YLYL, but actually funny

YLYL, but actually funny
Only post things you have lost to..

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Yall some unfunny mf

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Truth, don't take me feds!

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Love /x/ sometimes

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Mfw posted EVERY picture in thread >~>

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Is what Cred Forums has become. Nobody else with anything funny to contribute. RIP

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This one's a classic

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This is why we can't have nice things

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A good start to the thread

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I'm in the military and know exactly the hardships our men go through to keep America safe. These boys are narcissistic bums addicted to retweets.

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Sure thing welfare queen.

And you boys serve what? Have fun with this one!

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And what do you do for a living then?

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Pay the taxes you live off of.

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Keep America safe from higher gas prices


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From what? The tax from cigarettes your welfare provides while you jerk off to Bernie Sanders?

wow, a get on a slow as shit imgboard that gets 1 post per minute.

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You are going to be so triggered in November. It will be beautiful

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Liberal Jew magik

Well we are on Cred Forums so I'm telling you guys nothing new, but imho humour has the right to offend people. It's sometimes hard to distinguish tho, some peole will use that to outright insult people and then say it was just a joke. But nowadays people get offended by virtually everything. Which is okay, they just can't expect me to give a crap about their feelings. And this comes from somebody who's actually politically left. But from the actual libertarian side, not that authoritarian left in the US that calls themselfs liberals...

Agreed. Everyone has the right to say anything, just like anyone else can tell them to shut the fuck up when they do.

And the neoliberals are garbage people. Just as bad as any cuckservative. If amerifats want to maintain any kind of decent life in 2030, Bernie is the only one worth voting for. Everyone else is trying to fill some rich cunts pocket

Lost super hard

Bro shut the fuck up

Did you not look at the time stamps?

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The fuck is lgbtqia+?

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youtube sauce?


sigh lol, it's come to this. years and years and years and it takes this level of edgy autism to get me to crack

lost pretty good

Nice trips

A disease

I’m super christian and this made me laugh.

That took 10 seconds on my phone

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>implying the guy on the left looks respectable or masculine
>implying that is an old photo

>t. person suffering from mental illness

lost for some reason
that one on the right is a fucking cartoon character. Does she actually pass out for a split second there?

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The dude looks like Tsar Nicholas. I'd have a lot of questions if I found out I was the direct surviving descendant of a family that was wiped out.

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>being this desilusional

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And one last for all of you fagots

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the bigger pie for all is capitalism but when you only get one slice in stead of two from the first you think you get less

never mind the fact you have a computer in your pocket

are you like super soaker but except of soaking you christ?

You've got it all, but anything to live for.

bunch of faggots claiming the alphabet as their sexuality

Nah the bigger slice of pie is capitalism if you gtfo your ass and work, SJW's don't work and complain about lack of pie and wonder why pie earners view them with distate

wow stop being so offensive or i'll screencap you to /r/fragilewhite/b/tard

More like, I learned to bake, then baked the pie for my family, the government comes and take half of the pie. Gives it to people who chose to not learn to bake and are now hungry. Then tells me is my responsibility to make sure they dont go hungry.

got me

like how they just instantly let go of each others hands :^)

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I don't get it. Animal testing is not funny YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!

that ass...how are traps gay again?

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If you are wondering how to improve yourself as a human being, learning how to put toilet roll the correct way is a good start.

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There is no correct way you fucking fascist. It literally doesn't matter which way you put it on. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Except there actually is you fucking mouthbreather.

Good post

Yes, and the salad fork belongs only on the left side. Fuck outta here

I didn't get it, pls explain

One way is retarded, one way is logical. If you can't work out which is which, you are in the right place.

Not really

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No one gives a shit about your salad fork, that only affects you. The way you put toilet paper pisses off everyone else who uses that bathroom.

He won though...

Who gives a fuck about logical? It's fucking toilet paper. The fact that people even care about this is not logical
>getting pissed about having to reach a tiny bit farther to grab your toilet paper
Fucking first world problems. If people weren't so god damn sensitive about a non-issue they wouldn't get pissed off in the first place

Pls drop more

It's amusing you talking about people getting upset
>ree fascist ree

Just do it properly and everybody is happy, cause despite the fact that you're here posting about it, you simultaneously don't care.

I chuckled

>Just do it properly and everybody is happy, cause despite the fact that you're here posting about it, you simultaneously don't care.
Who decided that was the proper way? Next you're going to tell me I have to pee sitting down because that's the proper way. The reason I'm pissed is because of thinking like that, which I think is a little more important than fucking toilet paper

>be me
>be a combat vet
>see piece of shit larpers get upset
Get off the pedestal

I've already said that and you clearly are in the right place.

>hurr I'm right and I don't have to explain myself
Are you making the logical argument again? Well logical isn't always the fucking best. They will say it's logical to pee sitting down because there's no chance of pee getting on the seat. Fuck you and your SJW arguments

In this case it is, now quit not caring or being upset and correct your toilet roll, I know it's the wrong way round.

it takes the same amount of time to do it correctly so just dont be a retard and do it right.


You're confusing "logical" for "convenient". The definition of logical you're using is the same as judgement. Your judgement is no more "logical" than anyone elses. It all boils down to you get triggered over something that doesn't even matter and you want other people to cater to your feelings. Fuck off SJW

Don't mind them, they're just insecure.

The convenient option is the logical option, what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to think otherwise?
I love how salty you get while calling others salty

Penis = gay. Unless you survive by telling lies to yourself that you don't even actually believe because deep down inside what you really want is to have sex with a penis, just not an aggressive one because youre mentally just a simpleton.

Ah, the classic Cockboot.

>The convenient option is the logical option
Based purely on your judgement and anyone who agrees with you. Your logic doesn't apply to everyone who disagrees with you, but apparently they should follow your logic because you judged it to be more convenient for them.
If a crazy person says toilet paper gives them cancer, that's logical for them. Should we ban toilet paper based on that persons logic if enough people agree with it? That doesn't seem very convenient to me to have no toilet paper

Fuck me billy

This man is doing God's work...

> what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to think otherwise?
I never said it was less convenient, I even agreed with you that it's less convenient. I only said it was a non-issue. My problem and entire argument is based on the fact that you think people should cater to your beliefs, and that's fucking retarded. If you can't understand that then I'm done here I guess

>If a crazy person says toilet paper gives them cancer, that's logical for them
It really isn't user

What if you enjoy emasculating them, and it's more about power that sexual attraction. Still gay?

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Do both of you have a penis? Than it's gay

There is no objective logic. What's logical/convenient for you may not be for others. Even if it makes absolutely no logical sense to you, it makes perfect sense to someone else, and just because you disagree with that person doesn't give you the right to tell them what they should do.

Logic is just a good tool for deciding these things, its not a perfect tool. We vote on laws, but not all laws are perfect just because enough people agree with them.

In this community apparently nobody even knows what a meme actually is. I find it frickin' vexing. Everybody just thinks it's a picture with a funny caption. That's just friggin' image manipulation, my dudes. A meme "is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture" according to WikiPedia and it intentionally rhymes with gene, cause it's kind of a commonly shared information in a community. So about 99% of people here posting something and flavouring it a "meme" are actually just shitposting, cause their thing hasn't spread at all yet.

Cracked. Thx u

Here's some objective logic for you. Method A requires you to touch the same section of steel that the person before you touched, during the process of wiping their ass. Method B does not.

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Stay in arts and craft, you have no idea what logic is.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Like the door you touched to get in the bathroom isn't covered in shit particles.

What you said doesn't even make sense because you can just push the roll until theres more paper for you to grab on and your hand doesn't brush against the metal.

Do you not see how ridiculous it is that you care about these little things? You keep saying that I'm salty about you being salty, so fucking what? My salt is based on arguments that must be pretty solid because you haven't refuted them yet, your salt is based on something that shouldn't even be a fucking issue in the first place. And just because you make it an issue, doesn't mean other people are illogical for not agreeing with you.

I only get salty about this because I want people to challenge my arguments and thoughts so I can learn and better them, but when nobody challenges anybody on their bullshit, you have no second opinion on your thoughts, and are more biased. It's sad that we live in a world where people can't talk about politics or religion without trying to be right or wrong, instead of trying to learn from eachother

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>N-n-no it is you w-w-who is t-triggered

Orr, you could put the roll the right way round and not be a tard.

It's a tool for understanding the world. It's based on subjective reasoning. Your logic/beliefs/reasoning isn't right just because you believe it is, or just because lots of people agree with you. That's all I'm saying

You get upset when the toilet paper isn't put on the roll the "right" way, and you call me a tard? Get checked for ass burgers

No, what you said was it doesn't matter. If that's the case, put it the right way around, doesn't matter to you either way.
I'm not the one upset, I'm applauding user for his lockpicking antics, you're here simply because you're salty.

>No, what you said was it doesn't matter. If that's the case, put it the right way around, doesn't matter to you either way
I already do put it on the right way. The toilet paper was never the issue, it was always your beliefs/logic that was my issue

>I'm not the one upset, I'm applauding user for his lockpicking antics, you're here simply because you're salty.
You think there's a right and wrong way to put the toilet paper on the roll, so clearly you feel something. If you weren't upset at all, you wouldn't even think there's a right or wrong way, or even be here commenting. Maybe upset isn't the best word, but you clearly feel something.

"right" way. Fuck me a typo just ended my entire argumentation. Going to hero now boys, good talk

Aye, I feel lockpick user righted the world in a small way, props to him. Given you don't care, I'm not sure why you're still posting.

Yay my bread is still here after 2 hours o sleep, time to keep trekkin on friends!

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I said earlier I don't care about the toilet paper, I only care about the logic that goes behind saying something is right or wrong. In this case it's not a big deal, but the same "right or wrong" kind of thinking can be a problem. Maybe that's a slippery slope argument, idk. It just bothers me a little bit when people say there's a right and a wrong way to do things, like who made you the judge? Just because you and a lot of people agree on something, doesn't make it right or wrong, just the most logical or convenient.

If it had been said from the beginning that it was more convenient to put the toilet paper on the "right" way, I would have agreed from the start. Right and wrong are not logical though, and that's my problem

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it's not

>If it had been said from the beginning that it was more convenient to put the toilet paper on the "right" way, I would have agreed from the start. Right and wrong are not logical though, and that's my problem

I want to clarify, I mean if it had been said the toilet paper was put on the "convenient" way, then I would have agreed, but saying it was put on the "right" way implies that other people's way is wrong, and that's my only problem. Nobody is arguing the convenience, I'm just arguing you shouldn't tell people they shouldn't do stupid or inconvenient things when it really doesn't affect you (inb4 but I might get poopy on my hands) when there is poop on your phone, money, the door, the sink, but you only care about the toilet paper? That makes no sense

I think have a truly become pic related. Hahahaha

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Connect moar...

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3 (olook,mahtrips)

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This picture needs to happen

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missed out by not putting bin ladan on the right. Would of made it funnier.

And this one you could of put gerbels or something

Huh me and my friends always called it bootcock, never realized it could be cockboot too.

Left this open when I looked at phone, got a bit scared for a second when I looked back up. well played.

This is why I hate people. I make a good argument, get misinterpreted and dismissed as salty, and people call me the retard while they just drop in their two cents, make no argument, and then leave. You can call me whatever you want all day, but atleast attack my fucking arguments you dumb faggots

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I've just realized. It's connect six!

Wats the gud news

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The double... that's pretty good.

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This really isn't a world for smart people. If you want to fit in you can't have any nuanced opinions otherwise people won't understand and just call you salty. Instead of trying to understand an argument or help someone understand their argument they just care about being right or wrong. They claim to use logic and argue with emotion. They don't even understand their own misconceptions and then claim that yours are stupid and wrong. I really and truly am fucking depressed by the cowardice and stupidity of the average person. What the fuck man

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toilet paper is the "wrong" way around. He picked the lock to flip the rolls into a more accessible position.

I think it's the whole "meet your son" bit, but i may be looking too deep

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My nigger.

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why is her butt a boy?

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I don't know man, might not be a good idea to make fun of Slaanesh.

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She's got a masculine anus, it's like a feminine penis.

A couple of decades of hard drug abuse dumbs you down and helps you fit in. Worked for me.

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No one going to point out 666
on Heretics - 0?

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It tears differently and is more hygienic.

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Heyhey, i woulda pointed myself out if I nocticed, but the mobile version sucks AIDs

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I'd rather smoke weed and be alone than go down that rabbit hole
So that would make it more convenient to use, not more correct.

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Hygiene shouldn't be considered a convenience. There have been many many studies to show that in a public area, it also wastes less toilet paper.

Putting it on the wrong way increases the chances of people taking more than intended.

Economically, there is only one right answer.

Made the picture funny

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Welp looks like Batman's been fooled by the fear gas again.

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God damn it...
Slow scroll for the win sir.

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This that shit that get me. Older chan oc

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A true hero.

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It was already funny, we knew what was inside, you ruined it by spelling it out.

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yes and then when she wakes up for a split second she doesn't know where she is.
Quite hilarious.

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If hygiene is the issue then carry around hand sanitizer. The hygeine argument doesn't hold up when there's poop particles on things you use every day and we are still fine.

>Putting it on the wrong way increases the chances of people taking more than intended.
That makes no fucking sense and I want to see that study. I do agree that its easier to rip when you put it on the convenient way but we already both agree that it's more convenient to put on that so why bring it up

I can't tell if I'm arguing semantics are if people genuinely believe there's a right way and a wrong way. It would be nice if people said what they meant instead of just assuming people know what they mean when it comes to nuanced shit

Lost dammit


That’s Nicholas II you retard.

Most people don't apply hand sanitizer directly to the toilet paper before using it.

Its more of a danger with people with hemorrhoids or tears.

cringe thread for people born before the 90s

So many OvO

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If you're giving head to a girl its not a girl, it's a trap.
And you're turbo gay.

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You’re the one that called someone a fascist for changing the orientation of toilet paper, but everyone else is getting too upset over TP.

Fucking a trap is roughly 2.19% gay

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That makes sense. But I never said it wasn't any less convenient to put it on that way. And if people are taking more toilet paper because it was put on the "wrong" way then that has more to do with people being retarded. I agree it's easier to rip on the "right" way, but its not a huge fucking difference, and just because it's easier to rip, doesn't mean people still take as much as they fucking want/need. This is off
topic anyway.

I'm just genuinely confused if people are saying right and wrong and meaning it, or if they actually mean it's more logical/convenient

This made me cringe. If you read anything, you would see I called him a fascist for saying the logical way was the "right" way. What people think is "right and wrong" is their own damn business, which is why I called him a fascist. And you can sit there and think "you're the one being cringe", but atleast I'm decent enough to try to understand your arguments, instead of just shitting on you and running off

I’ve seen this 5 or 6 times and it only just occurred to me that the squirrel died because he ate the condom, not because someone fucked him to death. Am I deranged or just retarded?

Needs a better loop

(And I've said I don't give a shit about the TP multiple times and even agreed that the "convenient" way is better, but that doesn't make it right or wrong)

Nice, I lost.

>This made me cringe.
I now understand the problem. You're 12.

Holy shit

why is trump with george carlin?

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this is what my dad posts on facebook

But like I said I agree with your point here. This is the only point that makes moral/right or wrong sense to me. But that's still beside the point

i giggled

Silly bastard

That's just Cred Forums for you.

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Except trump was doing that as he was listening to someone speak- Manson just did that in answer to a question. The left cant meme.

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>You're 12
Says the guy using twitch memes lel xD rawr
Nah, it's not just Cred Forums. I've talked to friends and family about nuanced issues like this and they always basically say "I'm too ignorant to know better, but that's just my opinion". My problem is it can be dangerous to have opinions without knowledge. Ignorance is something governments have been exploiting forever and people don't care. That's why they say knowledge is power. But people only care about what they FEEL is right or wrong,instead of what they think; they never think about what's the most logical. That's why I got triggered when he said there's a "correct" way to do something

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I feel you, user. I've had these exact feelings about everyone, not just on the b/fb/tardnet. I read that a sign of narcissism is thinking that you're more intelligent and informed than everyone else, but if it was actually true, would you still be a narcissist? I mean, someone in the world must be the most informed, smartest person alive, so it could be me.

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The original patent shows the roll on the "correct" way.

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>so many heretics

always gets me

God Cred Forums was filled with losers and attention whores back then, it's way better now, less circle jerks

Hahaha KKK approved


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I don't think I'm smarter than anyone. I don't know shit. I'm just neurotic and constantly thinking about shit
>"correct" way
My nigger.

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OK hadn't seen that one. Would kek again.

To serve the corporate interest at home and abroad and secure the future of Israel.

That makes it even gayer. You're not doing something to get off, you're doing something because its gay and that GETS you off

you are gay.

I'm not gay, I'm just a little bike-curious

> gaylords trying to cope

Praise the oldfags ima so sorry i did not want to anger the memeoverlords Cred Forums was at least many times better back then with famous troll like p00l's close hahaha so epic we was kangs of the intranet hundreds of 12 years old playing abbo with black guys very edgy , they never told their parents about it could have been dangerous to reveal their twisted fucking psychopath personality disorder we made nazi symbole epic fuck the world

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Is it gay if a girl makes you wear a blindfold and goes to suck your dick, but then a guy comes in and sucks it but the whole time you think it's a girl?

He's wrong though.

He took the average "weight" of 70 kg and divided by 9.81 m/s2 to get the average mass of 7.1 kg? There's something not right here

Yet a new era of peace and prosperity were brought about once they were banned by the Galactic Empire.

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Yes. Being raped by a fag is gay

>believe something you read online
typical redditor

bukkake means "covered in sauce", it comes from food (such as bukkake udon)

It actually means "to sprinkle"
t. Japanese

Fuck I lost

>when you aren't smart enough to get into college and too stubborn to go to a trade school

Take your vaccines goy! Drink the fluoride water goy! Get you flew shot goy! Mutilate your babies dick goy! Drink the soy goy! Pay no attention to the massive rise in mental disorders in your children goy!

that's not what I learned when I ordered bukkake udon at the sushi bar and was laughing at bukkake

Nah man it's only gay if you want it to be. We can be whoever we want to be in this world. I may be human on the outside, but on the inside I'm a red fox. *growls and walks away*


What the hell is a female enabler?

Is the Yakuza getting smaller in Japan? I heard a story about them and this girl. It's really fucked up and depressing but I'll post the wiki link if you want

Nice shoop. Original is marginally less awful at 16/36.

Fucking loser

>red fox
Lets ask Red Fox what he thinks

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They serve the jews


Careful with the sarcasm, this fox has claws >:-)

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What part of penis = gay are you too ignorant to understand.

Have fun with your children's diseases fuckboi

This has been my first interaction with a furry and I can feel your parents disappointment even through the internet.

alfred chicken

>im 12 and dont belong here

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No yakuza are still powerful they control sega and konami and are making fortune in pachinko every crime they do, they drop it on the chinese triad since the yakuza also control the judges and cops

You must be new here 12 is the average age of Cred Forums poster

Did the math myself. Dunno what he meant by that, but to calculate the volume of a person he used the 70kg. So the math is solid. The logic, less so.

Need to remove CNN and The Origin of Race stats, they're flawed and often wrong, makes the whole post look like shit. Only use the actual facts / stats, otherwise it just looks like shitty cherry picked data libtard.

That's scary. The girl I was talking about was a victim to the Yakuza and even though 100 people knew about her, none of them called the police because they were scared.

Are the Yakuza mainly in Tokyo?

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Lol now show the stats that proves asian brain are 33%Bigger than white brainlet

Only 48% of blacks have herpes? The global infection rate is closer to 90%, most of us are just asymptomatic.

There's 200 000 yakuza and yes they are mainly in tokyo and kyoto-Osaka-Kobe

That makes me want to stay away from those places, even though they are awesome and very safe

Please be sarcastic

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>batmans mom is dead before he learns to batman

It's a whole ass man. That's how.

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Only an idiot would post that quote by Carlin. The distribution of the intelligence quotient is very leptokurtic with most people's IQ being very close to the mean. Carlin's quote suggests that the stupid people (below the mean) are a lot stupider than those above when in fact the difference is marginal. Most people are about equally intelligent.

>I have to explain jokes because I'm slower than everyone else on the uptake

No, don't you get it, it's because they're dead, not witches. Dumbass.


typical leftist

Cope as hard as you love your dicks, faggie the fag.


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