Where can I buy squirrel traps like pic related...

Where can I buy squirrel traps like pic related? Faggot ass squirrels chewed their way into my attic and all Lowes had was shit for mice, rats and moles.

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Some animal shelters will let you borrow them if you tell them you have a feral cat hanging around and you wanna catch it. I don't know how effective those will be with squirrels though, they might not be heavy enough to set it off. Or they might just squeeze through the gaps in the corners.

Farm and ranch supply stores

I've seen exterminators use these before so maybe i'll check the animal shelter

I don't think there are any near me

Havahart.com. Learn to google.

They're in there now I don't want them chewing on shit for a week while I wait for it to get here

They sell on amazon too. Prime shipping is 2 day. Or for squirrels, go to Home Depot and get rat snap traps. Bait with peanut butter. It kills smaller squirrels.

I have some glue traps and I was thinking about using those but my gf don't want me to kill them

Hmm. Then the best solution is to figure out how they’re getting in and patch the entry points. Order the traps online for removal, but first and foremost, patch your attic.

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Harbor frate

I say you take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Hooo-ahhhh. Pin thise fuckers to the floor.

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not him but there probably is
google it
where do you live?
i'm not even in the boonies but there are two farm stores like 20 minutes away.
anyhow that is definitely where you can buy those traps.
you'll run the risk of getting bit and them breaking their leg, but you can un-attach them from the glue trap with oil.
So if it worked perfectly, you nab them with the trap, take them on a car ride and use the oil to get them loose, them let them run into the park or whatever.

Might check Rural King or TSC. As a last ditch effort you can just put antifreeze on bologna and leave it around the yard. Be warned it'll kill everything. Squirrels, rats, cats, dogs, etc.

You want to trap a trap. Just admit it.

Tractor Supply

I thought there weren't because I live in the suburbs (no farms) but I did google it and there are a couple

I found a few stores similar to those
thank you for your insightful advice

yeah i'm probably going to do that as well but I know where to find stuff for that

They also sell a ton of stuff for backyard chicken stuff which is common, and even if you're in the burbs, chances are that zones for some of that stuff isn't super far away.

Both Lowes and Home Depot stock them ... around $30.

lowes.com/pd/Havahart-2-Door-Traps-Animal-and-Rodent-Control/1084937 just choose free store pickup, idiot.

Could a child accidentally get caught in one of those traps? Say, an 8 year old girl?

not the one near me

No, but a small bear could.

Hey OP. Just nail rat traps onto the trees and that'll remedy that. Some will call it unethhical, but it works.

Only if she ate the cake that said "eat me" on it.

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BB gun.

lol Really?

Look up Shawn Woods on YT. He does a ton of trap vids and trap reviews

Dont bother with traps for squirrels, its pointless. The fuckers can squeeze out of any non-lethal trap.
You've got three options to get rid of them; either poison some nuts, glue traps, or shoot them.
I use a .177 airgun when they start destroying shit around my house. Toss 'em in the woods and coyotes eat them.

I live in the suburbs I don't think i'm allowed to do that

Jesus Christ what kind of pansy ass childhood did you have? If you're unsure, just go down to your local police station and ask about ordinances. It's just a fucking pellet gun for fuck's sake.

I pellet guns aren't allowed and I don't know leaving dead animals laying around but I think you can get away with that one. Yeah suburban moms on the homeowners association are kind of a pain in the ass


then just put some meat on glue traps, toss them in the attic. slim jims work well. they're just furry rats.
not rocket science to get rid of some squirrels.
otherwise you can call an exterminator who's gonna charge a fuckton to do exactly this.