Cred Forums i need help

Cred Forums i need help.
im 27 right now. for about 5-6 years now ive been playing vidya with friends. i enjoy it very much. the problem is that i have to binge drink while playing or else i get mad at the game and my gaming session lasts max 30min (as opposed to 6-8h when drinking).
drinking helps me relax a lot but i have no self control and i WILL get wasted pretty much every time i do it.
about half a year ago i met my current girlfriend whom i love a lot (we actually met in the game believe it or not) and we game together a lot. of course i still have to binge drink while playing but when i eventually lose control over what im saying, i cause dumb arguments between us and i hate myself for it.
stopping drinking = pretty much stopping playing vidya, and playing is a big part of our life. i cant stop drinking or stop playing. what do?

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get a job and anger management

im employed at a college as a lab instructor and im working on my PhD in computer science.
>anger management

can you try smoking weed

scared of getting caught while buying (illegal here)

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actually police phone # over here
nice try officer

i was a heavy weed fag for 5 years, just don't be a retard and you won't get caught.

I get very angry at video games too

idk man we have to manage our anger somehow but I have no idea how

Maybe realize that it's just a game and stop being a man child?
Some guys are good, you're probably garbage and hate yourself for it. stop being a faggot.

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Get healthy, eating only raw foods, don't make a big deal about it, and stretch and workout between matches.
You and your body and girlfriend and mind are all one, so take of one, take care of all, but hurt one and you hurt all.

it's not that
It's having 2 teammates going AFK every fucking match and then YOU losing because of it

Like no matter what the fuck you do, no matter how good you play, you will always lose because that's just what you are right? Just some fucking loser!

Winning or losing isn't important.
Having fun with a game is.
If you're playing a game with incosistent results like that, you're obviously not going to have a good time.
I like mechanics in games, if i can get the one thing i try to build up working, i see that as as success. I don't really need to win. And even if i do win it's not a big deal to me.
I get that maybe you're more competetive than me, but it sounds like you're playing the wrong game.

Winner winner

start doing weed! -> There, problem solved!
Thank me by posting nudes of your GF!
You´re welcome!

Smoke weed, it makes my anger disappear

Do it anyways

How can you have fun when your teammates ruin it for you?
You have to play differently based on their incompetence
It ruins the flow and strategy

I'm not even a very competitive person

Play something without teammates?
And if you can't do that, put together a team?

>plays competitive games
>surprised when he gets competitive

My skyrim or witcher 3 or some shit

Maybe you should focus on how you play instead of how wrong your teammates play.

be water, my friend

if real stop drinking
it's not worth it
even if you lose gaming

I did this for a few years. I couldn't play competitive gaming without driinking and because its my 2 favourite things and I enjoyed doing it. I would stay up late drinking every single night. It was effecting my relationships and work so I just stopped playing and it stopped me drinking. The hardest part was finding a game I enjoyed while not drinking and although I don't play as long I still enjoy a few rounds every now and then. Just have a break man and accept you probably can't go back to the samw game you drank while playing as it won't be the same and will make you drink. You're finally growing up and like a lot of things aren't as fun unless you're drinking. It's only upto you to make this desion and do something about and it pretty pathetic and not worth it if this sort of thing is fucking you up with no return.

sounds like a pretty clear cut alcoholism case (sorry bro). struggling to enjoy your pre-existing hobbies without booze is a huge flag that you have a serious issue.

After a few months clean, you'll almost certainly find yourself able to enjoy it without alcohol again. You just need time to reset

TLDR you're an alcoholic, go clean or it'll ruin your relationship

Who tf gets caught smoking weed

literally this.
be paranoid about it, but grow the balls to go get some even if it is illegal. being paranoid about it will help you be much more cautious.
It relaxes you much more than alcohol with 0 negative consequences the day after.

If you're worried about the detriment to your health, which I'm sure you're not, get a dry herb vape to consume your lettuce


By not bein a faggot