Hey do you guys have any actual advice on how to get better with women?

Hey do you guys have any actual advice on how to get better with women?

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Thats a nice asshole.

Fucking wise or money wise?

Both are a numbers game. Read /r/theredpill sidebar, and then when you realize that all women are like that either accept the raw deal that is being male or go mgtow via turdflingingmonkey

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it is indeed

Have more sex and you’ll eventually figure it out

Fuck wise

I got my girl cause we share the same mental illness. It's really helped us connect and feel closer to each other. Rarely do we fight, we watch horror movies together. Smoke a ton of weed and browse Cred Forums like the degenerates we are.

Find someone who shares the same interests, Who's willing to accept you for the degenerated Cred Forumstard you are.

damn that's solid. thanks Cred Forumsro will do!

acceptance tolerance patiance teaching learning exercise cannabis karmasuitra psilocybin dmt

Not really. I end up being too redpilled about theis shenanigans and their are put off by my antics.

This served me a lot to understand them.

Attached: About_Women_1.jpg (1210x6307, 1.86M)

Attached: About_Women_2.jpg (1210x6291, 1.83M)

Thanks men that really is going to help me.I was really needing that.

Well, for me I just got bitter over reading all that. So it didn't help me. Maybe it does help you.

The rule of thumb is women love to be dominated but not to be mistreated.

Copy those around you who are more successful
Don’t be discouraged by failure
Practice practice practice

You’re asking Cred Forums? Are you doing some sort of anthropological study or are you just retarded?

similar interests, music taste is huge one, but you also run into fakers who just like to associate with said band or group, like users here do with dath graps. Avoidance of physical complements, especially overtly sexual ones. I am assuming since you are posting this that you are awkward, so any complements are likely to be perceived as weird. Humor is a big one, but again avoid anything sexual in nature because it comes off as weird. talk to them like you would your homies, as just like your homies, they are humans. even if you don't share interest, talking about yours (to an extent) can be interesting to them as it shows you are interesting and dont just sit around on the computer all day (ex. oooh hes a car guy. idk what youre talking about but its kinda hot). not going to mention physical appearance and fashion sense as I was blessed in those departments and can offer little advice other than to say that hairstyle makes a world of difference. I went from just jumping out of the shower and not checking to mirror to jumping out of the shower, combing everything to one side and suddenly I was catching eyes everywhere I went

You never know what can come out of a thread Cred Forumsro

You are basically looking for coins in a pile of shit, no matter how you put it you will need some heavey ass'd pressure washing after the ordeal... which confirms you are a freaking retard.

no reply to the only honest post in the thread? OP is goofin around

Honestly? go to school for psychology.