Is it normal you lose memory after xanax? Last sunday i had about 7 in the bottle and took 4 in the morning (8mg)

Is it normal you lose memory after xanax? Last sunday i had about 7 in the bottle and took 4 in the morning (8mg)

I stayed at home the whole time and Late in the day i remember ordering food through internet

The next day when i wanted to take xan at work i was surprised by bottle was empty

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lmaaaoooo you got fucked up friend. stop taking pills.

Is it possible someone stole some out of your bottle?

Nope. It was my first xanax bottle ever, and last day on it that day
How much mg is average daily and how often do u take it?


Absolutely do lose your memory on it particularly at higher dosages or when mixed with alcohol. If strongly advise you not to take them, and only on special occasions if you must because the withdrawals are brutal and for worse dependence necessitate hospitalisation due to seizures. You can't just tough em out like with opiates.

Also never mix em with alcohol because you'll not remember a thing, and all anxiety and fear will be gone. Ie couple of my buddies started kicking in headlights on cars in the middle of the afternoon whilst mixing xanax and vodka, almost got arrested. Zero fear is a bad thing

Please, for the love of god if you ever listen to anything you’ve ever seen on this site. You dumb fuck. Stop now.

I’m going to experience this tomorrow when I wake up. I’ve relapsed for the 3rd time. No friends. I’m fucking letting it kill me this time. Don’t let this message be you speaking to yourself in the mirror lil Peep wanna be mother fuckin ass hoe. Can’t handle your shit. Pray for me. Dead ass I’m dying this time

I dont understand
Do you try to offend me or?

He's saying he's a drug addict and he doesn't want you to go down the same path as he did

Go to NA

I had a supervisor who started taking Xanax (she trusted me enough to be honest with this kind of stuff).

She started repeating stories and information to me that she had already told me previously.

Also I caught some strange mistakes, such as her inputting, what I would call, completely random numbers for customer orders.

She seemed more relaxed at work but I could definitely notice the change in her behavior.

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If you relapsed three times it means you got sober three times, which means you can get sober again, so go back to NA, AA or whatever A, fucked up or no, and start working a program again so you get sober again. Doesn't matter what happens tomorrow, just don't use, or use anything more today

> s it normal you lose memory after xanax?

YES, Jesus. I take it when I fly and holy shit, the next day I'm always waaaaay foggy in memory.

What do u mean by flying?

Oh like, in an airplane

if u take a higher dosage its normal to lose your memory, stop using xanax OP.

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How much do u take then?

Oh yeah completely normal.

This is like the first thing you should notice. I collapsed due to an overdose mixing xans and alcohol mostly but i was positive on more than 8 substances. Its a thing just make snaps or notes after you take them and write down how many there are left or where u put them.

it's very common i'd say for people to keep eating xans over and over again, my friends do it and they can eat so fucking many without realising it, its all about paying good fucking attention

Live stream it Faggot we need more gore content

Haha fucken soy boy can't handle his drugs

Benzos can absolutely wipe your memory when you eat them recreationally and with other stuff, its called retrograde amnesia, i woke up one morning not remembering the last two weeks because i was on a bit of a bender, friends i was with during said weeks said i seemed completely normal during and we got up to heaps of shit but remember none of it, only time ive ever lost memory in my life

It was a semi suicide attempt i knew what was goimg to happen and i didn't care. And i was 15 at the time. Haha funny.

Ah dam sorry to hear it failed user, theres always next time! Go get em tiger

No need to be so mean here

Take more pills like your soundcloud nigger friends

xans fuck with your memory and is even worse when you mix em with alcohol which is why you put em in the jungle juice and give to freshmen


When u cant even end it all smh

yes. it is

story is full of holes...OP is a faggot