I swallowed my poop. How did I get to this point and how could I possibly tell a psychiatrist about this in person

I swallowed my poop. How did I get to this point and how could I possibly tell a psychiatrist about this in person.

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A lot of people eat their own poop OP

Do they also have depression and OCD symptoms, I think I’m a little fucked up. I can’t tell if it’s mental illness causing it or just extreme virginity and porn addiction driving me to new lows.

fake news
its not a big deal
almost normal even.

This is really me earlier tonight

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I wish I was trolling

Yea thats about as low as you can go

I always lick my fingers if I get any on them. Might I add I have BPD and am chronically depressed so there's not much normal about me.

I tell my counselor and psychiatrist everything. Like how's that gonna surprise them?

It really doesn’t taste bad to me. Is my mental illness that strong that I can just shrug it off.

did it taste good?

It doesn’t taste that strong

I probably have depression too. That’s what I’m about to see a psychiatrist for. So basically I’m so starved for dopamine I only get it from masturbating and engaging in extreme fetishes.

That's not true. You could be a nigger.

I haven't been happy in at least 15 years. My existence is just being questioned more and more by the day. At this current time I'm just here, neither dead or alive.

I've been In the process of getting my disability paperwork done the past six months but my doctor started being a cunt the past couple weeks and now have to wait longer.

It's unfortunate they're not taking me seriously up to this point, I told them I would like nothing more then to be dead and just nothing. So I'm getting crazier by the years at this point.

I’ve never tried treatment, I just talked to someone today and they recommended it so I’m being referred to someone else

You’ve really told a professional that you eat poop off your fingers? Somehow I don’t think that would come up naturally in a conversation

Have fun, the meds are no fun. Gonna be months of diarrhea every hour and headaches. I'm currently waiting to ask for shock therapy as the medication still half a year later hasn't done anything.

Might just be me at this point, I'm numb to positive emotions and nobody means anything to me anymore. People are strangers basically


the people with mental illness explicitly do all those things and eat poop.It's an anxietal disorder. Get help.

I owed my bed til I was in seventh grade, killed groundhogs that were digging under the shed when I was 5-7, blackmailed pedophiles by ewhoring for a year and made thousands of dollars from them, sucked my cousins dick when I was younger and him mine, masterbated with my mom's used underwear and dildo, wore her underwear, nothing I do should surprise them.

Well I didn’t do that

That's fucking gross you faggot

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You know what’s funny, it would seem more normal if I was doing this with a girlfriend, I would probably be okay with it

user pls drop the fake "we live in a society" talk

I can swallow my poop easily. That’s not good, if I struggled with it, that would at least show I have some barriers left.

get help dude, i mean that in the best way possible. what i like to do when im feeling down trodden or mentally claustrophobic i like to look up at the night sky and see all that space and for some reason that always makes me feel better. mental heath is important especially in young men

I hate you.

I don't think eating scat with a girl would be any more normal kek...

Get a log of this guy

It’s like confessing to a crime, idk if I could tell anyone in person

You look cute from below you’re nose that’s depressing why would you do that

Aside from the poop you looked hot

Um hmu. No poop involved.

You are going to get sick

well you dont have to, if you enjoy it there is nothing wrong with it. if you hate it and want to stop then you will either have to fight it alone or open up to someone (probs a psychiatrist ). believe me nothing you do short of cheese pizza will drive a psychiatrist away

Possibly. I think it’s actually safer than most people know if it’s your own.