Suggestions on how i can gain motivation to brush my teeth...

suggestions on how i can gain motivation to brush my teeth? i've got insurance for dentist but i can't bring my self to give a fuck and brush despite getting my mouth drilled because of 1-2 cavities i had.

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do it before you have to spend tens of thousands and live in constant pain 24/7

i had the same issue for a while and it just bugged me everyday that i had no motivation to brush my teeth. i just started brushing again every night because i always take a piss before bed and figured that i might as well brush since i'm already in the bathroom. i guess after a while of mentally nagging myself about it, i finally gave in.

it's a lot easier to say than do, but just do it. just brush your teeth. even just once a day to start out. do it right before bed or right when you get up. you seem bothered by it so if you can't just do it now, hopefully you'll bother yourself enough to where you'll just do it.

i'm going to wait for the next appointment to happen, the dentist said it'd be the worse one i'm hoping the pain and loss of money will cut it for me. I have a lot of difficulty doing it because i tend to eat a shit ton at night so when i brush i have to force my self to not eat for like 3 hours after since i'm always up at night.

leave your tooth brush and tooth paste in the shower. I always just brush my teeth while im in there its much easier. plus you can just spit anywhere

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>leave tooth brush and tooth paste in the shower
>probably never showers either

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it's a solid way to start, but yeah i don't necessarily shower everyday. the truth is that the only problem is brushing at night.

just don't, the eventual pain will motivate you to

Don't brush them. Eventually you'll give the best blowjobs.

Just fucking do it? You only get one set of teeth cunt, you'll regret it when they start rotting. I brush my teeth thoroughly with an electric tooth brush for about 10 minutes morning and night. Also floss daily.

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Brushing too long is bad for your teeth too. 2 minutes twice a day is enough.

ngl oral hygiene is very attractive

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Think of where your wifey may have last had her mouth

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Just make it part of your routine. Once a day is fine, twice is great. You may not give a fuck now but in a few years you’ll be living with tremendous pain that you won’t be able to live with.

Dental health is just as important as general health.

Much like wipping your asshole when you take a shit because it gets dirty. The same should be done with your mouth as it gets dirty.

That is way too long, you are doing harm

Your fucking teeth fall off and they will never grow back again.

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How much motivation do you need to do something that takes a couple minutes? Just get into the habit.

OP heres a tip, I have the same issue: Brush your teeth in the shower. I honest to god cant push myself to brush my teeth otherwise. Since its piggybacking on something that's already a habit, it'll be easy to stick to. At least you'll be taking care of your teeth

has the average age of Cred Forums really dropped so low that we're discussing how to get ourselves to brush our teeth before bed time?

Don't even get me started on my confusion between the different ways of tying shoe laces, and which way is more efficient.

what the fuck, just brush them before you go to sleep

i only brush for a minute, maybe a bit more, right before bed and my dentist fucking loves me. floss at least twice a week as well.