Rekt/gore thread

Rekt/gore thread

bonus for WW1 and 2 gore - seems very rare

Attached: Soldiers-severed-hand-Verdun-1916.jpg (626x534, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: FIPuqHz.jpg (797x1200, 133K)

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Bumping. Good pics OP

does anyone have the one where the black guy who's fucking the old guy pulls the knife out of his buttcheeks and goes to town?



Here you go user.

Attached: hardcore_faggitry.webm (352x240, 1.67M)

Attached: bump.webm (720x590, 509K)

Attached: chinese_cartwheel.webm (626x360, 1.6M)

I've seen this so many times.

Can someone explain

And no 'he didnt say no homo'

he didn't say no homo

Attached: doing_the_stomp.webm (380x209, 1.83M)

He had a knife in his ass the whole time and waited until then to pull it out and go for the kill.

Attached: blm.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)

Attached: cleanup_in_the_back_office.webm (640x360, 1.91M)

Yep thats a fucking nigger

Attached: 1577897074672.jpg (1280x1024, 194K)

Attached: black_man_to_the_rescue.webm (800x450, 1.65M)

Trips checked
Anymore nig gore?

Attached: black_tranny_love.webm (384x480, 1.3M)

Attached: chimp_rampage.webm (400x384, 1.95M)

Nigga should've given the other one some space. God damn he made him pay for being a moron

Attached: elevator_stabb.webm (420x340, 1.88M)

Should've said no homo....

yea a gay snuff. black guys got a razor attached to a string that's in his butt and slits his throat after he digs it out

Attached: how_to_calibrate_a_gun.webm (480x360, 1.32M)

Attached: 300.webm (300x200, 1.89M)

Cops are ruthless to black people. Started shooting and he didnt even look like a threat

Had a gun that being such a bbc sucking lefty

Attached: popo_in_america.webm (856x480, 1.86M)

I dont see any gun. Nig dumber than a bag of bricks to be charging at an officer with a gun

WTF the friend didnt even freak out this is in china huh

Attached: gta_0.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

>assumed the position at the end

Attached: DUa3gje.png (492x497, 214K)

Thank you user for sharing these

Attached: 1577019331297.webm (360x450, 1.92M)

Can someone explain this?

Attached: 1577023068643.webm (460x612, 1.98M)

Attached: monkey_see_monkey_steal.webm (900x506, 1.87M)

Cat charged officer so he had to put it down

Attached: ratchet4.webm (360x640, 1.71M)

Attached: pa9acosyu6d31.jpg (600x494, 33K)

Attached: fuck you bitch.gif (500x390, 961K)

Attached: y7v1Zste_2020220211640.jpg (675x900, 283K)

Attached: g7owe9ra_2020220211641.jpg (720x540, 117K)

Nigger nigging

Attached: Hyatt Regency Kansas City Hotel.jpg (1663x1200, 597K)

Americops are something else man. HOOOOLY roflcopter

>WW1 and 2 gore - seems very rare


Attached: 1576198763358m.jpg (1024x768, 98K)

Attached: raJZxn0.jpg (1600x1041, 291K)

Attached: zfjnfGQ.jpg (640x456, 152K)

Based nigger

a white cop being a white cop: traitor, cruel, and stupid.

Attached: C2.jpg (580x350, 77K)

Attached: full_chimp.webm (899x450, 1.01M)

Very redundant

Attached: The Station Nightclub fire disaster in Rhode Island.jpg (1000x800, 96K)

Are you blind? The cat shot itself twice

Attached: congrats_you_won_a_brick.webm (320x240, 724K)

robbing a store running towards 3 guys with guns

not a threat?

You are saying that like it's not enough to be a nigger lol. Ded nog gud nog

One of the most terrifying things I've ever seen

Cat? You fucking mental. That is a rabid beaver. Fire power was the only way to save the people on the freeway.

> Looser.

Attached: 3_strikes.webm (720x1280, 1.94M)

Attached: max_bat.webm (292x362, 1.97M)

Attached: future rocket scientist.webm (640x800, 1.4M)

He was trying to run away, you dense retard. He didn't charge at any of the cops. I know you like the taste of leather boots in your mouth but damn, chill. Your tongue must be raw by now.

he fucked with the wrong person. god damn

Attached: badass.webm (768x432, 1.31M)

she should have not got in that elevator or got out as soon as that nigger got on. why are white women so fucking dumb when it comes to race? this would have been the time to do some racial profiling

Attached: 1554546643980.gif (540x304, 1.78M)

Rabies probably

this is why I'm uneasy about killing a nigger or fighting one. I don't want that AIDS blood squirting on me.

If you're around something that makes up 50% of all violent crime yet only makes up around'd be nervous too

user, why do you upload the same fucking videos over and over again?

I've been watching the same shit content for 3 weeks now.

I think he's down bro

death to niggers and their filthy offspring

Attached: cooking_a_girl.webm (300x400, 1.75M)

Attached: comfy.webm (208x320, 1.92M)

so suddenly he fucking burns?

Attached: pkv2034dafm31.jpg (2560x1418, 208K)

That's some crazy shit, bro. Story?


Attached: flame_on1.webm (400x300, 1.82M)

They threw a lit match on him.
Foam burns really well.

Seems fake to be honest.



Attached: deep_web1.webm (320x180, 1.42M)

Someone said she killed/kidnapped some kid in an older thread but im not sure

ive seen some fucked up shit on these threads but this really is something else

What movie is this from?


Attached: deep_web2.webm (480x272, 1.24M)

seems real. anyone got more info?

Why are niggers sub human trash?

possibly documenting the disposal of a body for a customer.

Why won't people build stores in our neighborhoods? 'Cause dey racists.

Of course this is Chicago.


Attached: weee.webm (360x400, 1.56M)

Attached: I_stab_you.webm (524x362, 1.81M)

this is real or fake?

Very real.

Attached: frogman.webm (368x640, 1.99M)

He realized that red bull is not giving wings

60 IQ humor


Chinese guy thought he could do a bridge jump. Messed up the landing by dong a back landing.

Went to the bottom for a day or two, floated back up.

> job done.

Attached: floor.webm (700x392, 1.12M)

Herself and three others robbed and killed a taxi driver. the two guys got away but she got caught and then they beat her and set her alight until she ded

thanks, but i was actually referring to what looks like a basement cut up scene

Who are they? Why does one of them kill the other one? What year is this footage from?

Attached: 22792467_1286548894782771_7216474540118810917_o.jpg (707x1024, 108K)

He wasn't shot he was tazed. The first cop had a tazer in his hand.

TBH I don't know. I did try to research it.

Attached: bbq_party.webm (444x784, 1.7M)

I love how the white man immediatly loses his boner. When did this happen and why? What is the story behind the video?

Attached: 1576159773093.gif (294x342, 445K)

imagine the smell

Damn! Went full retard.

These posts are really EYE POPPIN to watch.

Attached: 1584db6d14bef786fc0b6672487b3f30e780eb1e123c0f62238aa3736b0352fb.webm (536x370, 1.84M)

That's because they know how unpredictable they are.

What's with all the hate? What did he do to get beaten like that?

Attached: disfraz-de-vaquero-del-salvaje-oeste-para-ninos-pequenos.jpg (1750x2500, 275K)

What film is this from?

Attached: D23BHzHXgAEcB_8.jpg (675x1200, 81K)

Ask the cunt that smashed it.

> Repost Cred Forumsro.

Attached: lil_kim.webm (400x500, 1.78M)

Short take of a death.


Smells like eastern european film to me.

Attached: farmer.webm (264x480, 1.25M)

german craigs list cadaver

Attached: dmx.jpg (800x450, 204K)

Where does the blood come from? He is just spinning.

Attached: 1575299947664m.jpg (1024x660, 76K)

Real. Happened last year, I believe. Dude jumped the fence into the white house, then lit himself in fire.

Look at his legs. After repeated smashing onto the cement ground, blood will eventually come out.

Ever heard of friction, you fucking idiot?

he drank that 40% vodka with no chaser?

how does he slide backwards?

>Can clearly see his legs smashing and grinding into the ground everytime he spins around
>Lmao where blood come from!?
Fucking retard

Attached: decap.webm (266x480, 1.83M)

Why do they do that to him?

Hot as fuck hnnnngg

He stole a goat.

Attached: pakistan_simulator.webm (1280x720, 478K)

Why are they hurting him?

scrape your leg repeatedly across a concrete floor a hundred times and see if it remains leak free

What happened here?

tnx user

Why doesn't no one SAVE her?

With the way he's packing everything up, it looks like he's teaching a client how to dispose of a body. Or he's just showing his abilites.

Why doesn't no one save him?

Attached: no_shoe_on_head.webm (220x400, 1.97M)

She killed a taxi driver, so she got killed too.

running at the cops isn't charging? You racist piece of shit.

What film is this from?

Always have to hit from behind.
Fucking lowlife subhuman parasites.
All niggers should just be executed at birth, they need eradicating.

if he was charging they would've shot him before was on even on camera

Is that Armin? I read somewhere long ago that he documented the butchering.

Explain what does that have to do with the blood, arsehole.

Attached: 8.png (415x650, 221K)

Attached: 10_points.webm (618x418, 389K)

Hope hes alright after that

What film is this from?

Same fagin?


Attached: i'm_so_stoned.webm (640x360, 1.65M)

it is a vacation video of two norwegian girls in marocco, very cultural

If you rub your head, hand, leg or anything for that matter on something long enough, your skin will tear eventually.

What part of RUNNING AWAY didn't you understand?

Found him : [email protected]

Why does she tremble?

lol why do they throw rocks at him?


Attached: john_wick.webm (498x360, 500K)

next time do your homework before accusing me of being a liar

What the fuck happened here? Who is the guy with the gun, where is he, what has he done with the other people in the room?

lol love watching white people get free naps

Attached: scandinavian-backpackers-at-first-then-was.jpg (1240x800, 186K)

lol what a fucking pussy

I hate both Fags and Mexicans. So this is the worst combination ever

talk shit get hit

Why were they beheaded?

Attached: descarga.jpg (300x168, 11K)

Don’t forgot to pick your cotton, nigger.

white non muslime. That's all they need.

I love watching niggers rot in prison.

That is no reason for killing someone.

Not rembember that spongbob chapter

At the expense of your taxes, is it worth it?

Not related to this thread but: what anime is that gif from?

holy shit, no one else is around noticing anything? why would you operate any machinery like that without at least ONE person around in case something goes wrong? jesus i can't imagine. hope he passed out really early and didn't have to be conscious during all that. shit.

No shit bro

around blacks, check their cracks

>No not my European Manbun Bag!

Attached: asses_of_fire.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

Sometimes mental illness is taken care of by society, and sometimes society takes care of mental illness.

I hope it was his parents house

Attached: 2 (6) (1).jpg (640x480, 66K)

For once I'm siding with the nigger. Got jumped, shot the assailant, cop stands there limp dick in hand until the situation is resolved and drops someone he saw act in legitimate self defense.

Attached: body_count.webm (899x562, 1.83M)

You remembered stop, but forgot the drop and roll part.

Attached: stop_and_drop.webm (375x375, 1.84M)

Foreigners love soccer so much that hey have to play even if they don't have a ball.

What film is this from? Reply!

Pakistan train station butane attack.

More dictators and politicians getting what they deserve please.

Because Brazil.

Lovers quarrel.

who were these people?

Where's the rest?

She was way too hot user

Attached: 1579624187876.jpg (852x854, 47K)

Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu

see this.

Nicolae Ceausescu, Communist official who was leader of Romania from 1965 until he was overthrown and killed in a revolution in 1989

ah that old bastard, i remember it being on the news about his wife who owned more shoes then anyone else back then. good to see she got a violent death.

>his hair isn't burning
fake and gay

Anyone got that HQ one of ISIS unloading a shotgun slug into some dude's head and it explodes like a pumpkin? Or any HQ ISIS executions? I've seen a few on here, don't hold out of me fags

dura mater, incredible

This actually happened in my town- groundhog was rabid.

It can be like that when the technology for cameras is fucking garbage. You know what else is rare? B: drive dos games from 1980s, only a couple hundred out of probably a few thousands are even listed online. Faggot.

Damn, he fell so hard his briefs turned into boxers. Not even the same fucking guy.

Attached: sides in orbit.gif (201x200, 81K)

go suck a cock you cock goblin

roadrage in turkey

shit hole country if there ever was one

Attached: thumbs.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

he's a white farmer

Imagine living until you are ~60 and then some nigger shoots you in the head on broad daylight.

stabbings in europe have seen an over 4000% rise in the last year and similar over the years before

let's import some niggers and arabs

Its from a movie called Long Pig. Its fake.

You ever squish an ant, and the other ants just carry on working around the dead ant?

what happend there?

neurological, she has an epileptic attack, most likely due to blunt trauma

Lit 2 cigarettes

Just let him fucking die. God. "don't worry bro we saved you. Now you'll just live in terrible agony for the rest of your life if you do live." his nerve endings were toast.

the nineteen people accosted for it said it was political protest against the white usurper europe (not making this up, just check out the sentencing, marrocan with english subs)

they also said they were ISIS
ISIS denied that

Those tits are hot!

i'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at here but it reminds me more than a bit of fruit loops

... You retarded? His legs are smashing the ground ya dumbass

Gabriel dropout

Construction contractor didn't follow bluprints and suspended walkways collapsed.

Attached: 1577654448723.webm (288x360, 1.92M)

Attached: 1579497638601.webm (640x352, 981K)

Attached: 1579544000719.webm (1920x1080, 1.69M)

Attached: 1579543539025.webm (400x736, 1.73M)

I'm hurt, can someone give me a hand?

Niggers going to nig. You need to see the whole video to get the context.

Attached: 1579543798670.webm (640x480, 1.39M)

Anyone got a decent image of the dangling body from thew new Orleans Hard Rock collapse. I cant see jack shit in any picture I find.

Attached: 1579543673369.webm (1276x720, 1.7M)

Noice file name! SAVED.

Attached: 1579543215486.webm (848x480, 1.92M)

Attached: soviet tank crew.jpg (1024x675, 115K)


Attached: 1578285621697.jpg (2048x1517, 299K)

KEK... At least he didn't miss.

Attached: 1579546725446.webm (480x360, 587K)

Attached: 1579547716430.webm (360x360, 1.47M)

orgasm user, thats how you do it to give le petit mort to your s.o.

Ciao, czeskus!

zoomer confirmed

Attached: 1579550566281.webm (400x300, 412K)

hahaha the dude that runs got shot in the ass


Attached: 1579551384219.webm (400x224, 890K)

Attached: Seaside Suicide.webm (300x400, 1.91M)

No way this happened in the US. Not one of those cops used his firearm or nighstick on the guy. Not one. Slacker Euro cops, right there.

That was the wife of a Filipino politician, Marcos I believe.

What happened with him?

Lit 2 fags

punishment for some kind of crime in the country, i assume.

Why did she do that?

It's a kid that took a couple shots from a shotgun. Nothing else could make those kinds of holes without any further damage.

Cant wait for the HOLOHOAX pictures.

Black magic

The woman in front right probably got it the worst.
EVeryone else got thrown around but its just blunt trauma to the face and body, her neck should have snapped in two at that angle

brain matter and skull fragments literally spray the camera holy shit

Something tells me that wasn't supposed to happen

Real. His name is Arnav Gupta of Bethesda, Maryland

how does this happen?

anybody got that picture of a human body without a head braked and serves like a thanksgiving meal (I think it was made out of bread an fake)

it could have got the rabies

fucking chinks...

Looks like he tried to reduce his impact by aiming for the ledge, but his haste made him miss it by just a few inches.

>more shoes
nah, that was imelda marcos from philipines

do you even know how many times his skin smashed the floor , and its skin being torn off

more like nigger life

And we are supposed to not be racist

I don't want to be racist. But niggers make it so damn hard.

Like in fucking gta, to fuck with the niggers

Chicken tendies came out cold

the revenge on the rape victim

Look it up yourself.

fuck i hate spics

Attached: spics.webm (640x360, 1.21M)

Attached: 1579529529386.webm (468x352, 1.78M)

Attached: 1579557849216.webm (270x360, 1.73M)

Always will be one of the sickest things I've ever seen. I am sitting here listening to George Michael's 'Jesus to a child'. How anyone could do this even to their worst enemy, nevermind a woman, and the crowds standing by. It's sick

Attached: 1579575871133.webm (640x640, 1.12M)

Attached: 1579562189234.webm (326x180, 772K)

well at least we are not niggers

this makes me so happy

Attached: zwergpudel.jpg (570x859, 56K)

post more

Attached: 1570915699113.webm (854x470, 1.92M)

Not far off though

Attached: 1579493073059.webm (620x349, 1.9M)

Attached: 1579774011950.webm (454x720, 1.9M)

love it

Attached: 1579562587419.webm (852x480, 1.99M)

Attached: 1579563765225.webm (588x458, 1.34M)

Attached: 1579579241685.webm (406x300, 788K)

Must have been an interesting feeling NOT hitting his girl for once nigs noggin

I really admire their racial unity. Look how the other guy, despite being unarmed stays to bravely help his wounded mate instead of just scrambling away like a monkey. They might be thieves sure, but they are brothers before that. Even if things get bad they stick together until the end!

[Edit] Oh wait no, Jamal just ran.

Long Pigs (2007)

Long Pigs (2007)

Long Pigs, it's a found footage horror film.

how sure are you about that? i mean sure, spanish spics are not niggers

but those in south america? depends a lot on which side of the mountain or equator

only possible because he's not in a majority nigger school

A typical nigger monkey reaction. They say there has been no "rage gene" found in Humans, that's true, but I bet they haven't research niggers.


Theres a second part that shows her parents coming and saving her. She lived.

wow this is great, I can't properly understand how beautiful this is

continue being inferior, nigger.

Attached: 1577986953594.jpg (900x1200, 176K)