders is outside the establishment, that's why the Democrats are going crazy about him. When she says "nobody", she's talking about all the career democrats who are establishment pawns and hacks and she's right, they really don't like him but they'll swallow that if he wins because they have to but probably try and undermine him to get a "proper" democrat next time who's cozy with wall st and hollywood in all the right ways.

Sanders is legitimately a candidate who would drain the swam, not like Trump who was jealous of the gravy train and just dove right into it to get a piece for himself.

Sanders is legitimately a candidate who would drain the swam, not like Trump who was jealous of the gravy train and just dove right into it to get a piece for himself.

^ Indeed!

" How much did I fucking smoke?"

You wanna them moislims?

We would just end up with 4 years of absolutely nothing getting done because neither Republicans nor Democrats will work with him on anything.

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