OpChallanger ( lets make a new meme)

OpChallanger ( lets make a new meme)

Let’s start a rumor that the Deep State sabotaged and blew up the challenger and see if we can trick normies and Q-tards to spread this rumor all over the Net.

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because woodrow wilson (thomas) had fragile x syndrome now its descendents are alive and in government jobs???????????????

they have legal excuse btw to be technical, feebleminded cant form contract, rest of u r toast

Do it. Fuck with normies during the impeachment trails for the lulz.

The challenger? As in the space ship thingy? Lol that is soooo 2008. I forgot about that stupid thing ages ago, get with the times maybe idk ?

silenced handgun shot u u didnt know see hear nothing it just happened shoo shoo

phil schnieder garrot for the lucky of you get some human touch!!!!!

Blame the dems for JFK ... go old skool

What are dems ?? Fuk jfk he was gay anyway and ye ur talking how many years ago lol do any of u guys use tik tok?


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Dems means the members of the Deep State that are trying to overthrow the sitting president of the United States. ChallengerGate or JFKGate ... if the media ran with either many lulz would be had.

they cant hold a volume of time like water through a civ
they were funnelled at least
murder all nsa

Omg TMI lolz I don’t know anything bout politics I usually just watch make up tutorials on YouTube or go on tik tok, that’s if I’m not shopping Lols

How do you turn this on?

The deep state.
The cia
The nsa
The fbi
The reptilian overlords

They’re all the same group of people

>Let’s start a rumor
>Deep State

Isn't it past your bedtime? Don't you have school tomorrow?

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but that's literally what happened

And that’s why we need to share it.

That and it will piss off libtards.

Flat Earthers got you beaten on this one, they legit thinks it was staged to keep us from realizing the firmament is real.
I'll leave it up to you to figure out how much overlap there is between Flat Earthers and Q-user believers.

I guess the shuttle crashed into the firmament...you can’t storm heaven.

>challenger ->1986
Good luck

What should I make the article say

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That the CIA blew up the space shuttle because they didn’t want civilians near their spy satellites and they were worried that if people united by colonizing space people would form groups and alliances that the CIA could not manipulate and control for their own nefarious ends.

Thanks user.

Also say:

... a CIA agent (or Deep State operative) drilled a hole in the o-ring and that act of sabotage is what caused the Challenger to explode at liftoff.


Attached: Polish_20200122_210703401.png (400x828, 96K)

WebLink so I can tweet the message

Just inform the normies how Reagan had his cronies make a deal with Iran to hold the hostages till after the election so it’s make him look better

All politicians do it.


Retweet this far and wide

Let’s make this a meme


my childhood :O

dumbfuck. DUMBFUCK. this sort of shit, telling lies and repeating them as truth, is ruining the world. why the fuck are you doing this? you want to live in a world without truth? how does that help you personally?

I just want to troll libtards and I want to make the fake news media look bad by telling this lie to people.

I also want to laugh at morons who live to get political news ...

It doesn’t help me personally. It’s all about the lulz. That’s why I’m on Cred Forums.

read what you wrote. you are saying you want to make things worse merely to entertain yourself. you're not doing something good.
ye but this shit is serious. we need people to do the opposite of what you are suggesting. why am i bothering on this board. people will do shit like this just to watch the whole planet burn.

was that the one with the Isreali astronaut? I reckon if you could spin it as a conspiracy by the deepstate with antisemetic intentions you might get some normie traction, and then of course Cred Forums will pick it up because they'll think it was for a good cause.
Don't say blew up. We already know what caused the challenger to explode: a faulty O-Ring that the engineers at the manufacturer were aware of but at the 11th hour were forced to sign as 'safe' by NASA top brass who were afraid of bad publicity from delays.
All you need to do is change 'afraid of bad publicity' into the 'cover story' and that NASA under CIA influence knew about the O-Ring but didn't do anything about it under CIA instruction.
That fits neatly with the official story, making it credible, but more importantly you can't prove or disprove motives and intentions.

The world needs to burn. The impeachment trail going on right now proves to me that it’s too damaged to be fixed, so spread this meme, and let it burn.

It was the one with a teacher in it. I don’t know if it also had an Israeli astronaut on it too. I’ll look into that. That would make a much better conspiracy theory if that was true.

i'm sorry i reported the tweet. twitter has some strict rules about spreading false information and this is too far. lying about the space shuttle explosion which was a national tragedy and trying to confuse people for entertainment. doesn't seem right.

Go back to Retarddit you fucking faggot.

same fag trying to force a meme, fuck off.

dude people should be angry at you for obvious reasons. you know it too. you probably complain how fucked up the world is and you do stuff like this. how does this help us in any way at all? it just makes the world more confusing and it is bad enough.

Plz no. We're 2 months away from being able to put humans in space without the Russians. Please don't fuck it up.