1 yr left and still no money for your border wall. Can we just admit that you faggots got played again, and move on?

1 yr left and still no money for your border wall. Can we just admit that you faggots got played again, and move on?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Agreed. How much wall has been erected?

100 miles. That's it. And most of that is old wall that already existed.. just rebuilt.

The fact that these idiots don't hold him to his promises pisses me off.


That's what he was elected to do. He hasn't done SHIT.

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He erected 100 miles of new wall, while also reinforcing already existing wall.
But none of that's important, because Trump already created the greatest wall ever conceived: Mexico itself.

This nigga made an entire country a wall, and it's working.

Don't worry, it's only going to be 5 more years of him. By then you'll get real jobs, make your own money, and grow out of this Media Matters shill and Discord spam phase of your life.
And when you do...you'll vote Republican. You're welcome.

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Get cucked faggot


How do you get a simple fact wrong? Repair of existing wall is not new wall.

Mexico is the wall faggots

Literally every month the number of people crossing drops

Do you libcucks even read the news or just jerk it to cnn?

Mexico is now patrolling the boarder for us . stay mad shitstain

>thinks trump is a republican

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This one time i was waiting for my sister in the parking lot of walmart and a preggo latina with no bra came up to my window asking for spare change, she was surprisingly cute but bummy looking. Told her no and she said thanks and left but i always wondered what she would have done for the 10$ i had in my wallet.

It was steadily declining BEFORE he came into office you fucking mongoloid. Did you ever read the news or just start downloading Hannity quips since the cheetoh got elected?

Dude my cousin crossesmexicans and business is booming for that motherfucker, so much so he's thinking about buying a house over here and quitting that lifestyle

Congress has the power of the purse, and Trump is pretty bad at working with Congress. Not a surprising outcome.

He did take a bunch of money from DoD construction projects for the wall, though.

I’ll never understand why poor white trash thought that a billionaire was their guy

>Poor white trash does something fucking stupid
>can't figure out why
>Is poor white trash

And Hillary, a millionaire who went around telling coal miners that she was going to put them out of business was their gal?

Why do those idiots want to work in a hole in the ground? Get an education.

he just said that to get you homos pissed off. just like when he talks shit to that thumbutt girl and grabs bitches by the pussy.

a wall isn't going to stop anything. but he's got mexican police tackling soros' hondurans. and that's a start.

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Lol and every single day I see white American bums sitting around everywhere. What’s your point? So much white American trash that no one wants.

I love liberal logic.

"Everything good happening in Trump's presidency is because of Obama because it's only been three years!!!"

"So you are saying three years isn't long enough to produce any real change?"


"So everything bad happening while Trump is president is also because of Obama?"

"Ummmm, I guess...."

"Name one bad thing from a policy and product standpoint that has happened while Trump is president."


"So you hate a president that you admit you can't name a single bad thing that has happened under...and if you could....it would be the previous president's fault anyways...."


Grab that immigrant pussy

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Trump is a Republican because it serves his own interests at the moment.

Hillary fucking sucked. Pretty much no one liked her. Only reason she got voted for was because she was straight up not a criminal or batshit crazy bitch who’d make America a laughingstock of the world. And she won the popular vote too lol.

I’m happy she wasn’t president but fuck me the cheeto is so fucking bad. I don’t know a single Democrat who would have been really happy with her in office.

Stop bringing up Hillary. She gone. No one cares about her. Pay attention to what the fucking criminal cheeto is doing.

You must be new to this. See Clinton/Bush

This is actually true.

He knew he wouldn't win third party because of our two party system.

So, he jumped onto the one party that cares slightly more about america than illegal immigrants.

You can't blame the fucker for playing a winning hand.

Two trade deals, two dead terrorists and two terms. Nuff said.

Logic is hard, it's ok...I don't hate you for not understanding.

> old wall

the right is a wall, the left is not a wall

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here is a perfect example of having blinders on to reality

She lost, you need to let it go. Trump is your President.

I appreciate your understanding ;)

It doesn’t matter who is president, nothing ever changes

Because idiots like you want electricity so you can sit back and feel superior from your Dorito encrusted gamer chair.

Delusional retard

>she was straight up not a criminal
They're all criminals of the highest caliber, you dolt. Stop following the carrot.

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Which is even more argument AGAINST the wall. Keep watching Fox you morons

At least she was honest. Anyone with an IQ of 40 knew coal was ending.

You make up an argument out of fantasy and you're not smart enough to see why its invalid. You guys are all so fucking stupid.

Oh I’m sorry, I forgot the only way we get electricity is from coal. You got me.

> at least she was honest about wanting to kill jobs with government intervention

yes, yes she was

But what about her emails and the hundreds of people she has personally assassinated? Why do you hate America?

Who cares if the number is "dropping"? Do you think, even after his terms end, they'll just keep dropping? Are you starting to understand why BUILDING THE FUCKING WALL and DEPORTING THE FUCKING ILLEGALS, like he promised, is important?

Make him do what he said he would, asshole. Stop settling for shit alternatives that won't last past his term. Just for a second, imagine the left-wing response when his term ends. A democrat will be elected, who will then work to undo all that was done. On top of all that, illegals will know the border is open to them again... they'll flood right over it. There's no fucking wall to stop them, idiot!


And only an idiot would have believed Trump when he said that he was bringing back coal bigly

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These liberals are delusional as fuck.
Not even worth your time dude.

Wanting to kill jobs with government intervention? You think that coal only died because of some evil villain conspiracy? Wake up asshole. It's gone because it was antiquated and filthy.

That one time Bill said Washington was exactly like the show House of Cards. Those 26 trips to Lolita island.

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They started dropping drastically during Obama's presidency and the trend has continued

You're a fucking retard pal. Wake up.

One thing we can all agree on... republicans are fags.

And Bill is no longer in office.
But Trump is, and he was friends with Jeffrey for years. He also bragged about being able to walk in on the Miss Teenage America contestants while they were changing beca6he owned the pageant.
But you're right, keep crying about the Clinton's. That makes sense. That's not delusional at all.

is it bad that i would give pic related 40 if she promised to swallow

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Trump, 0 trips to Lolita island.

>Reaching for straws

Feed me more facts Faux News

That we know of

I cant believe you are this retarded. Yoi cant go from 20k a month to zero overnight
But as the wall is built the number will drop. Never think it will get to zero bit you can watch it fall month over month.

Thats how you know it working


>but her emails REEEEEE

Let it go son, let it go.

Very insightful

>started dropping drastically during Obama's presidency
Ice changed its reporting methodology under President Obama and that's why the numbers went down. It is disingenuous to say the net new illegal migration went down under Obama.

>no money for your border wall.
Where do you think all that extra import tariff money is going? Yep - you're paying for it.

>Saint Trump won't do that.

Damn! The cool aid is strong.

You wasted tips on a censored version?

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She’s a pig

>Got played
>Government still functioning as intended (because it is perfect)

Pick one


>That's what he was elected to do. He hasn't done SHIT.
I'm not quite following. Are you complaining that he hasn't built his wall?

kek even from the first fucking paragraph of this article anyone with the normal amount of chromosomes can see that it's bullshit

kavanaugh, the repeal of net neutrality, the sanctions on china, the trade war with china, the sanctions on iran, the missile strike on iran, the tensions caused by the way he "negotiates" the repeal of many climate change policys and protections... and that's just off the top of my head.
umm victory royale?

It's so hard to tell when someone makes a critical typo, whether they're agreeing or being sarcastic.
Are you saying user is is helpful and savvy, or did you try and throw an insult but misspelled "Kool-Aid" in snarky ignorance?

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How to be president:
1. Make like 5 or 6 huge promises that you know are basically unachievable but the media will latch onto and make a huge fuss about
2. Get elected based on those impossible platforms
3. Achieve a whole bunch of tiny, unnoticeable things that are each individually significant in a non-partisan way.
4. Convince the people that voted for you (who are starting to feel stupid) that you've actually achieved a lot and its the bad guy opposition that is keeping them from having what they wanted in electing you.
5. Gerrymander a bit and get elected for a second term on a technicality.
6. Partially kinda achieve a bit of one of the huge platforms you were originally elected for towards the end of your second term.
7. Or don't do step 6, it doesn't matter since you're just coasting at this point.

>5 yrs left

oh yea, and the economy boomed under obama, healthcare was awesome, he wasnt a muslim that bent over to the rest of the world. yes, he was an awesome fucking president

Please tell is how it is bullshit?
Because ot is funded.
Just google it

so why is it leftist, and democrats that make up the majority of guys dressing and identifying as girls? oh thats right, bc its dems that are fags, faggot

He can finish it next term :p

Yup, he played the game and won.

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even if this article isnt fake, it was in 98, that was a long fucking time ago idiot, shit changes, especially in over 2 frickin deacades

Oh look!
Some idiots still think this is real.

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Well maybe not. I can tell you’re probably just as gay as you were 20 years ago.

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Fake.. fox didn’t become right wing til 2001

>implying that it's not true anyway

yea, and you stayed 8 years old too, since that comeback is about as weak as it was then

As a libtard, can confirm none of us wanted to vote for her she's a stupid cunt. #bernieboi

>5. Gerrymander a bit and get elected for a second term on a technicality.

Thinks you can Gerrymander a Federal election.

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Hahahaha, nigga you believe this shit? Tons of drugs coming over the boarder every day, mexicans collecting the sweet green in the rotten streets you call home and let's not start with birth rates ... man, you are fucked

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Wow, you are retarded to the max.

Do you always win this funny little discussions in your head?

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> nuff said

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Aww, look. It's retarded.

First of all, fake and gay.

Second you would only be proving his point if this is true. The fact that they have to turn to a professional rather then just crossing wherever they please is proof Orange man is getting it done.

Seethe harder please

You didn't name a single bad thing...

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offer $5 to start, more likely than not shell hop in your car without asking any questions. if not you can negotiate to $10 and then $20. this also gives you time to figure out whether or not you really want to stick your dick in a public BJ machine. good luck user and dont let her bite