I need your advice Cred Forums...

I need your advice Cred Forums. there’s a nigger that lives above me and my wife who previously harassed her for months when we first moved in. He’s making our lives absolutely miserable. He yells at and beats the girl he lives with all day and all night. He still knocks on our door while my wife’s at work. What’s really had me in desperation is that his friends come over and park in our drive way blocking is completely in somehow always before I need to leave for work. I know I’m a pussy, but he’s much bigger than me and has previously confessed to my wife that he's been involved with the Crips. Am I doomed to be cucked by this dude forever?

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water melon in a bear trap

If only

wow u fucking white ass bitch boiz cry about anything leave the nigga alone and he wont bother u
fuckin bitch id curbstomp u u talk some shit like that face to face

You deserve it. You're yuppie scum.

>I know I’m a pussy,
Typical White Boy

You ain't gonna do shit.

Deal with it, bitch

Obvious bait is obvious

nigga's gonna nig, op. You should move somewhere with less niggers.

Typical niggers right here. See how quick they are to disrespect you and resort to violence?

Please learn basic reading comprehension. He’s literally tried to come into our apartment while my wife’s home alone. I never wanted anything to do with him. Still don’t.

That’s the goal trust me. But I’m stuck in this lease for another 4 months.


>See how quick they are to disrespect you and resort to violence?

And when some big nigga like OP dealing with beats his ass, all OP can do is resort to getting a gun and shooting someone because he can't handle problems like a man.

Absolute bitchmade supreme, all y'all.

Take that gun and put it to your head and pull the trigger like so many of you doin

Pipe gun. Easy to make, blast him, throw it out. They’ll think one of his bigger friends did it. Or puss out.

Yeah.. I work at Waffle House. I don’t consider myself yuppie scum. Even if I was I’m more worried about my wife in this situation than I.

I'd think a common trait of man is using tools to solve problems.

In other words, nigs aren't human.

Now I know for sure some of y’all will just call anything bait. I realize how pathetic this post is but I’m beyond desperate.

Noted. Thank you.

Just move. If anything happens to you or your wife (only a matter of time) it will be on you for not getting out. You moved into nigger territory stupid move user.

What do you expect me to do? Talk to him and ask him nicely to leave us alone? Lol. I can barely understand a word he says and when I can understand it’s all bullshit. I hate confrontation and I usually keep my views to myself, but feeling like this in my own home is fucked up.

I never have had a problem with them until I moved here, to be fair. Plus my wife is black. But you’re probably right.

This bait is so fucking obvious it's not even funny


What’s embarrassing is that.. it’s not? Where else am I allowed to ask for advice on this? Facebook?