Doctors of Cred Forums, what is this on my finger? it hurts a bit to touch, I've had it for months

doctors of Cred Forums, what is this on my finger? it hurts a bit to touch, I've had it for months

Attached: 20200122_233218.jpg (2228x1670, 1.21M)


That’s a decent wart you’ve got there

is wart get some compound W

thats what i thought. gonna stab it a bunch and pick at it

finger aids

Don't do that. They can spread if you do things like that. It's best to go to doctor or try OTC medication for it.

surprisingly helpful. will try the compound W. thanks based anons

Your finger is gay and has flamboyant aids, take it to church every weekend and it should get better

Plantar wart, cut your finger off before it spreads to your brain.

Attached: oprahssed.gif (400x240, 1.47M)

It's a staph infection. You'll probably be ok, but you might die.

Looks like the point of most friction when you Jack off. Take it easy on your dick

You can also search online for methods involving duct tape. I've heard these work pretty well sometimes if you are broke

This is a good point. Make sure you don’t get warts on your dick from jacking off, fag.

Plantar means of the foot you mongoloid

this happened to a friend of mine. He had two warts on his hand which he picked at all the time and would bite at. as a result of the biting he grew a small cluster of warts on his bottom lip and also developed warps on his testicle from masturbation.

Holy fuck, you're a dum dum.

How so

Thought so retard

I've eaten bed bugs bigger then you.

Prolly sucked cocks bigger than mine too, not really impressive tbh

Yea def a plantar wart 100% for sure and in one
of the worst possible locations I've ever seen lol
I had them on my toes and I killed the "mother wart"
by putting salicylic acid directly over the center
part of the wart and then sealed it up with black
electrical tape. Shower with it and everything...
Dont air your toe out until no longer than 2 weeks
have passed. This will kill the parasite and it will turn
black within a couple days. After it turns black and
dries up dig the entire thing root and all out of your
hand. It will bleed a little. Clean it up with peroxide and
put a bandaid over it and you'll be fine.
ACT QUICKLY though bc these do spread through
contact and you really don't want one on your cock.