Breaking news. Back to your crying, liberals

Breaking news. Back to your crying, liberals.

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Doubt it you retard.


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piss boy doesn't understand how wind works

Its funny to know i was just listening to the voice of a guy who posted a link to his own meme video on Cred Forums

>still impeached like a bitch

Attached: #douchebagging.webm (400x190, 75K)


>still your president so it doesn't matter

Attached: 54385093485094385.png (487x275, 225K)

Every president will be impeached by the losing party, from here on out. Great job, commies.

No they won't.

Precedent has been set. That's how this shit starts. Payback is needed and it will now be an endless cycle of revenge.

No, it's not.

ahahahahaha trumptards are really trying hard tonight. Burn in hell, moron. He will never see the office again through the cracks of the prison cell he will inevitably be confided to once his presidency is over and he is found guilty of all the rape and obstruction.

Exactly... no need for a crime just a simple "we don't like him and we have the votes" is all the reason they will need going forward

And every time someone tries that, it will fall flat on its face, and it'll stop. Because people will get sick of the powers that be getting tied up, instead of doing their jobs.

This isn't happening because of the reasons you suggest, no matter how many times you fearmonger and strawman. Nobody in their right mind believes that.

We fix the gerrymandering and voter suppression shit you monkeys do and you're finished forever.

They only impeached him because Trump tried to get to the bottom of Biden corruption.... he just didnt realize how far the DNC would go to protect him and the rest of the deep state military industrial complex.

Your party is a bunch if faggots that hate a bunch of slightly less insane faggots. It's like middle school, but for mentally challenged and highly privileged adults.

>They only impeached him because Trump tried to get to the bottom of Biden corruption
There is and has been a laundry list of real reasons for why Trump has been impeached, and they've been aired out for the last week or so.

It is beyond public knowledge right now. It's a spectacle.

>Your party is
Whose party? I don't belong to a party.

>I don't belong to a party.
You are either with the far left or against them. There is no middle ground.

>There is no middle ground
I don't belong to a party.

Yet all that overwhelming evidence they talked so much about isn't anywhere in sight, all just speculation being thrown around. Half the testimonies they had in the house was orange man bad!, whole thing's a circus act

Current American politics in a nutshell.
The world watches in astonishment as this utterly infantile debate rages on.

If it would stop obstructing it wouldn't be raped

/wrist fuckboy

>Yet all that overwhelming evidence they talked so much about isn't anywhere in sight
Several new "bombshells" have been in the news cycle for this week. A man named Lev Parnas has earned himself press coverage for repeatedly implicating Trump in the Ukraine scandal. A letter from his attorney, Giuliani, contradicted the President's own accounts of what happened with Ukraine. And more.

Every time, there's this cycling out of talking points and strawmen. Every time. Each and every single one has already become more than a dead horse. Everything has been argued. Everything. Every single thing. All you serve to do is doll out half-baked rhetoric and false narratives. Anyone with eyes can go look for themselves.

>I represent him as a private citizen
>not as President of the United States
This is not a fabricated document.

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