Does anyone have any advice for coping with suicide?

Does anyone have any advice for coping with suicide?

My partner of 4 years recently ended her life. I really am struggling to cope. Basically just lying in bed drinking and taking drugs, wanting to die.

Not really sure where to go from here. I feel so dead and empty inside. It's so horrific. If I thought I could be with her through death I'd have done it already, but the reality is she's dust in a fucking box now.

Grief/feels/death thread I guess..

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Well first you gotta start back healthy habits and getting back into a routine. Make sure you surround yourself with good people and try to get things in order. You won't want to at first but you gotta push yourself. Eventually it'll go away and you'll be better.

People care about you user. You just gotta look. Godspeed. You'll get better soon.

Well, don't take drugs and drink

Just get the fuck over it

What drugs?

Faith in god and reading Berserk were the two things that kept me going when my friend commited suicide.

Man I fuckin hate this.

What I do whenever I feel like shit I’d take $200 and drive through to some small towns or something for a weekend. Everyone is nice, people at bars and breweries are nice. You don’t lay your problems on them, but you notice that there is a bigger world and community than you’re thinking of right now. There’s more to it than your stresses. This might not help, but that’s what I do. I haven’t had any suicides though.

I hope you’ll be alright soon.

Coping with it? You only have to do it right once.

Dude....that's one tough kick in the balls. I'm not normally one to give a shit on Cred Forums, but.....I feel for you, bro. All you can do is try to live the life she would have wanted you to live. Following her to the grave is NOT what she would have wanted, is it?

It's gonna' be a bitch, but you've got to live, man. Find a good support system and hang on to it. Family, friends, work....hell, religion if you think it'll help, talk to a shrink/counselor, an actual support group. You're going to need people around you to help hold you up for a while, so don't be scared or ashamed to ask for some help.

I hope you recover, friendo. Good luck.

Pic of her? Not nudes or anything just your favorite picture

alcohol, mdma and tramadol

thanks for the kind words

Part of me also feels guilty for my 'grief', as in basically she's dead now, so what am I sad/depressed about? It's not like she can feel pain anymore, it's not like she's suffering. And yet here am being a little faggot bitch sobbing in the shower, can't even go to work (probably going to lose job). Am I just sad out of selfish reasons abloo abloo I'll never see her again!! But rationally I know that's it not that, I just feel so horrible and awful for her. I really loved her (only girl I ever felt anything for, only girl I introduced to my parents, we were talking marriage). I think all the stressors just got too much in her life.

I mean, there's no way to bring her back, nothing to really do or say. Just carry on living because? No real reason to die either, wouldn't solve anything, and then my family would be dealing with the same thing. God I loved her so fucking much/

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Partner? Like "life partner" or "business partner" or what?



as in my gf of 4 years hung herself in our loft

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35 here. 2 close lifelong friends and 1 bud have killed themselves in the last decade. My pop killed himself before I was born... dunno man. Suicide is very confusing. Some people are just sick in the brain. It's got nothing to do with you. If She didn't do it now she would of done it soon. Some people just leave and no love can stop them. Relax. She's comfortable now. She was uncomfortable her whole life but now she is ok. It's ok man. Stop drinking. Smoke some dope. Go meet people. Get a cute animal.

What songs are you listening to

Do you like kedamine

How long ago did she pass?


What is a loft?

Jesus, man. That's rough as fuck. I feel for you.

What do you think she would want you to do now? Probably not doing drugs all day and losing your job. Move on for her.

Hey man listen, It seems that you are going through a tough time in your life, but you have to keep going. If you think about it, life is a small margin in an infinite universe, earth itself was created by chance. It was molten and uninhabitable celestial body for billions of years. Yet, by a small margin, life sprouted. Years and years of evolution would introduce many diverse natural wonders. All those years of reproduction and human care would eventually result in, you. You are a cosmic and biological miracle OP. Life is even more special because out of all the possibilities, life overcame all if them.

It took a lot of time and brain power to write this, but its because despite never meeting you, I care about you. Even this small interaction was by a small margin of chance, yet, out lives intersected.

Here OP, I hope this video can help: