“Yeah, good. OK.” Thread

“Yeah, good. OK.” Thread

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Yeah, good. OK.

This is Op

Attached: 1552235445300.webm (480x600, 1.51M)

When did he say this?

Forbidden Cred Forums pass

That's basically what BLM did to Bernie at that rally.

Yeah, Good. OK.

Nothing is Chad about this. Bernie is a cuck who is getting screwed for a second time and refuses to stand up for himself.

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Tom Steyer said some insipid BS to him and that was Bernie's reply.

Making angry monkey noises is not "standing up for themselves"

Yeah, Good. Ok

>>most popular current politician in America
>>leading in the polls
>>single-handedly changed the debate on every topic
>>”getting screwed”

Yeah, Good. OK.


He is getting screwed. People just hate everybody else and the establishment in general so much that it's not working.

This is abnormal.

"I don't believe any democrat has our best interest at heart, but these other huge assholes HAAAAATE the dude, so maybe he's alright" is a real factor in this election.

This. The elites' hate for him is making him stronger.


Take a 101 level class on statistics and polling.

For some reason i keep getting a 403 error going there. If i turn on my VPN it doesn't happen.

>I don't believe any democrat has our best interest at heart
That's the part that will keep dems out of office for a very long time. They are anti first and second amendment and pro demographic replacement. Fuck them, one and all. No meme will ever get past that, you shareblue shills do not understand Cred Forums.

Polls don't really seem to support that notion. And before you say the polls didn't seem to support trump - no, they did. There was a perfectly reasonable chance trump would win according to the polling, the pundits just refused to believe it so they pretended that it wasn't happening.

The pundits are currently trying to pretend that bernie sanders isn't winning.

How will you respond when the DNC screws him again at a brokered convention?

I honestly hope he does win. I'd consider moving to america for the first time in my life. (I wouldn't, too expensive for daily shit)

Polls aren't a great depiction of who believes what. Just ask yourself "who did they pole?". Was it you? Your dad? Your grandma? Not just that but it's hilariously easy to manipulate numbers on these things.

Bernie has the momentum to win. Just look at the response he gets from crowds. He's got fox news viewers to cheer his platform. Google it.

Most people in the states seem to want what he's selling. His major problem is that trump and his deep pockets can pay for campaigns to muffle that truth. Idiots see the polls and like the proles they are side with whoever the talking heads tell them is winning. All that said, I wouldn't be surprised if Bernie loses in spite of his obviously stronger ideas. Money is unfortunately power after all and the US political system is one big corrupt joke.

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>I would immigrate to america if Trump won
That's funny m8. You should do standup

>I would immigrate to america if Trump won
I meant bernie.
Even though something hits me as disingenuous, it's no more so than anyone else but at least he is saying stuff that neither party wants to say.

nice cookie trail

Thank you?

bernie is the fucking man. tired of all these corporate sponsored presidents fucking things up. if you think theres a difference between bush, clinton, obama, or trump, you're a fucking incel cuck that needs to go take some fucking polsci.

I think anybody taking a class would complicate, not simplify, a given political science concept like that.

clarify? i meant how every one of them has cut medicare and social security, while increasing military and border spending and increasing the national deficit. policies at the top are identical. i guess no one should have to, but i said if you think there's a difference between them. its pretty simple to explain, sure, but we're talking about someone who can't grasp a simple statement that makes sense. they would prob need a semester.

Bernie wants to bring socialism to America.... socialism is pretty much doomed to fail every time due to human nature.
We really need a wig party resurgence.

>socialism is pretty much doomed to fail every time due to human nature.
Please educate us on human nature and socialism to enlighten us as to how you came to this conclusion.

>every one of them has cut medicare and social security, while increasing military and border spending and increasing the national deficit

except that's not true. i'm not gonna sit here and deny corporate influence on politicians on both sides but treating these people as carbon copy puppets is clearly false and it hurts your argument to say shit like this

>hurts your argument

>When you beat on your own argument because it didn't make the sandwich right