Good movies with awful sequels - recommend me something to watch edition

Good movies with awful sequels - recommend me something to watch edition

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Hellraiser, and cube is fucking a great movie

Children of the knob

Highlander was awesome. Highlander 2 was so fucking gawdawful that they actually APOLOGIZED for making it at the beginning of Highlander 3. "Sorry that last movie sucked, please ignore it, we promise to NEVER reference anything that happened in it again."

That's a bad fucking movie.

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the first movie was stupidly incredible
the second one was incredibly stupid

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Mortal Kombat


Oh fuck me! I didn't even know this was a thing. I love bad copycat films.

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I'd like to get rimmed

The Matrix
Nymphomaniac Pt 1
SLC Punk
Donnie Dark
The Mask
The Ring
The Exorcist
Dumb and Dumber
The Karate Kid
American Psycho
The Blues Brothers
The Fly
Jeepers Creepers
The Crow
The Mummy

Some had multiple garbage sequals and reboots. Nymphomaniac Pt 2 isn't technically a sequal and it isn't bad, but Pt 1 is cinematic gold while Pt 2 is boring and far too long. Also, a few like The Mask, Zoolander, and The Mummy are mostly nostalgia for me and not necessarily great on their own.

I liked all of the Mummy movies except Scorpion King. Yes, even the Chinese one.

I live for that shit. Case in point .....
What an amazing choice in cast as well.

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Debbie vs Tiffany.....fucking brilliant idea by someone.

Totally watchable sequals, but are nothing compared to the original, bad CGI and all.

White girls...fucking blast of a movie eh

The Birds
This guy managed to think of all the movies I was straining for.

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Trainspotting 2 was fine you candyassgot

I can agree with that. Still, overall a pretty good series.

BTW, how about sequels that were actually awesome? I'm nominating Lethal Weapon.

I spent my weekends at dad's house watching the classics instead of spending quality time. Can't believe I forgot Caddyshack though. Good catch.

It wasn't bad by any means, but not even close to the first one. It's just a lesser movie.

Classic white girls haha man oh man

Terminator for sure (after the second one)

First and second were brilliant, everything else was trash, haven't actually watched the new one.

Nightmare on Elm Street
Debbie Does Dallas (Debbie Does Dallas 3 is pretty good and stars Bambi Woods, but is not officially part of the Debbie Does Dallas canon so it doesn't count)

some franchises only have two good movies in them. Terminator and Terminator 2 are awesome the rest are not as good. Alien and Aliens are awesome, then it goes downhill

Blade Runner

you can add all Disney movies, except Frozen. besides Frozen II, any Disney movie in a series after the first sucks

the Cloverfield series (E.T. Cloverfield, Cloverfield Lane) has three then it has a godawful Netflix installment

Blues Brothers

Blade Runner

Wait.. What?
Was this by the same studio?

One of my favorite action films of the 2010s, yet the more I think about the sequel, the more I hate it. Also the original graphic novel was alright.

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What about starship troopers it's the best

First that comes to mind are

Godfather Pt. 2 (not ever Pt. 3)
Bladerunner 2049
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Dark Knight (obvious post is obvious)
Silence of the Lambs is technically one
NL Christmas Vacation
LOTR The Two Towers (because Treebeard)
The second Ouija movie
Every Jackass was better than the one prior.
Terminator 2 (only great one in the franchise)

Not nearly as many. I'm trying not to include Marvel movies because they all progressively got better, and it'd be a list full of horse shit.

For a tone of movies like cube. The Invitation is really solid. Has a solid anxiety paranoia vibe with a good build up and payoff.

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Reminder that Dante is shot and killed by a robber at the end of Clerks and they changed it when it was bought by the studio just so they could make a sequel.

Wreck It Ralph 2 wasn't bad, but yeah, almost every other Disney sequel is crap. Lion King 1 1/2 was funny, though. I'm hoping Zootopia 2 won't suck, but.....we'll see.

Yeah you did yourself a favour not watching the last installment, that movie is a waste of time you'll never get back

Oh come on the sequel to Blade Runner was fine

I forgot about Wreck it Ralph 2, I love that movie

if you want a real challenge, find a series of movies with no bad movies. Sharknado kind of works, they are so-bad-it's-good across the board. the Naked Gun and Airplane. the Exorcist almost works, Exorcist, Exorcist, and Repossessed are god-tier and Exorcist 2 is decent

Most sequels that are originally made after a stand alone film have to rewrite and ignore major plot holes.

Super Troopers 2 is a good example. Still a decent movie, but doesn't come close to the original, and they had to ignore a lot of the first movie (while still frequently reminding us it happened) to do it.

the Bad Boys franchise might all be good. I really like Bad Boys 1 and 2 and hear 3 is good. they have announced Bad Boys 4 (Electric Boogaloo part 3) will be made, we'll have to wait and see

>Ralph breaks the internet
>Ralph Wrecks the Internet

They really fucked up on that one.

I enjoyed this movie.

I didn't catch this one in any posts

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>series with no bad movies
Back to the future.


>so bad they're all good.

So far OP recomendation has been the best

not so great but The Shining, and im only mention it because its sequel Dr Sleep its fucking garbage

I always think of those movies as the perfect self-contained trilogy, even if the movies still have flaws

the first Tremors is a lot of fun, the rest try for the so bad it's good category

fuck yea homie

The sequel to blade runner was garbage.

I enjoyed it. The other one is shite.

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hypercube was ok

mortal kombat is one that was good and 2 was donkey turds

The first one had an absolute ending. Trying to force sequels was a mistake but not even trying to be original or, in the case of 2, logical was the most grievous mistake. People would of forgiven a retcon or workaround to the ending of the first if they even tried to do something new or, i dunno, good. Such a shame.

Kidding me? Exorcist 3 is one of the best unsung sequels.

Fuck, that sequel was one of the WORST I've ever come across. It took that sometimes complaint of sequels forgetting smaller characters and subplots and just focused on them. Talk about wasted opportunity after wasted opportunity and tons of unwanted crap on screen.

It was more than fine, it was great.

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cube was good, but the "public works project" thing made fuckall sense

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I've never met an intelligent person that disliked it.

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Yes. Magic tricks are great. I remember when my grandad taught me how to do the quarter trick ;(

your opinion is garbage. Try putting down your phone next time, kiddo.

I just hope ford doesn’t get caught up being rolled out to showcase his old roles.
But they will probably make a new Indiana Jones and they’ll roll Ford out of the closet again....

And at the rate it going, it’ll be staring what’s his name from black panther with Kevin hart as a side kick