Ask a guy who just ate a 500mg edible something

Ask a guy who just ate a 500mg edible something

in 30 minutes i should start feelings its effects

Attached: lol-edibles-berries-crunch-bar-50.jpg (2461x1832, 770K)

Why stop at one?

i would if i could, shit's expensive. 20 dollars a serving will burn a hole in your pocket.

I've done heroin, molly, coke, ketamine and I've smoked weed a couple of times but I really hate it. Always have. I just don't understand why anyone likes the high personally.

Is it a different high when consumed as opposed to when it's smoked? I'm always willing to try new shit.

weed forces you to get stuck on thought patterns. you get lost in amazement or horror depending on what your mood is. When you're stoned and watching a movie, it becomes very immersive. you repeat the dialogue. you lose yourself in the plot. shit, same goes for any kind of entertainment. it's kind of a way to escape, but that's all drugs right? lmao

edibles that are actually tested show that these mega dose ones are horse shit... they never have 1/10th the amount they advertise.

Interesting, I might buy some in next week and see how it goes

Source? i never had an issue buying strong expensive edibles, they're worth the extra dollar



I ate 40mg once on an accident, and my dreams were fucking ridiculous. I'm talking about I explored the entire universe in my dreams. Stars zipping by faster than the speed of light. I was eating food, but the rest of my body disappeared. Only my teeth remained, and when I swallowed it just...went away.

Good luck OP. God speed. Who knows what ridiculous shit you'll see.

huh, you sure it was 40mg? must have had very low tolerance. 40 mg edibles do nothing more than a couple bong rips. a pleasant high but nothing like what you're describing

nah, infact i don't really feel a damn thing yet

Is going to take a long time to kick in user, just
chill and dont eat more, or you are going to have
a bad trip

Not for me. I barely smoke, and it was the first time I ate edibles (hence why it was an accident). I recall calling my sister on Snapchat to tell her something, but only laughing uncontrollably during the whole message. I just couldn't get it out.

Scared the shit out of me. Seriously thought I was going to die. I'll hit the bong no problem, but that shit. No thank you.

yeah the mega dose ones are indeed usually bullshit. if it says it has more than 200mg it is most likely a bullshit number. A Legit 100mg edible is strong as fuck and will usually cost 10-20 dollars in california

Bro, if it’s a true 500mg bar & you ate the whole thing, that’s a REALLY high dose.

I’ve used cannabis in one form or another pretty much daily for the last 30 years or so, so I’ve got a tolerance, but I’ll usually stick to around 35mg pure thc oil tincture.

If you’ve got any cbd kicking around, might not be a bad idea to have some to counteract some of the effects of the thc.

Curious, though, why on earth did you eat the whole thing? You could have gotten at least 5 really strong doses out of that bar.

I smoke every day and a couple of bongs rips would sit my ass down

A 100mg drink had me tearing up at the trailer for a dog's life during the pikachu movie. I've never seen anything advertised over 100mg in one container in WA. So if that's a bunch of mushed up stuff that gets up there ya might wanna grab a couple bottles of water, a blanket, and disney plus so you can watch and pass out to some clone wars.

lmaoo yo ive taken 500 mg and just been chilling tf

take some pepto bismol, stomach aches will happen over 200mg. find a comfy couch and watch a movie, and dont text anyone, unless its to take you to a hospital. DO NOT PLAY VIDEO GAMES OR DO ANYTHING STRESSFUL.

dude LOL EDIBLES fucking suck

How's op feeling?

Yeah i agree, always thought i needed 1000mg+ to get high until i tried my friends high quality home made edibles. They’re cheaper and i only need maybe 3-500mg and im way higher than eating the pre packaged shit

"Coconut Oil"
"Fat Free"
Pick One

My advice, OP: Find someone who is down to fuck. Seriously. Sex while high is absolutely mind-blowing. You will have the time of your life. If you've got no one around you who is willing, then find your favorite porn and masturbate. Orgasms are so much fun while stoned.

Pussies, 500mg is a regular dose for me and that’s just to get me level, I’ll eat 750+ if i want to melt into the couch lol

Nah fam. Vidya Gaems are fine as long as they're light-hearted and fun. Mario Kart is super fun while stoned. Just keep it on the lighter difficulties and don't try to win. Just pretend you're on a guided tour through the mushroom kingdom. Shit is so cash.