Why do liberals encourage this?

Why do liberals encourage this?

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What is it

if you don't like it then don't do it, you donkey

its gender reassignment surgery you fucking dunce

It’s monster madness

Because the pressure of social acceptance and maintaining the spectacle is stronger than the long term health of our culture

We are forced to accept this because if we don't, we are wrong and bad and deserve violence.

In other words, "submit at the threat of violence"

the same exact tactic used by.. drumroll pls.. Facists ^^

The ones who claim to be against Facism employ fascist tactics. All in all, just understand that humans are silly things and there's no real rhyme or reason.

We cannot force change, change happens when it will. We can't "stop" trans, that's literally impossible. The ones who are vehemently against trans probably encourage more people to do it out of pure revolution and going against the norm.

Pick your team, convince yourself that you believe something, and hurt other people along the way. Dem, Rep, Trans, Cis, Racist, Guru, whatever you are.


dont care still hot

To weaken the white race.

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but no joke this is why I'll probably kill myself instead of transitioning the "penis" looks like a bag of polenta

great post!

dear lord this is actually much worse than any rekt thread, animal abuse, war crime, bme, bdsm, snuff film, moral dilemma, shock that i've ever seen. were fucking monsters in the making. like wtf is life now??? Do you dumbfucks have any idea how far we have come, just to stay exactly the same way since the middle ages just to do something this bat shit crazy? Real or not, this is the highest form of insanity.

because things advance and get better.
in a few decades these reassigment surgeries will be a whole lot different (and better).

people will see this as we today see the first plastic surgeries from a century ago.

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great post!

Not everyone can see past the divide and conquer indoctrination user. But I thank fuck more people are seeing past it every day.

Dumb people need to hurry up and die off.

Thanks assfuck, I always wanted to try polenta but now I don't.

Transgender surgery is voluntary castration for the mentally ill.

Because they're mad scientists and they want to see how far they can twist the human body and mind in an act to scorn God because he didn't bless them with good times.

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never let tranny dick dissuade you from polenta, my friend

Pretty much, anyone that posts "muh team", "libtard", "conservacuck", leftist etc etc etc, is a retarded piece of conditioned brainwashed shit. Fuck everyone who blindly follows the political "spectrum" and doesn't question or criticize it entirely.

this is satanism, not liberalism

>God made man his own image
We were created to modify DNA and improve upon it user. It says so, your bible, it is our manifest destiny to perfect our VERY ILLPERFECTED genome and reach for the stars.

If you're too afraid of it, you can die off and go to your heaven.

You really don't think Graham is trans?

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Satanism is the new Christianity from what I've read about it. They're actually better people.

We are too few user :( stay strong, and stay honest

It's difficult to remove ourselves from the game as we were born into it. I don't think the common person will ever be fully aware of the teams that vie for their attention

every day on Cred Forums I see multiple multiple threads of people promoting their team :( I didn't think we'd let ourselves become so easily swayed and convinced

Hey, I wasn't disagreeing with that premise, but slapping fake peens on girls and chopping peens off of dudes isn't what I'd call the path to perfecting the human body.
God gave us all the stuff and all the things to mess with to make the best of it all yo

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Satanists are indeed much better people. Christians are judgmental and simple minded cunts.

Just STFU and let it happen... Keeps these broken heaps of shit from propagating defects.

But will you be afraid of when we can slap real peens on people born women? Or when we can edit their genetics completely and make say a black dude an Asian female down to the DNA?

Obviously this first stage of "transgender" is nasty to some, but will the later stages horrify you? Race and gender will be a cosmetic choice in less than 200 years.

no tool. It's about the money. They just hand the mentally ill a wavier and cut them up for several hours, then they make their money. I know they must bank like crazy. fuckem

this. it's unreasonable to think that one can subscribe strictly to one end of the political spectrum; someone's views can be very mixed and in this day and age there are so many different issues that one can have opinions and views on, to force people to take a label based off of a strict guidelines of opinions is ridiculous. What would you call someone who's for lgbt rights but is anti immigration and abortion? Advocating for the lgbt community and especially in recent times the transgender community is considered more leftist, while being anti immigration and abortion is generally considered more to the right. What would you call them? A centrist? But that's fucking retarded, politics is retarded and expecting everyone to care and to have a side is fucking retarded.

That's because most people who claim they are Christian are far from it. Most haven't even read the bible, they just think it's a form of superiority, because they themselves feel inferior irl.

Was about to write exactly this. There are better reassignment procedures than OP posted, but sure, surgery isn't perfect at this point.
If I were to transition from F to M I'd keep my pussy, like Buck Angel. I adore that guy. So masculine, but still has his pussy and a huge fuckin clit.

Good lord is that an extra thick salami

>because things advance and get better.
To some, change tends to horrify right-leaning folks into a coma. Primarily because they lack the IQ and adaptabilities to it. Try teaching grampa how to use a TV remote, now try teaching him how to set up a wireless router. It's hard for old (and stupid young people) to learn new things and adapt.

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Not all ftms opt for this method tho, there are other surgeries. Some just do the clit growth from t
This is just one solution to severe dysphoria

That seems frivolous and cosmetic. Painting your car a new color or changing the cup holders doesn't really make it a better or more effective car. We should be working towards immortality, peak physicality and mentality, maybe even wings or some crazy awesome stuff in there somewhere so we can just fly around and junk.

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>We should be working towards immortality, peak physicality and mentality, maybe even wings or some crazy awesome stuff in there somewhere so we can just fly around and junk.
That coincides with the prior, of course, those features will come with the science. I wasn't discluding them and stating that cosmetics will be the only benefit of the genetic revolution.

Skin that is elastic and as strong as diamond, organs, and limbs that don't die and regrow, muscles that can allow us to jump 200 ft, etc. Wings would be nice, but I think making man stronger would be better. The biological route keeps us human, I like it much more than the digital one. I'm sure people will mix DNA though, and we will have cat people etc. Furries no doubt will be a 'real' thing in the future, because people will pay for it.

>change tends to horrify right-leaning folks into a coma.
My brother is hardcore alt-right magafag and he hates learning new things. I have to go reset his fucking router every other month because he refuses to even learn how to fucking search google. This hit hard.

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Well starting out with something so unimportant seems silly, I feel like we should focus on the basic building blocks first.
There's a part of me that disagrees with it, but there's also another part of me that thinks eugenics should have been implemented a lot time ago. I'm torn between human freedom of choice and my need to have super humans for the betterment of our species.

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Why do you care, you fucking clucking hen busybody?

Trump has had a dozen surgeries on his scalp and looks worse than any drag queen, but here you are crying about this.


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I don't get the whole black people watermelon thing. Watermelon is delicious and I'm pretty sure everyone likes it.

None of you crybaby cunts whining about trans people contributes one drop to our civilization.
Shut your piehole, you degenerate.

Dem, Rep, Trans, Normal, Racist, Guru, whatever you are.*

For me at least, being transgender is a burden, a flaw that I desperately wish to rid of. I don't wish to transition anymore, but just to be able to comprehend a reality where I don't feel alienated within my own body, and to think that in a century or so and the lines between the two genders getting blurred by the day, if someone really wanted to they could suddenly turn from a female to a male, and vice versa, without any thought other than that they wanted a change of pace, nothing but a cosmetic alteration. I don't want it to come to that, to think that a life changing procedure that only the mentally ill sought after will soon be refined to just become a cosmetic procedure for the masses, considering fashion and attitudes will change in regards to gender roles and such, it will leave those who wish to be changed beyond their appearance and wish to feel at home in their own bodies behind. There's a reason why the suicide rate is so high within us, no matter what we do to our bodies it's not going to change the past or the ultimate reality of the situation that yes, while I got surgery to construct a penis out of my own skin, this is still the body of a woman. Transitioning, whether socially, surgically or with hrt still wont change reality, and at the end, this body of yours will never be what you want it to be, and it will never be yours. Dysphoria is beyond the body.

Ah yes I can't wait for humans to get better, faster, and stronger to continue endlessly killing and hating each other xD

That's a bold statement since the only thing you know about me is that single post

You may believe whatever you feel you need to


looks sexy for my ass :*

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ReeeeeLIEgion tends to do that to logical people, it's your mind fighting with it's indoctrination from your youth. Some can see past it, some cannot. You sound like you're in the middle. Also, it's just ONE building block, of course, there are many others being focused on even more so than transgender etc. I work in svalley as for a VC, rich people want to live longer, that's why genmod and CRISPR CAS9 startups are getting huge VC funding.

>Tolerate my bigotry or ur the real fascist, libcuck.

Very few leftists actually believe anyone against trans people deserve violence. They just think you deserve to be laughed at and ridiculed.

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Society is an spectacle. Everything is meant to entertain. Don't question anything, just consume.


>its gender reassignment surgery
i thought gender is a social construct
why do you have to mutilate your body to reassign an abstract concept

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>Ah yes I can't wait for humans to get better, faster, and stronger to continue endlessly killing and hating each other xD
Actually, we've improved dramatically over time with our advancement of IQ and technology. We've never lived in such a time of peace. I predict that when sentient beings get smarter, they become more peaceful because they have to. Things like nuclear technology etc will only get more powerful and we will have to become more peaceful or die off... which might be why we do not see other sentience in the universe lol

There is no logical reason to oppose this. Degeneracy is not a valid reason. "health of society" is not a valid reason.

I dont like trans people, because most of them have been overly confrontational dickheads. Seriously, trans gendered folk need to calm the fuck down.

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Hahahahahahahahahahaha I love you

holy shit this is me but my dad, hes a yuge magafag

If it ended at a franken Weiner / axe wound that would be fine. But then it's men in women's shelters and bathrooms and competing against them In sports and crushing decades old (actual) female records. No one wants to date a tranny or be forced to shave their feminine balls.

because youre a magnificent retard who doesnt understand the effect of androgen exposure developing fetuses.

Youre lucky enough that your neurochemicals have appropriately matching receptors. Trans people dont. Have some sympathy for people with what is essentially a mental illness

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No, I just have an understanding of what happens when you try to take away peoples freedoms. It tends to end in who ever took them away dying horribly to a mob of angry repressed people.
That aside, I do have empathy. I just also have the ability to set some things and feelings aside for what I would see to be the greater overall good. I like to have my principles, but I also like to be able to understand other sides of arguments and look for the merits in them. A little balancing act of logic and humanity. Keeps things interesting.

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shit with how fast things are moving right now I could see reassignment surgeries that approach perfect replication in the next 10 to 15 years

we're in for a wild ride

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Interesting, I don't recall anywhere where I stated that freedoms were going to be stripped. I think my predictions actually create more freedom than we've known. Agreed that pure logic is bad, and we need some emotional thinking, that's what makes us human. But being skeptical and questioning things instead of blindly following with little evidence is also a human trait. Ancient stories shouldn't dictate our modern science.

Follow the money, genmod is the future. Regardless of what people think, numbers do not lie.

how does a leg heal after that

It will be scar tissue mostly. It will look like hell

Smooth skin is a social construct. It will be fine.

Well eugenics certainly inhibits freedoms by dictating who can breed, which would really be the quickest way to start improving on the human species in general.
Religion doesn't really have anything to do with any part of it, since it's all mostly up to interpretation to the individual and you can twist almost anything to suit any narrative.
It's all about your goals and compromise to make it realistic to get there.

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For someone so up on change you seem to have forgotten that a hundred years ago the right WERE the progressives. Let go of your identity politics and just be. It isn't about left and right.